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NeutralFiregut ogres
Main leader Unknown
  Formerly  Gor'tesh the Brute Lord †
 Gorlop †
Race(s) Ogre Ogre
IconSmall OgreMage.gifOgre mage Ogre mage
Capital Dreadmaul Rock
Other major settlements Blackrock Stronghold
Theater of operations Burning Steppes
Language(s) Ogre, Orcish
Affiliation Dark Horde
  Formerly Old Horde
Status Active

The Firegut ogres of the Burning Steppes are allies of the Blackrock orcs. They work closely with those orcs, keeping the mineral rich Dreadmaul Rock guarded and the supply lines open at all times.[1]

For a short time they were led by Gor'tesh until he was killed. Gorlop leads the clan currently... until he fell into lava.

All Firegut ogre mobs have [Flamestrike] as a racial ability.


Name Status Location
IconSmall Ogre.gif Gorlop Deceased Burning Steppes
IconSmall Ogre.gif Gor'tesh the Brute Lord Deceased
IconSmall OgreMage.gif Krom'Grul Deceased
IconSmall Ogre.gif Hahk'Zor Killable
IconSmall Ogre.gif Gorgon'och Killable
IconSmall Ogre Female.gif Ogg'ora Icon-RPG.png Unknown


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Fire-Gut are led by Chief Ogg'ora and make their home in Fire-Gut Rock in the Burning Steppes.[2]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Considering their mound is called Dreadmaul Rock, they could have been a part of the Dreadmaul tribe from Blasted Lands.
