Upon the Ramparts

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NeutralUpon the Ramparts
Start Anji Autumnlight
End Anji Autumnlight
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Daily
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 236,000
Reputation +100 Golden Lotus
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [30-35 Daily] The Battle Ring, N [30-35 Daily] Survival Ring: Blades
Next N [90 Daily] Vyraxxis, the Krik'thik Swarm-Lord


Kill 10 Krik'thik mantid on top of the Gate of the Setting Sun.

  • Krik'thik wall attackers slain (10)


Some of the mantid have made it on top of the wall. There's some risk they'll rout the soldiers we have posted there if their numbers are large enough.

I need you to get on top of the wall and help clear out any that have broken through.


You will receive:


We're spread thin defending so many fronts. This is where the best of us shine.


You're welcome on the wall any time, <class>.


Fly up to the wall and get started killing Krik'thik locust-guards and needlers.


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