User:LuxorNL/Luxor Armstead

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This article is a player character biography page for Luxorr of Defias Brotherhood Europe created by Luxor.

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AllianceLuxor Armstead
No image available
Title <Admiral>
Gender Male
Race(s) Human
Level 85
Class Archer, Hunter
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Kingdom of Gilneas
Occupation Admiral of the Greyford Company Navy, Officer of the Greyford Company, Captain of the Reckoning
Location Howling Oak. Darnassus
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lizz (partner)
Mentor(s) His uncle

Luxor Armstead, formerly known as Johnathan Armstead, is a former citizen of Gilneas. After assisting his nation in the Invasion of Gilneas he was - together with the other survivors - evacuated to Darnassus, after which he studied in Stormwind City, got married and with his wife sailed the seas for what seemed an eternity. However, his luck lasted for not long, for he lost his wife and his ship, after which he joined the Gilneas Liberation Front (later renamed Greyford Company), eventually rising to the rank of their navy's Admiral.


Early Life

Johnathan Archibald Armstead II, or John for short, was born in Gilneas City, a couple of years prior to the end of the Second War, to a poor lumberjack and his wife as oldest of two children. His mother was from a noble family, but accepted no money from her parents, for she was convinced happiness was more important than money. In his childhood, John often spent visits to his maternal uncle, after his grandfather's death the head of the noble house, and a famed commodore, known for his fierce leadership and loyalty to the throne, and John had a lot of regard to him. Unlike his younger sister, John grew interested in warfare and sailing at young age, and he often spent his time studying maps and books about naval vessels. During the Third War, by which he and his family were left untouched because of the Greymane Wall, John spent his days with his study on naval warfare, and his nights working at a local tavern. During Gilneas' civil war, John's parents urged him to stay home like themselves. John, however, followed his uncle and, alongside the Gilnean loyalists, gained victory. The rebels were imprisoned, and the city continued with its usual routine.

The Gilnean Wars

John had only just met the thief named Lizz when the savage worgen unexpectedly terrorized the streets of the Gilnean capital. Together with his new friend, John fought boldly, however being no match for the feral beasts. John was bitten by one of them, but did not mention anything to either Lizz, or his family. After the last stand in the Light's Dawn Cathedral, he shape-shifted into a worgen and ran into the Northgate Woods, haunting the wilds unchecked, until the refugees of Gilneas City found him. Like the others, they've kept him alive because they still believed he could be saved. They were proven correct when John and the other worgen regained their sanity after drinking Krennan Aranas' cure in Duskhaven. After re-uniting with Lizz, the duo fought the undead invaders, pushing them back to their ships. However, the Shattering struck the world of Azeroth, and Gilneas hasn't been ignored. The lands before Duskhaven and eventually the village itself were swallowed by the sea. The survivors, including John and Lizz, sought refugee in the nearby village of Stormglen, only to find it abandoned by its inhabitants, leaving only spiders creeping the streets and papers flying around. In the nearby tree of Tal'doren, John drank from three moonwells to gain control of his feral form. He chose, however, to never show this beastly form again. He later participated in the Battle for Gilneas City. Here he found out that he was responsible for the death of his uncle, whom he killed in his period of insanity. Filled with rage, John aided his fellow Gilneans in retaking the city. After their tactical victory, John joined his comrades and Lizz to the graveyard where Prince Liam's death was grieved. John, however, spent this time thinking about his uncle rather than the young prince. At Keel Harbor, John and Lizz said farewell to their kingdom and, along wit the other survivors, were evacuated to Darnassus.

New Life

Lizz and John however quickly agreed to move to Stormwind City, where Lizz joined the SI:7 and John continued his study on naval war tactics, and the two developed a romantic relationship. When John finished his study, he married Lizz and, with the inheritance of his uncle, bought a ship for his wife and him to sail the seas on. Together, they discovered the whole world, from the sands of Uldum to the glaciers of Icecrown, and from the forests of Ashenvale to the horrors of the Plaguelands.

The writer of this character has left a gap here. But look at it from the bright side. At least now you get to look at this awesome smiley. :)

After the loss of his wife and his ship, John found oneself imprisoned in the Stormwind Stockades, in which he was being called Luxor by the gnolls. He adopted the name, for every time he heard his true name, his heart died of the thought of his wife. After a month, John was finally released. He journeyed to Dun Morogh where he joined the ranks of the Gilneas Liberation Front as Luxor, at the time based in the snowy mountains. Upon their arrival in Stormwind, Luxor was appointed Admiral of their navy, existing of a single ship, The Reckoning, captained by himself. He survived the Horde's Attack on Theramore Isle, and thereafter stationed himself in Darnassus, where the Front was renamed the Greyford Company.


Luxor is always in for a joke, and charming towards women, yet also a very clever and sober human. Although he might at first seem somewhat arrogant, he is truly noble, brave, and has the heart of a lion or, rather, of a wolf. He would give anything, including his very live, in order to save his beloved kingdom. Luxor is a skilled archer, yet can also fight with swords, knives, and bare hand. He likes walking in the forests, reading books, and also is good at engineering.


Luxor's appearance is pretty much what you would expect from a Gilnean; a large, bearish man. He has a big, black mustache and a small beard, and green eyes. In his worgen form, his hair is black or dark grey, he has blue glowing eyes and big, sharp teeth and claws. He always wears a top hat and his Gilneas tabard, and carries a gun, a small sword and a knife. Luxor had a bulldog that died in the Invasion of Gilneas. Later he tamed a wild wolf, which he named after his hunting trainer in Stormwind, Wulf. He also has a black stallion, Motor, and a gryphon, Aerie.