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Direct Our Wrath

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NeutralDirect Our Wrath
Start Altruis the Sufferer / Kayn Sunfury
End Altruis the Sufferer / Kayn Sunfury
Level 10-45
Category Demon Hunter Campaign
Class Demon hunter Demon hunter
Experience 1,500
Rewards 1g 54s
Previous N Demon hunter [10-45] Time is of the Essence
Next N Demon hunter [10-45] Return to the Fel Hammer


Select your first assault point on the Broken Isles.

  • Initial strike point chosen


The Tomb of Sargeras is the Legion's primary entrance into our world - it must be destroyed.

No easy task, but until we have the means to do so we must do what we can to stop their invasion.

The Legion used this citadel to spearhead invasions on other worlds - we can use its navigation systems to plan our own assault against them.

You, of course, must take the honor of first breaking ground on their territory, but we will soon follow.

We must seal the Tomb of Sargeras at all costs or the flow of demons will never cease.

Until then, we must do what we can on the ground to alleviate their foothold before it grows further.

This citadel was created to spearhead Legion invasions on other worlds - we can use its navigation systems to plan our assault.

I think you would agree that none would be better suited to lead our charge than you.


You will receive:

  • 1g 54s
  • 1,500 XP



I trust your judgment just as Lord Illidan always has.


Well-chosen. The Legion will soon fear the very sight of the Illidari on the battlefield.

Agreed. You are as skilled a tactician as myself.


On accept
Kayn Sunfury says: Thanks to your power, we can use the Fel Hammer to plan out every aspect of our assault.

Interact with the board to choose one of four zones to quest in next. With the new zone-scaling tech, all four of the leveling zones work for 100-110 leveling:


The once-idyllic island paradise of Azsuna is being invaded - the Legion rains death from above. Queen Azshara's naga rise from the depths below, and the cursed ghosts of the island's former inhabitants stir. All seem drawn to a relic of great power hidden deep within the elven ruins.

Begins quest N [10-45] Paradise Lost, starting the Azsuna storyline.

The ancient forest of Val'sharah is the home of the demi-god Cenarius and the birthplace of druidism. Malfurion Stormrage has returned to these sacred woods to commune with his great mentor and reclaim the Tears of Elune.

Begins quest N [10-45] The Tranquil Forest, starting the Val'sharah storyline.

One of the last great frontiers of the Broken Isles. Highmountain dominates the northern horizon with its jagged peak. Its treacherous slopes are home to both noble tauten tribes and the brutish subterranean drogbar, whose uneasy peace will be tested by the relentless march of the Legion.

Begins quest N [10-45] The Lone Mountain, starting the Highmountain storyline.
Alliance King Genn Greymane is preparing to take the mighty Skyfire to the bluffs of Stormheim to locate the Aegis of Aggramar. However, this land serves as the capital of an ancient vrykul clan whose leader also seeks the power of the Aegis and will stop at nothing to take its power for himself.
Horde Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner has prepared her personal fleet to set off to the bluffs of Stormheim to locate the Aegis of Aggramar. However, this land serves as the capital of an ancient vrykul clan whose leader also seeks the power of the Aegis and will stop at nothing to take its power for himself.
Begins quest B [10-45] Stormheim, starting the Stormheim storyline.
After 10,000 years in isolation, the Nightborne elves have lowered the magical barrier protecting the city of Suramar, allowing Gul'dan access to a font of incredible power - the Nightwell. Following a failed attempt to overthrow Grand Magistrix Elisande. a small group of Nightborne exiles seek[sic] to awaken the power of their ancient lands and free Suramar from the Legion's grasp.
Begins N [45] Khadgar's Discovery, starting the Suramar storyline.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Archmage Khadgar was planning an expedition to Azsuna - you should seek him out at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran immediately.
Our sources tell us that a Highmountain tauren emissary has recently arrived in Dalaran. We don't know his intentions, but his people could be an invaluable contact in the region.
Khadgar is greeting the emissary at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran - you should seek him out.
The Kirin Tor have created a permanent portal to Dalaran for us that can take you to the city quickly.
Sky Admiral Rogers has sent word for you to meet her in Dalaran. It sounded important.
The Kirin Tor mages were kind enough to establish a permanent portal just across the hall for us that can take you to the city quickly.
Rogers should be waiting for you in the Violet Citadel.
Nathanos Blightcaller, Champion of the Banshee Queen herself, sent for you in Dalaran. He made it sound urgent.
The Kirin Tor have provided a permanent portal to Dalaran that you can use to travel there quickly. He should be waiting for you in the Violet Citadel.
Archmage Khadgar sent word about Val'Sharah not long ago. It sounds like he has good news.
The Kirin Tor have opened a permanent portal to Dalaran just across the hall - he'd like you go meet him on Krasus' Landing.
On completion
Kayn Sunfury says: You should return to Dalaran and secure passage to the Broken Isles immediately.


Patch changes

External links

Altruis Kayn