User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Forsaken Lordaeron

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HordeForsaken Kingdom of Lordaeron
Main leader IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
Secondary leaders

IconSmall Nathanos.gif Nathanos Marris
IconSmall UndeadGalen.gif Galen Trollbane
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore
IconSmall Undead Male.gif King Aiden Perenolde
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Archmage Antonidas IconSmall Murloc Male.gif Murloc Puddle Lord
IconSmall Gnoll.gif Snarlmane
IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Mug'thol

IconSmall Human Male.gif Blackthorn

Forsaken Army


ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Undead elfUndead elf Undead elf

MurlocMurloc Murloc
OgreOgre Ogre
HumanHuman Human
Gnoll Gnoll
IconSmall Banshee.gif Banshee
IconSmall Abomination.gif Abomination
IconSmall Val'kyr.gif Val'kyr
IconSmall Wraith.gif Wraith
IconSmall Zombie.gif Zombie

Leper gnomeLeper gnome Leper gnome
Capital Undercity
Other major settlements Andorhal, Tarren Mill, Brill, Boralus, Alterac City, Stromgarde Keep
Affiliation Horde
Status Active
Tabard Undercity Tabard.jpg

The Forsaken Kingdom of Lordaeron (also known as Forsaken Lordaeron) is the kingdom that was founded by Sylvanas after gaining her free-will and winning the civil war. The kingdom's capital is Undercity. Now, the forsaken fights what remained from the Scourge forces, the Scarlet Crusade and the Alliance.


The forsaken control the Eastern Plaguelands, most of the Western Plaguelands, the Tirisfal Glades, the Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Arathi Highlands, Ruins of Gilneas and most of the islands of Kul Tiras. Also possibly North Lordaeron, which is currently a Closed Zone.