10-day Free Trial
- Not to be confused with Free Trial.
The 10-day Free Trial was a trial version of World of Warcraft, intended for those who haven't yet upgraded their accounts to the next expansion. If you already have a World of Warcraft account but have not paid for use (due to finances, etc), you can open up a trial account and play as much as you would like for free, under the limitations. To open one, simply log onto your Battle.net account and add a trial. Then log into WoW as normal - you will be asked which account (your paid or trial) you want to play under.
You do not need to download a new copy of WoW to play on trial if you already have a game client installed.
It was replaced with the World of Warcraft Starter Edition.
With the Mists of Pandaria 10-day trial, you cannot level to 86. You can gain XP at level 85, but the XP bar will stop one XP shy of 86. You may want to consider stopping questing when you get to that point until you get around to buying the expansion, because when you turn in quests you will be credited with finishing and get the rewards but you will not get the XP.
External links
US trials
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 10-day Trial Edition at the official site to log-in, enable trial, download demo expansion and play.
European trials
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
- 10-DAY TRIAL EDITION in English.
- 10-JOUR D'ESSAI GRATUIT en Français.
- 10-DAY TRIAL EDITION in Russian.