User:Kroenenthuzad/Jan'thar Moonlight

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AllianceJan'thar Moonlight
Image of Jan'thar Moonlight
Title <House of Moonlight>
Gender Male
Race(s) Highborne night elf (Humanoid)
Level 75
Class Mage, Aristocrat
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Alliance Cataclysm (formely Burning Legion)
Occupation Head of the House of Moonlight
Location Kalimdor
Status Alive
"Elune? Bah! The Light of Lights is a thousand times fairer than she is!"
—Jan'thar Moonlight

Jan'thar Moonlight is a Highborne sorcerer and a skilled arcanist. He was part of Queen Azshara's royal court prior to The Sundering.


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Jan'thar was the leader of one of the night elven Highborne Houses — the Moonlight. His family was from Suramar, the religious capital of the kaldorei race. Jan'thar used to study in the great Highborne library of Izal-Shurah, but he grew to despise the popular ambiance of the city, full of religious superstition often related to the low castes. As many other night elves, he hopelessly fell in love with the Queen Azshara, and eventually he gave up the worshipping of Elune, and instead began to zealously worship his queen as the goddess she should be. Later on, as his love towards his queen grew to burn him from the inside, he left Suramar forever and set his residence in the glorious metropoli of Zin-Azshari.

He became a sly politician and was always willing to go to any means to elevate himself in her queen's eyes. Bit by bit, he got into Azshara's Court within the Eternal Palace, an worked with many other arcanists draining the endless power of the Well of Eternity. But he rarely had friends. He envied Lord Xavius due to his proximity to the queen, and he hated Captain Varo'then because he was enamoured of her too. The only one he seemed to tolerate was Dath'Remar Sunstrider, always kind and compassionate with his highborne fellows.

War of the Ancients

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When Lord Xavius convinced Queen Azshara to use the Well of Eternity as a portal that could grant the Burning Legion and Sargeras himself access to Azeroth, Jan'thar was initially suspicious. Xavius repeatedly claimed Sargeras' godhood, which Jan'thar refused to accept as Azshara was the only goddess he would worship. However, as Azshara herself was excited and ready to do whatever her councilor requested, Jan'thar resufed to heed his own will and bowed to his queen's selfish desires. He began to work with the other arcanists to focus the energies of the Well in a way the demons of the Burning Legion could travel through it from the Nether. And so they did. Hakkar the Houndmaster was the first demonlord to cross the portal, though many others followed him to bring destruction upon Azeroth, such as Mannoroth and, ultimately, Lord Archimonde.

At the beginning, Jan'thar feared the demons and trembled before the presence of a simple felguard, not to mention the dreaded nathrezim or the mighty annihilan. But eventually he learnt to treat and control those evil creatures, showing at least a moderate affinity to more sinister forms of magic than sorcery. He tried to follow the warlock path but he couldn't learn so much until the Kaldorei Resistance led by Kur'talos Ravencrest, was created to stop the Burning Crusade — thus, the War of the Ancients started.

The war went on for long time and Jan'thar remained apart from the continuous battles, staying in the back lines within the comfort of Zin-Azshari and enjoying the luxury and opulence of the Highborne Court. He and the other Highborne loyal to the Burning Legion, helped by the dreadlords, recklessly continued draining the energies of the Well, getting soon utterly drunk and imbued by its magic and power.

When his old home city of Suramar was destroyed by the summoned demons, and its rebel citizens were used by the nathrezim to accomplish interesting necromantic experiments, Jan'thar realised that Sargeras' intentions were to destroy the whole of Kalimdor. However, he didn't care as long as the demons promised to let Azshara and her Highborne zealots to retain their magical powers. Plus, the glorious queen couldn't be wrong as she had always been the undisputed and chosen ruler of the night elves, regardless what that tree-loving druid would say.

The Sundering

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Finally, the Kaldorei Resistance led siege to the city of Zin-Azshari and Malfurion Stormrage, together with his beloved Tyrande Whisperwind and with the help of the dragonflights, assaulted the Eternal Palace and managed to confront Queen Azshara herself and her Highborne loyalists. In the middle of the battle, Jan'thar, escorted by demon underlings, continuously worked upon the Well of Eternity to open the portal that would grant Sargeras access to Azeroth. Fearing that the kaldorei forces were nearer and nearer, and finally aware that the queen had fled from the palace with the help of Captain Varo'then, Jan'thar found a way out of the battleground, leaving his arcanist fellows alone to stand before the ravaging night elven rebels that sought to destroy the portal they were opening.

