The Zerekriss[Note 1] is a necropolis initially belonging to the House of Constructs. During the Necrolords Campaign, it is captured by the Necrolord Covenant and subsequently patrols above Maldraxxus.
The Primus was personally involved in the design of the Zerekriss and shaped the form of the vessel with his hands. Whisperer Vyn was present to witness the event.[7] The Zerekriss was stationed above the House of Constructs, moored to a platform in the Ossein Foundry by a necrotic restraining bolt and protected by Vo'treus the Keyguard.[11]
In order to bolster the Necrolord defenses at the Seat of the Primus, Baroness Vashj devised a plan to steal a necropolis from their foes.[12] With the help of Necrolord Maw Walkers, she assembled a crew consisting of surviving members of the House of Eyes and renegades from other houses: Whisperer Vyn, Navigator Xennir, Ansid the Mechanic, and Helmsman Caliroux.[13] Reinforced by Khaliiq and the Maw Walkers, the crew infiltrated the Ossein Foundry[14] and, despite some unforeseen complications, managed to rendezvous, kill the foundry's taskmaster Enforcer Borgulla, and take control of the Zerekriss' mooring platform.[15] The Maw Walkers then flew with Twigin to the apex of the necropolis, plugged a keystone into the Runic Keyhole, and killed Vo'treus the Keyguard, allowing the Eyes to take control of the vessel.[11] The Constructs tried to bring down the structure before the hijackers could escape, but the Zerekriss shrugged off their attack and the Eyes steered the vessel away from the House of Constructs to have it instead patrol around Maldraxxus.[16] Inside a Foreman's Chest aboard the necropolis, the Maw Walkers discovered the lost Bindings of Fleshcrafting and returned to the Seat of the Primus to restore the bindings to the Primus' statue[7][17] as well as work with Khaliiq to establish a permanent portal connection between the Seat and the Zerekriss.[1] As a fully mobile necropolis, the Zerekriss provided the forces at the Seat with an aerial advantage over all the houses of Maldraxxus.[8]
The Necrolords later joined forces with the kyrian to launch an attack on the Constructs and their ruler, Margrave Gharmal.[3] The Zerekriss was moved back to the Construct stronghold to begin an aerial assault alongside the winged kyrian, with Necrolord and kyrian Maw Walkers being tasked with leading the two covenants' ground forces.[9] Gharmal's deathrocs in the skies above the stronghold prevented the Zerekriss from getting into position, so Emeni asked the heroes to clear out the birds.[18] When the Zerekriss was almost in position, Alexandros Mograine worked with the Maw Walkers to destroy Gharmal's juggernauts and thereby lure the margrave into the open.[19] Xandria, Alexandros, and the Maw Walkers then taunted Gharmal into facing them in combat, buying enough time for Baroness Draka to focus the Zerekriss' weaponry and fire a massive bolt of necrotic energy that killed the margrave.[20] With the assault over, the Zerekriss returned to its patrol above Maldraxxus.
Ossein Foundry
The Zerekriss is initially found floating in a stationary position above the Ossein Foundry[29.5, 44.4] in western Maldraxxus. This version of the necropolis phases out for Necrolord players who complete [60] This Way Out, but it remains permanently visible to members of other covenants. Non-Necrolords can therefore see two copies of the Zerekriss—one stationary and one moving—existing in Maldraxxus simultaneously.
After being captured by the Necrolords, the Zerekriss slowly patrols in a wide, anticlockwise loop above Maldraxxus. One circuit around the zone takes approximately 16 minutes and 45 seconds to complete. This version automatically appears to non-Necrolord players after they join a covenant, and to Necrolord players after they complete the quest [60] This Way Out. The Necrolord sanctum upgrade A Keep Above unlocks a permanent portal connection between the patrolling Zerekriss and the Seat of the Primus.
Players can travel between the two floors of the necropolis' main chamber using Translocation Spheres, of which there are two on the lower floor and one on the upper floor. They can interact with Twigin on the lower floor to leap out of the necropolis' mouth and have him slowly glide them down to the ground, with the option to dive to a target location once they're close enough to the surface. Alternatively, they can exit through the mouth on their own by using a Slow Fall effect from the upper floor. Exiting is a one-way trip down: the only way to get back inside after leaving is to take the portal from the Seat again.
Standing aboard the Zerekriss in its moving phase counts as being aboard a transport; trying to enter an instance while inside it will produce the error message "You can't do that while on a vehicle or transport".
House of Constructs
During the Righteous Retribution chapter of the Kyrian Campaign and the A Golden Dawn chapter of the Necrolords Campaign, the necropolis temporarily becomes stationary again and floats above the eastern entrance to the House of Constructs[36.3, 36.6] until the player completes the chapter.
- Lower floor
- Upper floor
Righteous Retribution /
A Golden Dawn
- Upper floor
Alexandros Mograine <The Ashbringer>
Apolon <Hand of Courage>
Artemede <Hand of Courage>
Baroness Draka
Xandria <Paragon of Courage>
- In front of the necropolis' mouth
- ^ a b
[60] Grand Theft Necropolis
- ^ Whisperer Vyn#Gossip
- ^ a b
[60] The Golden Dawn
- ^
[60] Aerial Advantage
- ^
[60] Power of the Chosen
- ^
[60] Pursuit of Justice
- ^ a b c
[60] Search the Place
- ^ a b A Keep Above
- ^ a b
[60] Take The Fight To Them
- ^
[60] Stronger Together
- ^ a b
[60] Keys to the Ruin
- ^
[60] Eyes on the Problem
- ^
[60] The Impossible Plan
- ^
[60] I'll Only Say This Once
- ^
[60] Crush 'Em All
- ^
[60] This Way Out
- ^
[60] Bindings of Fleshcrafting
- ^
[60] Aerial Advantage/
[60] Aerial Advantage
- ^
[60] Power of the Chosen/
[60] Power of the Chosen
- ^
[60] Pursuit of Justice/
[60] Pursuit of Justice