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Brackenhide Hollow

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Brackenhide Hollow
Brackenhide Hollow loading screen.jpg
Location Azure Span
Race(s) IconSmall Gnoll.gif Gnoll
End boss  Decatriarch Wratheye
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 10-70
Player limit 5
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed
Withered gnolls in the Brackenhide Hollow.

Brackenhide Hollow is a dungeon in Dragonflight.

Adventure Guide

Brackenhide Hollow is the largest gnoll home in the Dragon Isles, yet the wild gnoll settlement holds unspeakable danger. Decay seeps from the Hollow, spreading among the gnoll tribes of the Azure Span and threatening to rot away all life. In the heart of the Hollow lies the leader of the Brackenhide, and the knowledge she gleefully shares with her withered kin.[1]

Map and subregions

This dungeon contains the Altar of Decay which is important to crafters such as alchemists for crafting Decay items.



  • Hackclaw's War-Band: Rira Hackclaw and her compatriots, Gashtooth and Tricktotem have risen up as a deadly warband among the Brackenhide. Their tactics are the reason tuskarr never travel alone, and their strength is the reason Wratheye has them guarding the gate to the Hollow.
  • Treemouth: Withered by decay, this once proud ancient has been dubbed Treemouth by the gnolls. As the rot settled into its branches, so too did it settle in the poor creature's mind, leaving a creature bent on nothing more than the need to feed and spread decay.
  • Gutshot: This sharpshooting gnoll has mastered the art of hunting, trapping, and killing her prey. Impressed by her abilities and cunning, the Decatriarch has assigned Gutshot to oversee and train the other hunters…and take out any interlopers that might venture too far into Brackenhide.
  • Decatriarch Wratheye: Wratheye discovered decay magic in her thirst for power, and declared herself the Decatriarch after mastering it. She now builds the strength of the Brackenhide by spreading her dark magic among her tribe so the tuskarr, and all of the Azure Span, will rot in its wake.[1]


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.2.0


Upon entering
Sentiu says: We appreciate your help, adventurer!
Bertinuat says: If you free our friends, we'll make sure they get home safely.
Japukitat says: Rescuing them will probably upset Hackclaw and her war-band, so be ready for a fight!
Freeing the Captive Tuskarr
  • Captive Tuskarr says: Now I have a story to tell!
  • Captive Tuskarr says: Keep the balance preserved.
  • Captive Tuskarr says: Careful out there.
Gashtooth says: Who stealing our meat?!
Tricktotem says: Meat thieves! Kill them! Ruin them! Destroy them!
Rira Hackclaw says: Here! Come for us, meat thieves! We rip you apart!
Rira Hackclaw says: What you waiting for? Bring us meat thieves!

Patch changes


External links