Valiona and Theralion

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BossValiona and Theralion
Image of Valiona and Theralion
Title Paragons of the Twilight Dragonflight[1]
Race Twilight dragon (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight dragonflight
Location The Twilight Enclave, Bastion of Twilight
Status Killable

The Dragon Siblings[2] encounter, comprising Valiona and Theralion, make up the second boss encounter in the Bastion of Twilight. They are located in the Twilight Enclave part of the instance and considered a moderately difficult fight, particularly in comparison to the preceding fight, Halfus Wyrmbreaker.

Valiona and Theralion were raised within the Bastion of Twilight to represent the apex of the flight's capability and cunning. The siblings seemed to present almost as much danger to each other as they did to the mortal fighters who sieged the Void-cursed tower. They exhibited an affinity for shifting effortlessly between both the physical and twilight realms, yet they also wielded a terrifying array of shadow-casting abilities. One of the humbler members of the raiding party involved in the defeat of Theralion and Valiona admitted to Archmage Khadgar that, had the pair of dragons coordinated their attacks, history would have recorded a different victor in the battle.[1]

Adventure Guide

Magically aged to adult-hood, Valiona and Theralion were to be paragons among a new clutch of twilight dragons, leading their brood in scouring Azeroth of life. Instead, they waste their incredible powers constantly bickering and fighting each other.


Valiona and Theralion share an health pool as well as threat. They do not reset upon landing or taking off.


When the encounter begins, Theralion immediately takes to the air, while Valiona engages the attackers on the ground. The twin dragons share a single health pool, and each alternates between being airborne and fighting on the ground.

Grounded abilities

Theralion uses the following abilities while on the ground.

  • Spell holy consumemagic.png Engulfing Magic — The Engulfing Magic mirrors all damage and healing you do, inflicting Shadow damage equal to the damage or healing you do to allies within 10 yards of you for 20 seconds!
  • Spell fire twilightflamebreath.png Fabulous Flames — Spits flames on the ground, the Fabulous Flames inflict 10725 to 11275 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • Spell shadow twilight.png Twilight Shift — Theralion periodically applies Twilight Shift to his current target. This effect stacks. When Theralion applies a fifth stack to the same target, he casts Shifting Reality on the target.
    • Ability druid twilightswrath.png Shifting Reality — When Theralion applies a fifth stack of Twilight Shift to a target, Shifting Reality inflicts 14625 to 15375 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards, and draws the affected players into the Twilight Realm.
Airborne Abilities

Theralion uses the following abilities while in the air.

  • Spell fire twilightflamestrike.png Twilight Blast — The Twilight Blast inflicts 19500 to 20500 Shadow damage to enemies within 8 yards of the target.
  • Spell fire twilightflamestrike.png Dazzling Destruction — Causes swirling ground effects to appear, five seconds after appearing 487500 to 512500 shadow damage to every player within the blast zone, and knocks them into the Twilight Zone.


When the encounter begins, Theralion immediately takes to the air, while Valiona engages the attackers on the ground. The twin dragons share a single health pool, and each alternate between being airborne and fighting on the ground.

Grounded Abilities

Valiona uses the following abilities while on the ground.

  • Spell fire twilightnova.png Blackout Deadly Magic Effect — Dispellable debuff placed on a player, absorbs 20,000 healing and when dispelled or expired causes 250,000 shadow damage split between all nearby players.
  • Spell fire twilightflamebreath.png Devouring Flames — Devouring Flames inflicts 80000 (Heroic: 110000) Shadow damage every 1 sec, the damage is lower the further the target is from the origin of the Devouring Flames.
  • Spell shadow twilight.png Twilight Shift — Theralion periodically applies Twilight Shift to his current target. This effect stacks. When Theralion applies a fifth stack to the same target, he casts Shifting Reality on the target.
    • Ability druid twilightswrath.png Shifting Reality — When Theralion applies a fifth stack of Twilight Shift to a target, Shifting Reality inflicts 14625 to 15375 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards, and draws the affected players into the Twilight Realm.
Airborne Abilities

Valiona uses the following abilities while in the air.

  • Spell fire twilightpyroblast.png Twilight Meteorite Deadly — Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Shadow damage to enemies within 0 yards, splitting damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell fire twilightflamebreath.png Deep Breath Important — Valiona takes a deep breath and begins to cast Twilight Flames which inflict 14625 to 15375 Shadow damage per second and send the target into the Twilight Realm!

Twilight Realm

Being struck by Theralion's Dazzling Destruction or Valiona's Deep Breath pulls players into the Twilight Realm. In this alternate plane of existence, spheres of volatile twilight energy float around and detonate if touched. Collapsing portals appear randomly throughout the area, and players may use a portal to return to the material plane. Each portal disappates after a time. In Heroic Difficulty Shifting Reality also pulls players into the Twilight Realm.

  • Twilight Sentry Heroic Difficulty — On Heroic Difficulty the Twilight Realm is populated by the mysterious Twilight Sentries. Visible only as shimmers of twilight to those in the material plane, Twilight Sentries strike out indiscriminately, firing Rift Blasts at players both inside and outside the Twilight Realm.
    • Inv elemental primal shadow.png Rift Blast Heroic Difficulty — Twilight Sentries continually fire Rift Blasts at random players, inflicting 14625 to 15375 Shadow damage every 3 sec.
  • Ability druid twilightswrath.png Twilight Zone Heroic Difficulty — Players trapped in the Twilight Realm suffer 3900 to 4100 Shadow damage every 2 sec. The effect stacks, and the damage inflicted increases by 5% with each additional application.
  • Spell fire twilightnova.png Unstable Twilight — Coming into contact with one of the floating orbs of twilight energy within the Twilight Realm causes it to violently explode. Unstable Twilight inflicts 19500 to 20500 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards, but only affects players inside the Twilight Realm.


When you enter the chamber, Valiona will be on the right and Theralion on the left. Valiona will start out fighting the raid while Theralion flies around, then they switch places periodically and repeat this process for the duration of the fight. Theralion's phase lasts somewhat longer than Valiona's.

Before each transition, the airborne dragon will cast an ability (Dazzling Destruction for Theralion, Deep Breath for Valiona) that transports those afflicted to the Twilight Realm, where Twilight Fiends can be found. Although both abilities can be avoided with relative ease, killing six Twilight Fiends is the objective of the achievement  [Double Dragon].

The fight has a hard enrage timer of ten minutes.


While Valiona is on the ground, positioning is a balancing act between spreading out for Theralion's Twilight Blasts but grouping up to minimize damage taken from Valion'as Blackout. When a party member receives Blackout, everyone can group up close behind the dragon, at which point the healer can safely remove the debuff. The party should then spread back out as quickly as possible.

When Valiona begins to cast Devouring Flames, she will turn to face the direction of the blast. Those within her cone of attack should run through her, or otherwise ensure they are not in front of her in order to avoid the damage. If you find yourself in a bad spot where running through Valiona may take too long, your best bet is to run farther away from her which will reduce the damage devouring flames does to you and may save you.

After two Blackouts, Theralion will cast Dazzling Destruction, which creates two large void zones three separate times in a row that do damage and transport those that stand in them to the Twilight Realm. He will insta-kill anyone left standing here after about 10 seconds. He will then land and Valiona takes off. Another Blackout will come during Dazzling Destruction.


During Theralion's phase, people need to group up to absorb the damage from Twilight Meteorite does while strafing to avoid Fabulous Flames and staying out of Deep Breath. Those affected by Engulfing Magic need to run away from the raid and keep healing/attacking, or simply stop any action until the debuff goes away.

There are different approaches to handling this phase, but usually people will mark someone to follow, or possibly split into groups (such as melee and ranged), so you can move together to avoid the fire while minimizing the damage from Twilight Meteorites. Alternatively, the raid can spread out and whoever is affected by Twilight Meteorite can run into the melee group to share the damage. This second method means less movement and potential damage lost due to Engulfing Magic, and requires less coordination, but potentially increases the burden on healers.

After two Engulfing Magics (about 120 seconds), Valiona will take a deep breath and fill one third of the room with flames. She will do this three times to different areas of the room, much like Felmyst in Sunwell Plateau, and the raid needs to move somewhere not affected by Deep Breath each time she begins to cast it. Once she is done, Valiona will land, Theralion will take off, and Phase 1 begins again.

Solo strategy

If going for the  [Double Dragon] achievement, begin the encounter and then stand still until the phase transition. Make sure to stand in the area of effect to transition to the shadow realm. Once on the other side, stand in the center of the room and turn on V-key health plates. Adds are small and hard to make out in the ground clutter, so the health bars will help. They barely have 10,000 health, so use quick attacks to finish them off. The achievement will be awarded the instant the sixth has been killed.

Once done, just blow up the dragons. None of the abilities hit particularly hard.


Item Type
Caster dagger
Agility one-hand sword
Spirit cloth helm
Spirit mail belt
Tank plate helm
Spirit cloak
Agility necklace
Strength ring
Caster necklace
DPS caster trinket
Tank trinket

Related achievements


Cho'gall yells: Valiona, Theralion, put them in their place.
Valiona yells: Do as the master commands, Theralion! Kill them!
Theralion yells: The master was clearly speaking to you, Valiona. I am far too busy to attack ANYONE.
Valiona yells: You are worthless, Theralion!
Theralion yells: How dare you call me worthless! You will see why I am Mother's favored child!


Dazzling Destruction
  • You are not the boss of me Valiona! I will engulf as I please!
  • There is no escape from the fury of the Twilight Flight!
Killing a player
Bare your soul to me, mortal.
Engulfing Magic
  • Writhe in AGONY!
  • Theralion cackles maniacally.
I knew I should have stayed out of this...


Enter Twilight!
Deep Breath
Theralion! I will engulf the Hallway! Cover their escape!
Killing a player
Breathe your dying breath!
At least Theralion dies with me...


Cho'gall yells: (Come closer, closer. Let us see your faces. All will be humbled before his power.)


  • During the Cataclysm beta, Theralion's voice acting was very effeminate and flamboyant, which caused some controversy within playerbase. It was changed to be more neutral when the game went live. Valiona retained her more masculine and raspy voice.[3]
  • World first heroic kill on 25-man achieved 1.1.2011 by DREAM Paragon of Lightning's Blade Europe.
  • Theralion is voiced by Jesec Griffin.[4][5]
  • Valiona is voiced by Christina Delaine.


10-man Heroic

10-man Normal

25-man Heroic


Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Blackout can now be dispelled on Heroic difficulty.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-03-16): Valiona and Theralion overall damage and health has been reduced by roughly 10% on Heroic difficulty. In addition, Twilight Zone no longer increases damage taken from Rift Blast.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-01-26): Twilight Sentries now have less health on 10-player Heroic difficulty than on 25-player Heroic difficulty.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-01-18): Valiona's Blackout can no longer be absorbed by Grounding Totem or reflected. Its healing absorption effect has also been increased for 10-player normal difficulty.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.


External links
