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This Sandbox is a personal projects page exploring the viability of many of my perceptions and ideas. The ideas presented are not meant to be criticisms, but ways to improve on already tried and true practices. I would encourage those who are viewing this page to be constructive and instead try and improve upon these ideas if they are lacking.

Each demonstration has a link to the template that defines it. Some are composed of smaller templates accordingly that embody the same philosophies. In some cases, there are several parameters, but the templates are designed to have as many as possible be optional. Often, the demo here does not describe the full functionality. The full functionality is described in the docs for the templates.

These templates are NOT for active use.

  • While they are fully functional, they may require some changes to articles. Be judicious in your use of these before they are accepted.
  • They are not in the appropriate namespace. If you would like to use these templates, then let's organize with the community to place the in the appropriate places so that they can be used effectively.



These Navigation templates were designed based on the limitations of the wowwiki {{classnav}} template. There may be of some use here, but that has yet to be determined. Unlike the {{classnav}} template, made to provide some navigation to any page that might reference them. They have some additional benefits when used with different organizational structures, such as page sensing and specific style options. Some also have the capability to allow modification to a single template to set new links to rights, should the structure or logic ever need to change.

Additionally, and (arguably) most important, these templates will be embodied in a single template that "reads" the article and gives the appropriate navigation without javascript, CSS. The point of this a functional graceful degradation. Another benefit is that the navigational components may be used independantly as needed in a number of different stylizable(sp?) forms. Currently, not all of the bars have the same functionality.

Side Navigation

The Talents demo has inherent orientation options that allow for one template instead of two. This is something that should be added to the others.
Deathknight Death knight
Druid Druid
Hunter Hunter
Mage Mage
Paladin Paladin
Priest Priest
Rogue Rogue
Shaman Shaman
Warlock Warlock
Warrior Warrior
Class Subarticles Bar
Armor Sets

Horizontal Navigation

Classes Bar

This is a new sample classes bar for easier navigation. This template has conditional CSS for use with class pages and sub-pages. Additionally, it can be used by any other page without any changes. The CSS is poor here, but the look may certainly be tweaked to be more visually appealing. Additionally, I think some good images, would enhance the look.

Read the template documentation for more information and options.

Classes Death Knight Death knight Druid Druid Hunter Hunter Mage Mage Priest Priest Paladin Paladin Rogue Rogue Shaman Shaman Warlock Warlock Warrior Warrior
Class Sub-Navs

This is a new sample classes bar for easier navigation. This template has conditional CSS for use with class pages and sub-pages. Additionally, it can be used by any other page without any changes. The CSS is poor here, but the look may certainly be tweaked to be more visually appealing. Additionally, I think some good images, would enhance the look.

Read the template documentation for more information and options.

Races Abilities Talents Glyphs Trainers Quests Armor Sets

Read the template documentation for more information and options.

Races Abilities Talents Glyphs Trainers Quests Armor Sets

This template is one of my favorites and a couple of techniques here are going to be incorporated in the others. Horizontal/Vertical switching, for instance, as it gets rid of the need for two templates. (This was a bear to figure out exactly how to implement it well.) Read the template documentation for more information and options.

Death knight/TreeLinks
Suggested Combined Usage

It might be beneficial to have both of these at the top, one directly under the other and centered in the page. This will obviously require some design that I am currently not willing to do without some confirmation that moving over to this format is accepted. Below is a sample...

Another option might be to have the ternary navigation to the side in a vertical list

Death knight/TreeLinks

Comparison to current navigation is incomplete and potentially unnecessary, as I am still biased from the previous site. One thing of note, however, is that the classnav here does not collapse, whereas it does on a given class page. This is something that I will look into.

Proposed Navigation

Current Navigation

Classes Deathknight Demon hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
Class races DK DH Dr Ev Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Quests DK DH Dr Ev Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Abilities DK DH Dr Ev Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Trainers DK DH Dr - Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Armor sets DK DH Dr Ev Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Useful macros DK DH Dr - Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Class Halls DK DH Dr - Hu Ma Mo Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr