- "Warbrave" redirects here. For the Horde tauren group, see Warbraves (island expedition).
- Respect your prey, and the danger it carries, but never fear it. In fear, you become prey yourself.[1]
Brave is a title of respect for tauren who take up arms, whether to fight or to guard. They are the primary guards at most tauren settlements. The first trials tauren player characters undergo are those to become a tauren brave.[2]
The use of 'Brave' appears to be a long-standing tradition, as it is also used by the taunka and the Highmountain tauren, though the latter instead use the name warbrave. In fact, it appears that the position of brave was an established part of shu'halo culture even before they were driven from their homelands by the centaur, as the "Hatred of the Centaur" myth describes how the early tauren's braves and hunters were unable to fend off the invading centaur.[3] The braves are equipped with the armor crafted by Mosarn and his apprentices.[4]
Becoming a tauren brave involves overcoming several trials to test mind, body, and spirit. The exact nature of the rites has changed with time, but the meaning behind them has remained the same. Tauren brave initiates of Thunder Bluff start their training at Camp Narache on Red Cloud Mesa.
Pre-Cataclysm the rites were referred to as the Rites of the Earthmother,[5] which was comprised the following three:
- The Rite of Strength: the first rite, to prove bravery and valor through physical strength.
- The Rite of Vision: the second rite, to prove patience and willingness to listen.
- The Rite of Wisdom: the third rite, to honor one's ancestors.
Following this, the Rites of the Earthmother were complete. Honorable status must be upheld by continuing to do deeds of worth.[6]
Post-Cataclysm the rites have changed slightly, though they are still referred to as the Rites of the Earthmother.[7][8] Notably, the rites are fulfilled in a much more makeshift fashion due to the quilboar invasion of Red Cloud Mesa and the treachery of the Grimtotem tribe. The current path:
- Rite of Strength: the first ceremony, proving physical strength.
- Rite of Courage: to prove bravery in the face of the enemy.
- Rite of Honor: to uphold the honor of your people.
- Rite of the Winds: willingness to seek the unknown.
- Rite of Vision: willingness to follow the guidance of the spirits.
- Rite of Wisdom: to honor one's ancestors.
Braves fulfill their rites to enter adulthood at Red Rocks, listening for the wisdom and blessings of their ancestors on the winds.[9] On their backs, they carry a unique pair of massive wooden totems. When a brave falls in battle, a member their family - blood or chosen - rises and makes their mark on the totem, adding a new life to the story.[10]
During the Fourth War, tauren warbraves were on the move from Thunder Bluff to the Barrens. Alliance champions were sent to hold them at the Great Gate of Mulgore.[11]
Known braves
The following is a list of braves known by name:
- Tauren
Leaping Deer
Running Wolf
Stonehide <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
Tuho <Thunder Bluff Quartermaster>
- Taunka
- Highmountain tauren
Braves are the primary guards at several settlements:
- Tauren
Barrens Brave
Bloodvenom Post Brave (transformed into Bloodvenom Slimeslaves by Winna Hazzard)
Brave War Drummer
Brave Wind Rider
Camp Ataya Brave
Camp Mojache Brave
Camp Narache Brave
Captured Brave
Captured Freewind Brave
Cliffwalker Brave
Dawnchaser Brave
Fledgling Brave
Freewind Brave
Ghost Walker Brave
Hunter Hill Brave
Orgrimmar Brave
Sunwalker Brave
Talonrest Brave
Thunder Bluff Brave (Mulgore)
Thunder Bluff Brave (Broken Shore)
Thunder Bluff Brave (War of the Thorns)
Thunder Cleft Brave
Wor'var Brave
Wounded Brave
- Taunka
- Highmountain tauren
In Mulgore, Braves offer directions to various locations.
- What are you looking for?
The bank
- Ah, you must go to the great heights of Thunder Bluff to visit one of those. Follow the path north out of Bloodhoof Village. At the base of the bluffs is an elevator that will take you to the top. When you get there ask for further directions from one of the Bluffwatchers.
- We have no such place in the village. The soaring heights of Thunder Bluff does though. Head north up the road out of Bloodhoof Village until you come to the base of the bluffs. There ride the elevator to the top and speak with a Bluffwatcher. May your ancestors watch over you.
The wind rider master
Nothing frees the spirit like soaring through the sky. You may speak with Tak, the Wind Rider Master, in the center of the village, if you wish to soar through the air.
- Pre-Cataclysm:
- There is a Wind Rider Master in the great city of Thunder Bluff to the north. Ride the elevator from the base of Thunder Bluff to the top and ask one of the Bluffwatchers there for further instructions.
- Nothing frees the spirit like soaring through the sky. There is such a place in our great tribal center Thunder Bluff. The road north out of Bloodhoof Village will guide you there. Once you ride the elevator to the top speak with one of the Bluffwatchers who can give you further directions.
The inn
- Innkeeper Kauth can see to your needs. He can be found on the west side of the village in one of the long houses.
- There is a time and a place for all things, including relaxation. On the west side of Bloodhoof Village Innkeeper Kauth maintains a long house for those who seek to rest. You will find him there.
The stable master
- Ah yes, it is Seikwa that you must find. I believe I saw her last standing out in front of the inn.
- Seikwa can take care of your animal friends when you have the need. Seek her out in front of the inn.
A class trainer
- Which trainer do you seek?
- It is Gennia Runetotem's counsel that you seek. You will find her in the large tent on the east side of the village.
- The way of the Druid is sibling to the Shaman. Gennia Runetotem is steeped in such knowledge. Seek her out in the large tent on the east side of Bloodhoof Village.