Trying to run away from what he thought that was a slaughter between rebels and demons, he convinced part of the royal guards to scort him out of the city with the main purpose of regrouping with the queen in a new safe place. As the other sorcerers had died in the hands of the kaldorei, he plotted to become the sole skilled enough arcanist in the personal service of the queen. His schemes, however, were foiled by the cataclysmic destruction that happened in the moment the Well of Eternity exploded, resulting in the Sundering. The continent of Kalimdor fragmented in four minor land masses, and the magnificient city of Zin-Azshari flooded, sinking in the ocean.

Jan'thar had gone far enough from the metropoli core to not to perish in the middle of the destruction. He, along with a very few other Highborne survivors, reached the not-yet-ruined minor city of Eldarath. They gathered within the Temple of Zin-Malor, awaiting for news about what did exactly happen. Eventually, they learnt about the destruction of the Well, the defeat of the Burning Legion, and the demise of Queen Azshara, who they began to think had "passed away". The surviving Highborne refused to accept Malfurion and Tyrande's "New Order" and stubbornly preferred exile instead of giving up their arcane powers. Most of them fled along with Dath'Remar Sunstrider to unknown lands beyond the Great Sea, while others decided to move to the city of Eldre'Thalas under the leadership of Prince Tortheldrin.

The Exile

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Jan'thar disgusted the idea of fleeing to an exile forced by low castes such us druids and priestess. He was still a Highborne and he had birthrights within his people! He stayed within the Ruins of Eldarath and lived in one of the forgotten arcane towers the kaldorei erected thousands of years ago. As the Well of Eternity's energies had been vanished, Jan'thar summoned different minor demons such as voidwalkers or wrathguards to sustain his immortality and arcane abilities via draining the demons' fel energy. Those vile creatures were held captives inside the catacombs beneath the Temple of Zin-Malor.

In the aftermath of the War of the Satyr, a satyr named Jaxxar reached Azshara while fleeing from Ashenvale, trying to get away from his night elven haunters. Jan'thar felt sorry for this wretched being and let him enter to his service as his personal steward.

Jan'thar usually traveled to Dire Maul to spend time learning the new lifestyle of his previously-aristocratic Highborne brothers and sisters. Many of them had concluded that "errors were made" and that allying with the Burning Legion was an error, implying that everything had been Queen Azshara's fault. Jan'thar didn't think that way. He began to disgust his own brethren as he saw them weak and manipulated by the new kaldorei government. Nevertheless, Jan'thar acknowledged the progress that they, led by Prince Tortheldrin, had achieved with the construction of the magic pylons and the enslavement of the demon Immol'thar. As the fel energies of minor voidwalkers were not as effective as the ones of Immol'thar, Jan'thar was forced to make a periodic pilgrimage seeking to feed upon those better magics if he wanted to maintain his arcane abilities.

Millenia passed, and the thirst of magic finally madened Prince Tortheldrin and his Highborne Shen'dralar followers. While Jan'thar was away in Azshara, they tried to restrain their source of immortality only for themselves, so they slaughtered many of the other magic users within Dire Maul until they were sure the pylons and the energies of Immol'thar were safe at their hands. They grew more and more xenophobic, and when Jan'thar arrived to Eldre'thalas, they refuse to let him enter their sanctuary and drove him away from their lands.

The Third War and aftermath

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When the armies of the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge invaded Kalimdor by second time, Jan'thar decided to stay away from the conflict. He had always been suspicious by nature, and without his beloved queen's leadership, he wasn't sure to side with his former masters. Jan'thar secluded himself within his arcane tower in Eldarath and simply waited hoping the war to end soon. Unfortunately, the vile satyr Jaxxar betrayed his master, telling Tichondrius the Darkener where he could find the surviving arcanist. The dreadlord led a party of satyrs that found Jan'thar in Azshara and forced him to serve the Legion draining the power of the moonwells in Felwood. When Illidan Stormrage slayed Tichondrius, Jan'thar managed to escape from the satyrs that held him captive, killing the traitorous Jaxxar in the process.

After that, Jan'thar reached the Ruins of Eldarath, aware that with Tichondrius' death and more troubling issues going on, the demons will not care about his departure.

Months later, when Archimonde and the Burning Legion had been defeated, strange, watery creatures that called themselves "naga" began to colonise Azshara and other regions in Kalimdor. Jan'thar tried to protect his valuable belongings beneath the Temple of Zin-Malor, but a sole mage couldn't stand against the endless waves of naga. Warlord Krellian soon conquered the temple in the name of Nazjatar. Jan'thar faced a severe withdrawal as his main sources of fel energy were lost in the hands of the naga. He survived via summoning minor demons like imps, creatures that he could handle with during his seclusion inside the arcane tower, sometimes draining a better amount of magic if he managed to capture a naga sorcerer. Nevertheless, Jan'thar began to study this new naga race and eventually he discovered who actually were them. Recognizing the fate of his lost brethren, he signed a truce with the naga and began to trade with them, though initially there was suspicion by both parties. When the naga became aware that Jan'thar's intentions were not to harm them, but rather to survive, they let him alone with his researches.

