Fall damage

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Fall damage is environmental damage inflicted upon a player when they fall from a certain height. Death caused by fall damage causes the same 10% durability loss to equipment as a normal PvE death.

Water does not cause any falling damage unless player hits the ground underwater, also if player is under some sort of water walking effects before submerging to water the damage will be caused as much as it would on normal ground.

Fall damage no longer causes rogues to lose [Stealth] or druids to lose [Prowl]. In both cases (rogue, cat-form druid), the damage the character takes from falling is reduced; the distance these characters can fall without taking damage is greater than for other characters.

Damage mitigation

Fall damage can be completely avoided by falling into a body of water (just make sure you land in deep water if you're falling from a very high place; falling far enough will cause you to become submerged, meaning shallow water might not save you). Fall damage can also be mitigated by various items, abilities, and skills. As with all other environmental damage (except fire damage), fall damage cannot be mitigated by regular damage absorption abilities such as [Power Word: Shield] and [Ice Barrier], or the effects of the  [Talisman of Arathor],  [Defiler's Talisman], and  [Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt].



  • The priest ability [Levitate], among other things, applies an aura that slows fall speed. It has a 10 minute duration. This can be used on other players.
  • The mage ability [Slow Fall] applies an aura that slows fall speed. It has a 30 second duration, and mounting doesn't cancel the aura. This can be used on other players.
  • The mage ability [Blink] can be used right before impact with the ground to reset fall speed to zero, although it must be timed carefully.
  • The mage spell [Ice Block] makes the caster immune to falling damage.
  • A warrior can use the [Charge], [Intervene], or [Heroic Leap] abilities to complete their fall shortly before landing to avoid taking any falling damage. This requires something at the bottom of the fall to target at, as well as careful timing, and (if using Charge) will put the warrior into combat with that target.
  • Paladins' [Divine Shield] makes the paladin immune to all damage, including fall damage. [Hand of Protection] works too.
  • A druid can use the ability [Wild Charge] to avoid falling damage in various ways depending on their shapeshift form. In normal form, it can be used to "charge" an ally. In [Cat Form] or [Bear Form], a druid can charge at an enemy target, see RAWRbomb for details. In [Moonkin Form] or [Travel Form], a druid can reset their falling damage right before impact with the ground. All of these techniques require careful timing.
  • A druid with the [Displacer Beast] talent can use it shortly before hitting the ground, with careful timing, similar to a mage's [Blink].
  • A druid can instantly switch into flight form during a fall, unless in combat, as long as they are in a zone where they have the proper flight ability trained.
  • A rogue can use [Shadowstep] or [Shadowstrike] on an enemy target to avoid falling damage; requires careful timing.
  • A goblin can use the racial ability [Rocket Jump] right before impact with the ground to reset fall speed; requires careful timing.
  • A hunter can use the ability [Disengage] right before impact with the ground to reset fall speed; requires careful timing.


Uses of damage mitigation

Reduced damage from falling opens up several opportunities for players. Among other things, players with enough fall damage mitigation can avoid waiting for lifts in Thunder Bluff, Thousand Needles, Searing Gorge, and Shattrath City.

See also