- To learn to be one with Nature in the eyes of the Earth Mother, this is a matter of pride. If your will is to learn the ways of the Hunter you must seek out Yaw Sharpmane at the north end of Bloodhoof Village.
- Yaw Sharpmane awaits you on the north edge of the village. He can teach you the ways of the Hunter.
- Blood Knight Noellene awaits young trainees within the northeast building of the square.
- There is a wise one in the village who goes by the name Narm Skychaser. He can continue your learning along the path of the Shaman.
- There is a large tent on the east side of Bloodhoof Village. You will find Narm Skychaser awaiting you there.
- Krang Stonehoof stands astride his training circle at the southeast corner of the village.
- If it is the way of the Warrior that you crave then you must seek out Krang Stonehoof. You will find him in the southeast corner of the village at his training circle, often instructing his other students.
A profession trainer
- Seek out Lalum Darkmane, within the village's main tipi.
- Which profession?
- While we have no Alchemy Trainer here in Bloodhoof Village, there is one in Thunder Bluff to the north. Follow the road there and ask one of the Bluffwatchers for directions when you get to the top.
- Using the fruits of the Earth Mother to create potions to aid us in our eternal struggle is an honorable endeavor. To learn of this you must travel north to our great home of Thunder Bluff. When you arrive at the top seek out the assistance of one of the Bluffwatchers for more specific directions.
- There is a Blacksmithing Trainer in our great home Thunder Bluff to the north. If you seek such knowledge then head there and ask one of the Bluffwatchers for directions.
- You desire to shape the bones of the Earth Mother into tools that will aid the Horde. Good, good. Follow the path north out of Bloodhoof Village until you come to the elevator leading to the top of Thunder Bluff. A Bluffwatcher there can give you further assistance.
- You will find Pyall Silentstride inside the great tent in the northwest corner of the village. He can teach you what you crave.
- My mouth waters just to think on it. Pyall Silentstride is the finest cook in Bloodhoof Village. You will find him in the great tent at the northwest corner of the village.
- Away to Thunder Bluff to the north is where your journey takes you then friend. Once there seek out the wisdom of one of the Bluffwatchers who can tell you directly where to find whom you seek.
- Such wisdom is steeped in a mystery that can only be found in great Thunder Bluff. Follow the path north out of Bloodhoof Village until you come to an elevator at the base of the bluffs. Ride it to the top and ask one of the Bluffwatchers for further assistance.
First Aid
- Vira Younghoof keeps her practice inside the long house on the west side of the village.
- Bandages, anti-venoms and such things, these are the inevitable necessities of life on the plains. Vira Younghoof can teach you this knowledge. You can find her in the long house on the west side of Bloodhoof Village.
- You are looking for Uthan Stillwater. You will find him west of the village, fishing at Stonebull Lake.
- Give a bull a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a bull to fish and feed him for life. Uthan Stillwater can teach you how to fish. Seek his wisdom west of Bloodhoof Village along the banks of Stonebull Lake.
- If you desire to learn the ways of Herbalism then it is to Thunder Bluff that you must go. Follow the road north out of Bloodhoof Village and take the elevator to the top of the rise. You can ask a Bluffwatcher there for further assistance.
- There are those that would teach you of Herbalism in the great home of Thunder Bluff away to the north. Follow the road out of the village to get there and at the base of the bluff ride the elevator to the top of the rise. There are many Bluffwatchers there who can direct you further.
- Seek out Poshken Hardbinder in The Pools of Vision, below the Spirit Rise.
- Inside the great tent at the northwest corner of the village is where Chaw Stronghide resides. He will teach you what you must know of Leatherworking for now.
- When we use the hides of the animals we must fell for food or protection we give honor to the Earth Mother and respect to the animal. Chaw Stronghide can teach you of such things. You will find him in the great tent at the northwest corner of Bloodhoof Village.
- I hear that they have a Mining Trainer in Thunder Bluff to the north. Take the road out of the village and when you get there ride the elevator to the top of the rise. Any of the Bluffwatchers should be able to help you from there.
- Hmmm, I think you will need to go up to Thunder Bluff to learn that. Head north on the road out of Bloodhoof Village. It will take you to the base of Thunder Bluff. Ride the elevator to the top and you should be able to ask any of the Bluffwatchers there for further assistance.
- Yonn Deepcut can be found inside the great tent at the northwest corner of Bloodhoof Village.
- Ah yes, Skinning. There is no one finer in wielding a skinning knife than Yonn Deepcut. You can find him in the great tent at the northwest corner of the village.
- Unfortunately we do not have one who teaches Tailoring here in Bloodhoof Village, but you can find a trainer in Thunder Bluff. Follow the path north out of the village until you come to a set of elevators. Take one up to the top of the rise and ask one of the Bluffwatchers there for directions.
- Tailoring you say? Hmmm. Ah yes, of course. You'll need to head to Thunder Bluff, up north. Take the path out of the village to get there. When you arrive at the base of the bluffs ride the elevator to the top of the rise and speak with one of the Bluffwatchers.
- ^
[1-10] Rite of Courage
- ^
[1-10] Rite of Strength
- ^ Hatred of the Centaur: "Though the braves and hunters fought with the Earthmother's blessing in their hearts, the centaur could not be defeated."
- ^
[15-30] Return to Krog
- ^
[3] Rites of the Earthmother
- ^
[14] Rites of the Earthmother
- ^
[1-10] Rites of the Earthmother
- ^
[1-30] Rite of Vision
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 82
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 84
- ^
Great Gate of Mulgore