The Cataclysm

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For long years Jan'thar languished inside his retreat of Eldarath, until the dragon the mortals call Deathwing arose and unleashed multiple earthquakes and tremors, resulting in the Shattering.

The Horde then marched upon Azshara and claimed it as its own, giving the region to the goblin refugees of the Bilgewater Cartel. Working in Eldarath became almost impossible as Horde adventures led siege to the ruins seeking to drive out of the city the naga forces led by Lord Kassarus. Plus, the goblins had started to "reshape" the coastal land, resulting in an insufferable industrial noise. Holding no respect towards night elves, highborne or not, the Horde forced Jan'thar to leave Azshara forever.

Jan'thar went on exile, trying to set his residence in Ashenvale. With no results due to the recent Horde invasion over the region, he began to hate the Horde. He tirelessly continued marching until he reached Darkshore, where he had never been to since before the Sundering, when Ameth'Aran and Bashal'Aran still were big highborne settlements under the government of Athrikus Narassin.

Jan'thar explored the region and he discovered the ruins of Auberdine, where he could feed upon the remaining energies of the abandoned moonwell. He settled there and eventually he met a party of night elven mages that went in pilgrimage from Dire Maul to Darnassus. They were going to reunite with Archmage Mordent Evenshade and were led by a Highborne mage named Daros Moonlance. Jan'thar introduced himself as Jan'thar the Gifter, and after they had explained him the events that led the Shen'dralar to rejoin their night elven brothers, Jan'thar decided to accompany them in their journey.

After the Shattering

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When they reached Teldrassil, Jan'thar firstly thought that the night elven druids had become too much arrogant and undisciplined for daring to create such a monstruosity without Nature's blessing. He veiledly smirked and got ready to show up within the night elf capital after being exiled for millenia. Finally, those kaldorei zealots realised the value of the arcana, and the importance of the Highborne caste!

While in Darnassus, he gathered with his mage fellows and some wolf-shaped allies inside a big tree called the Howling Oak. There, he met Archmage Mordent Evenshade, who, along with Daros Moonlance, had emerged as leader of the kaldorei mages of the "Alliance" — a pathetic group of multiple lower races that believe themselves to be skilled enough in the ways of arcane when they are no more than fledglings compared to the power of a Highborne. Jan'thar holds nothing more than contempt towards this Alliance. Evenshade seemed a dotard that regretted everything they —the Highborne— made in the past, blaming on Queen Azshara and the Legion for the Sundering, when it wasn't their fault, but Malfurion's brilliant idea to blow up the world all along with the Well of Eternity!

Nowadays, Jan'thar "the Gifter" is focusing his efforts to secretly recruit the surviving Highborne and the new kaldorei mages to achieve his own purposes outside the official night elven objectives. This emerging group of arcanists have began to rebuild the former Highborne Houses, beginning with the House of Moonlight, which Jan'thar is the master of. Though he always states that they only want to "recall" old, better days, night elven authorities are suspicious and paranoid about these meetings.

In Darnassus, Jan'thar usually visits the moonwell inside the Temple of the Moon. There, he stares at its fathomless silver light, daydreaming to, someday, drain its great energies and become more powerful than any other Highborne alive or dead.

Officially, he will help the Alliance to fight the Horde because he does not want to see their land occupied by these green mongrels. however, the Alliance is merely the means to an end, as he share no love towards the other mortal races in Azeroth — excepting, perhaps, the high elves.

Personality and Powers

Jan'thar is extremely intelligent. A brilliant student in his youth, he became a learned, sophisticated and manipulative Highborne. His rhetoric and oratory could've match those of Lord Xavius, and his endless wealth could still buy him everything his gentle and persuasive words didn't.

Before the Sundering, he, as most members of his caste, was considered decadent, hideous and shallow-minded by the kaldorei people. Nevertheless, he was feared by his subjects and respected among his equals. He had little patience and he usually got whatever he wanted. He was a supporter of the idea that the ends justify the means, and his only true end was to elevate himself in her queen's eyes, whom he desperately loved.

