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This function is implemented in FrameXML/Pools.lua.

Creates a FramePoolMixin (inherits from ObjectPoolMixin), a pool of reusable frames.

pool = CreateFramePool(frameType [, parent, frameTemplate, resetterFunc, forbidden, frameInitFunc])


string - Type of the frame to be created (XML tag name) such as "Frame" or "Button".
string?Optional. Could be nil. - A common parent for all furnished frames to share, or nil if they will not have a parent.
string?Optional. Could be nil. - Comma-delimited list of XML virtual templates to inherit from.
function?Optional. Could be nil. - Custom function to prepare a frame for reuse; the default function simply hides the frame and clears all points. Arg1 is the Pool object itself, Arg2 is the frame being reset.
boolean?Optional. Could be nil. - If true, frames will be made using CreateForbiddenFrame instead of CreateFrame.
function?Optional. Could be nil. - Custom function to run once after a frame is initially created by the pool. The frame created is passed as the functions only argument.



FramePoolMixin:GetTemplate() - Returns the template(s) assigned to all frames in this pool.


An ObjectPoolMixin is a pool of reusable widgets that may be acquired and released for reuse.

ObjectPoolMixin:Acquire() - Furnishes a new or reused widget
ObjectPoolMixin:Release(widget) - Restores a widget to original condition for reuse
ObjectPoolMixin:ReleaseAll() - Restores all widgets sourced from the pool to original condition for reuse
ObjectPoolMixin:EnumerateActive() - Returns an iterator to cycle through widgets sourced from the pool
ObjectPoolMixin:EnumerateInactive() - Returns an iterator to cycle through widgets released back to the pool
ObjectPoolMixin:GetNextActive(current) - Moves to the next active widget within the pool, or returns nil
ObjectPoolMixin:GetNextInactive(current) - Moves to the next inactive widget within the pool, or returns nil
ObjectPoolMixin:IsActive(widget) - Indicates if the widget is presently acquired from the pool
ObjectPoolMixin:GetNumActive() - Returns the number of widgets presently acquired from the pool
ObjectPoolMixin:SetResetDisallowedIfNew() - Prevents Acquire() from calling resetterFunc() on newly-created widgets.


local pool = CreateFramePool("Frame", nil, "BackdropTemplate")
local frame = pool:Acquire()

See also

Patch changes


  1. ^ 2017-03-28, Pools.lua, version, near line 134, archived at Townlong-Yak