Category:FrameXML functions
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This category lists FrameXML functions (coded in Lua), as opposed to functions which are natively part of the game engine (coded in C).
See also:
- Category:FrameXML documentation - All documentation about FrameXML
- Category:API functions - All functions, including those part of the game engine
Pages in category "FrameXML functions"
The following 155 pages are in this category, out of 155 total.
- API CanCooperateWithToon
- API ChatFrame AddChannel
- API ChatFrame AddMessageEventFilter
- API ChatFrame OnHyperlinkShow
- API ColorMixin GenerateHexColor
- API ColorMixin GenerateHexColorMarkup
- API ColorMixin GetRGB
- API ColorMixin GetRGBA
- API ColorMixin GetRGBAAsBytes
- API ColorMixin GetRGBAsBytes
- API ColorMixin IsEqualTo
- API ColorMixin SetRGBA
- API ColorMixin WrapTextInColorCode
- API CreateAndInitFromMixin
- API CreateColor
- API CreateColorFromBytes
- API CreateColorFromHexString
- API CreateFramePool
- API CreateFramePoolCollection
- API CreateFromMixins
- API CreateObjectPool
- API CreateVector2D
- API CreateVector3D
- API ObjectPoolMixin Acquire
- API ObjectPoolMixin EnumerateActive
- API ObjectPoolMixin EnumerateInactive
- API ObjectPoolMixin GetNextActive
- API ObjectPoolMixin GetNextInactive
- API ObjectPoolMixin IsActive
- API ObjectPoolMixin Release
- API ObjectPoolMixin ReleaseAll
- API OpenAllBags
- API OpenBackpack
- API OpenBag
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromBattlefieldScoreIndex
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromBattleNetID
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromChatLineID
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromCommunityChatData
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromCommunityInvitation
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromGUID
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromUnit
- API PlayerLocation CreateFromVoiceID
- API PlayerLocationMixin IsValid
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetBattlefieldScoreIndex
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetBattleNetID
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetChatLineID
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetCommunityChatData
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetCommunityInvitation
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetGUID
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetUnit
- API PlayerLocationMixin SetVoiceID
- API print
- API SecondsToTime
- API SecondsToTimeAbbrev
- API SecureHandlerBaseTemplate Execute
- API SecureHandlerBaseTemplate SetFrameRef
- API SecureHandlerBaseTemplate UnwrapScript
- API SecureHandlerBaseTemplate WrapScript
- API SecureHandlerExecute
- API SecureHandlerSetFrameRef
- API SecureHandlerUnwrapScript
- API SecureHandlerWrapScript
- API setglobal
- API SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor
- API SetItemRef
- API setprinthandler
- API SetRaidTargetIcon
- API SetUIPanelAttribute
- API ShowInspectCursor
- API ShowUIPanel
- API StaticPopup Show
- API TakeScreenshot
- API tContains
- API ToggleBackpack
- API ToggleBag
- API ToggleCharacter
- API ToggleDropDownMenu
- API ToggleFramerate
- API ToggleFriendsFrame
- API ToggleGameMenu
- API ToggleMinimap
- API TogglePVPFrame
- API ToggleQuestLog
- API ToggleSpellBook
- API ToggleTalentFrame
- API ToggleWorldMap
- API Vector2DMixin Add
- API Vector2DMixin Clone
- API Vector2DMixin Cross
- API Vector2DMixin DivideBy
- API Vector2DMixin Dot
- API Vector2DMixin GetLength
- API Vector2DMixin GetLengthSquared
- API Vector2DMixin GetXY
- API Vector2DMixin Normalize
- API Vector2DMixin RotateDirection
- API Vector2DMixin ScaleBy
- API Vector2DMixin SetXY
- API Vector2DMixin Subtract
- API Vector3D CreateNormalVectorFromYawPitch
- API Vector3DMixin Add
- API Vector3DMixin Clone
- API Vector3DMixin Cross
- API Vector3DMixin DivideBy
- API Vector3DMixin Dot
- API Vector3DMixin GetLength
- API Vector3DMixin GetLengthSquared
- API Vector3DMixin GetXYZ
- API Vector3DMixin Normalize
- API Vector3DMixin ScaleBy
- API Vector3DMixin SetXYZ
- API Vector3DMixin Subtract