Stormheim (quest)

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Start Scouting Map/Archmage Landon
End Sky Admiral Rogers
Level 10-45
Category Stormheim
Experience 1,500
Rewards 1g 46s
Next A [10-45] A Royal Summons
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-45] Stormheim.

King Genn Greymane is preparing to take the mighty Skyfire to the bluffs of Stormheim to locate the  [Aegis of Aggramar]. However, this land serves as the capital of an ancient vrykul clan whose leader also seeks the power of the Aegis and will stop at nothing to take its power for himself.


Speak to Sky Admiral Rogers at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran.

Class Hall
  • Travel to Dalaran


Legion zone choice

Sky Admiral Rogers has sent word for you to meet her in Dalaran. It sounded important.

The Kirin Tor mages were kind enough to establish a permanent portal for us that can take you to the city quickly just across the hall.

Rogers should be waiting for you in the Violet Citadel.

Scouting Map

Sky Admiral Rogers has sent word for you to meet her in Dalaran.

She should be waiting for you in the Violet Citadel. It sounded important.

Archmage Landon

It is good we found you, <name>!

Sky Admiral Rogers has sent word for you to meet her in Dalaran. It sounded important. She awaits your presence in the Violet Citadel.

Make haste!


You will receive:

  • 1g 46s (or 1g 94s at 110)
  • 1,500 XP


It's an honor, <name>.


Find Sky Admiral Rogers in the Violet Citadel, near the Council of Six.


  1. A [10-45] Stormheim
  2. A [10-45] A Royal Summons
  3. A [10-45] Making the Rounds
  4. A [10-45] Greymane's Gambit
  5. Complete all of:
  6. A [10-45] Lightning Rod
  7. A [10-45] Signal Boost

Patch changes

External links

Scouting Map Archmage Landon
es:Misión:Tormenheim (Alianza)