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Valunei with tabard.jpg

Valunei without tabard.jpg
Title <Tyr's Guard>
Gender Female
Race Lightforged draenei (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tyr's Guard
Former affiliation(s) Army of the Light, Alliance
Occupation Exemplar of the Tyr's Guard
Location Brackenhide Hollow, Azure Span; Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Valunei is a Lightforged draenei located in Brackenhide Hollow in the Azure Span and in Thaldraszus.

Valunei attended the Tishamaat in the Exodar and could be seen speaking with Anchorite Karja, Exarch Orelis, and Valunei in the Trader's Tier.


  • Spell holy layonhands.png Lay on Hands — Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to 0% your maximum health. Cannot be used on a target with Forbearance. Causes Forbearance for 30 sec.


Objective of



I am honored to make your acquaintance, <name>. Your reputation far precedes you. Koranos seems fond of you. And Travard as well.

Gossip How did you become a member of Tyr's Guard?

On Argus, we were always threatened by the Legion. I do not like fighting, but I became a paladin to protect my people.
I learned the ways of the Light from a vindicator named Iriska. She taught me how to swing a mace, how to heal the injured, and how to face demons without giving in to fear.
But I lost her. When I came to Azeroth, I was lost as well. Travard and Koranos found me wandering the Dragon Isles, easing whatever suffering I found.
Travard told me more about Tyr, and I knew then I wanted to become part of the Tyr's Guard.
Gossip I have another question.

Gossip Why are you the Exemplar of Compassion?

I am... humbled that Travard would give me that title...
But, really, being compassionate is the only way I can be. Perhaps I am shaped by countless years fighting the Legion. The fel were notorious for inflicting suffering wherever they went. I have seen much pain in my years, <name>.
No one deserves to suffer--no one--and everyone deserves help. That, I suppose, is why I was chosen as the exemplar of compassion.
Gossip I have another question.
Valdrakken gossip

There you are, <name>! The Tyr's Guard is ready to get back Tyr's disc.

Gossip Tyr's Guard? Disc? Can you remind me?

I understand, <name>--a lot has happened.
Travard recruited us--the Tyr's Guard--to help him recover the disc of Tyr that contained the keeper's memories.
He recruited you to teach us how to be adventurers and to keep us alive.
Then Chromie and Eternus had us deploy temporal beacons to find the location of the disc of Tyr, which had been lost in the timeways.
The disc is now in the Nighthold in another timeway with Elisande. And we're ready take it back.
Exodar gossip

I am grateful for the purpose I've found with the Tyr's Guard. But it's wonderful to be able to come celebrate with my people.






  • Valunei has a ray mount.

Patch changes

See also

  • Shade of Valunei

External links