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This function is implemented in FrameXML/UIParent.lua.

Returns the current mode while in LFG.

    mode, submode = GetLFGMode(category, lfgID)

Note that Blizzard divides "Looking For ___" functions into three categories: LFR specific to the raid finder, LFD specific to the 5-player instance finder, and generic "Looking For Group" routines like this one, applicable to both of the finder/matching tools.


number - One of the LE_LFG_CATEGORY_* constants (see below).


string - returns your LFG status for that category.
string - returns your LFG sub-status (additional details).


Mode Submode Meaning
nil nil Not in LFG.
proposal unaccepted LFG group formed, notifying matched players dungeon is ready (ready check). Player has not yet responded.
accepted Player has accepted the ready check and is waiting on the other potential groupmates.
queued empowered LFG forming up. See below for empowered status.
rolecheck nil Role Check in progress before queuing or re-queuing.
listed empowered Listed in the Raid Browser. Note that this is not "queued" for anything, in the sense of being automatically matched up with other players. See below for empowered status.
suspended empowered Would be in queue, but not actually queued right now because of other circumstances. For example, during a raid boss encounter (at the end of which, the mode will change to queued automatically). See below for empowered status.
lfgparty nil Dungeon in progress. (Do not be misled by "party"; this is true in raid finder as well.)
abandonedInDungeon nil Group disbanded, but player is still in instance.


Multiple status modes additionally indicate whether the player has the ability to queue/re-queue/de-queue (empowered) or not (the default, unempowered). As a rule, solo players and players in Dungeon Finder groups are empowered; in a raid group only the leader and assistants are empowered.


This function is implemented in FrameXML/UIParent.lua. In 4.x, this function took no arguments; with 5.x and the advent of multiple queues, the category argument specifies which queue to examine for data:

the dungeon finder
the raid finder (automated matchmaking)
the raid browser

Patch changes

See Also

GetLFGModeType - in 4.x
GetLFGInfoServer - used to implement GetLFGMode in 5.x