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Guff Runetotem

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NeutralGuff Runetotem
Image of Guff Runetotem
Title <Friend to All That Thrives>
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 68-70
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Wild Coast & Hissing Grotto, Waking Shores; Ruby Feast, Valdrakken; Barrows of Reverie, Emerald Dream
Status Alive
Relative(s) Runetotem clan, Hearthstone Hamuul Runetotem (great-uncle)
Guff Runetotem in World of Warcraft.

Guff Runetotem is a tauren located at the Wild Coast and Hissing Grotto in the Waking Shores. He can be seen petting a hornswog.

He appears as Chef Guff at the Ruby Feast in Valdrakken on Saturdays. On the table next to him, he has Fresh Kalimdor Herbs and Un'Goro Grains. On his buffet table, one may find  [Druidic Dreamsalad],  [Stonetalon Bloom Skewer], and  [Dragonfruit Punch].

He can be seen next to Arthur Tradewind at the bottom level of the Barrows of Reverie in the Emerald Dream.


Waking Shores gossip

Hey, is it adventuring time? Guff loves that time.

Valdrakken gossip

My mother used to say that tiny seeds to lead to vibrant growth. I find opportunities like the one that Chef Rumi and Chef Morsel have offered to me are just the type of seeds needed to help the bonds between cultures grow vibrantly.

My name is Guff, or Chef Guff in circles like this one. Whether they be fruit, vegetable, or berry, I specialize in those wonders that grow from Azeroth's plentiful soil.

Feel free to try my offerings on the table near our hosts. Spread word of these foods with you like pollen from a flower. No matter what corner of the world you're from, whether you have wings, claws, or horns, you will surely delight in a bite of culinary deliciousness.

Main article: The Sea Out West#Notes
Main article: Rambling Delight#Notes
Barrows of Reverie dialogue
Guff Runetotem says: I thought maybe it was thirsty. I just wanted to give it a drink.
Arthur Tradewind says: Did you drop it? Everyone knows you never put them in water!
Guff kneels down on the ledge of the well.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Guff Runetotem is a Hearthstone-original character who debuted in Forged in the Barrens. He is the great-nephew of Hamuul Runetotem and has a boundless awe for the beauty and power of nature. His compassion for nature extends even to the smallest plants; he once held funeral rites for a grass clipping. Though his animal instinct will go wild if nature or his friends are harmed, he's considered soft and tender even among. He was sent to the Barrens by his uncle Hamuul in hopes of toughening him up.

Guff's chapter in the Book of Mercenaries sees him lead the Horde mercenaries into the Wailing Caverns, to free Naralex and his disciples from the influences of the Emerald Nightmare and a shard from a fallen Naaru.

He also appears as...



Patch changes

External links

Hearthstone On the Hearthstone Wiki