Having learned from the best sorcerers in Suramar and later from Azshara herself, he soon mastered the arcane and became a powerful wizard. He was as skilled as Captain Varo'then and the Keepers of Eternity altogether, easily overcoming the Queen's best sorcerers, excepting Lord Xavius. With the beginning of the Legion invasion and the War of the Ancient, the Dreadlords taught him how to summon and overmaster minor fiends, and he joined other arcanists of the Court in draining magical energies from the Well of Eternity, source of their dark powers.


Jan'thar is tall for a night elf, but not as much as Queen Azshara was. His skin is deep bluish and he has a long white-haired mane. His eyes —with no pupils on them— are deep and cold, with a distinctive malignant gaze, the only exception being towards his most beloved queen. He is slenderly built, and he walks with elven grace and common Highborne mannerism. His facial features are exquisite and his general look is handsome, though gracefulness is an usual elven trait.

His voice is highly charismatic and charming, usually with a conciliatory and persuasive tone, sometimes with a severe and grim one, but always effective as he often gets whatever he wants without resorting to brute force. It seemed that only the Azshara herself, Lord Xavius and Dath'Remar Sunstrider were immune to his hypnotic words.

Memorable quotes

War of the Ancients

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Flower of the Moon, my heart beats only to serve Your Glory!
Do you want me to give up everything I esteem reason to be alive, and in my estimation live on giving up what I want, placing before the power the "I should not"? Certainly I wouldn't, and I couldn't, listen to your terms!
  • "Whilst Zin-Azshari is a city blessed by the Vision of Perfection, Suramar is home to low castes, to mental depravation, to soul sickness. In other words — to religion."

World of Warcraft

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

  • "Ishnu-dal-dieb, traveler. I am Jan’thar Moonlight — one of the Quel'dorei. Please, make no mistake — I’m not part of these novice kaldorei magi, but I'm much older and much more versed in the arts of arcane than any of them. Ten thousand years ago, I was a member of Our Most Beloved Queen’s Court and I was proud of introducing myself as one of her most revered arcanists. Times have changed, though, and we Highborne aren’t the ones we were in the past anymore. But where did my manners go? Please, take a seat and warm yourself up next to the fireplace. My maiden will pour some Kul Tiras red wine in a goblet for you."
  • "Our Queen taught us plenty of things, not only sorcery — for example, that it is much more effective to be a loved ruler than a feared one."
  • "I hear voices —even among these piteous, modern Shen'dralar— blaming our last legit ruler for the Sundering, when it was that tree-loving druid's idea to blow up the world all along with the Well of Eternity, not Azshara's, not my Queen's!"
  • "Evenshade forgets I was there when he so passionately dragged himself across the floor with the intention of gaining our Queen's favor, ten thousand years ago. And now he blames her?! Perhaps he forgot I do know all his secrets..."
  • "This degenerated kaldorei subrace thinks of Tyrande as she was Azshara. Too bad! This must not bother her — she is not my Queen, she is not like my Queen was, she will never be something similar to my Queen. There's only one Azshara!"
  • "We, true Highborne, do not recognize this government as legit, never will we."

Conversation with Malfurion and Tyrande

Tyrande says: Fandu-dath-belore? You, Highborne! Do I know you?
Jan'thar says: You think so, Priestess? Perhaps. It doesn't mind if you recall me, for I recall both of you clearly. Millenia have passed since that fateful day, but I still remember you and your forces ravaging the beauteous Zin-Azshari, burning its wondreous stances to ashes... And the Well... Its loss... Unforgivable!
Malfurion says: You... Now I remember your face, I recall your treason... Your words... You're one of her sorcerers.
Jan'thar says: I was, Archdruid. But no more, and it is your fault!
Tyrande says: You're not like them — you're truly tainted. Fel magic runs through your veins like a venom.
Jan'thar says: And what are you going to do about it? Are you going to put me to death, as many others before me? I don't think so. Not after the death of the others — Thera'brin, Ha'srim, and that poor Var'dyn.
Jan'thar says: No. You wouldn't confront my colleages, with the murders of that zealot of yours still recent. You wouldn't confront the new kaldorei magi my brethren are training this very moment. You wouldn't confront half your populace and reveal yourselves as tyrants... Or am I wrong?
Malfurion says: You may be right, Highborne, but someday your crimes will be punished. Until that day, we have no need of enduring your forked tongue, nor your poisonous words.
Malfurion says: Now, begone! Return to your accursed lair and do not disturb the tranquility of this sanctum.
Jan'thar says: Very well, Archdruid! Anu therador mali.


Preceded by:
Lord Madrielas
Head of the House of Moonlight
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Centrius Moonlight
Heir of the House of Moonlight
Succeeded by: