User:Kroenenthuzad/House of Moonlight

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

The Moonlights are an ancient quel'dorei family from Suramar. Their founder, Lady Aszura, was a distant niece of Queen Azshara herself.

The family became nearly extinguished after the War of the Ancients, its members having turned mostly to satyrs, naga or high elves. The Head of the House, Jan'thar Moonlight, survived for millenia and recently began to rebuild his family's former glory Cataclysm.

The surviving members of the Moonlights that reached the Eastern Kingdoms alongside Dath'Remar Sunstrider founded the Suntreader family and continued living on as high elves in Quel'Thalas, never again considering themselves part of the House of Moonlight.

Family tree


Known members

Name Spouse Notes Status
IconSmall Highborne Female.gif Lady Aszura Unknown Founder and Matriarch of the House of Moonlight. Niece and protégé of the Queen. Deceased
IconSmall Highborne Female.gif High Priestess Dessa None Daughter of Aszura. Promoted as Queen Azshara's personal high priestess. Deceased
IconSmall Highborne Male.gif Lord Madrielas IconSmall Highborne Female.gif Delrysa Son and heir of Aszura. Deceased
IconSmall Highborne Male.gif Centrius IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Hioniel First born son of Madrielas Moonlight. Disinherited because of marrying a non-Highborne woman. Member of the Kaldorei Resistance. Unknown
IconSmall Highborne Male.gif Jan'thar None Second born son of Madrielas and current Head of the House of Moonlight. Alive
IconSmall Highborne Male.gifIconSmall Satyr.gif Celo'thar Unknown Third born son of Madrielas. Turned into a satyr by Lord Xavius during the War of the Ancients. Deceased after the War of the Satyr. Deceased
IconSmall Highborne Female.gifIconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Cailinda Unknown Only daughter of Madrielas. Turned into a naga after the Sundering. Currently serves Empress Azshara at the bottom of the sea. Alive
IconSmall Highborne Male.gifIconSmall HighElf Male.gif Ana'thar IconSmall Highborne Female.gifIconSmall HighElf Female.gif Raithien Youngest son of Madrielas Moonlight. Left Kalimdor alongside Dath'Remar Sunstrider. Became one of the first high elves. Unknown
IconSmall HighElf Male.gifIconSmall HighElf Female.gif An'daron and Rathelin Unknown Founders of the high elven Suntreader family from Quel'Thalas. Deceased