Given a Second Chance

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NeutralGiven a Second Chance

Wounded defenders getting shelled
Start Sun Tenderheart
End Sun Tenderheart
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Daily
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 236,000
Reputation +100 Golden Lotus
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [90] Leaving an Opening
Next N [90 Daily] Burning Away the Filth, N [90 Daily] Rude Awakenings, N [90 Daily] The Silent Approach, N [90 Daily] A Smashing Impression


Heal 6 Wounded Defenders.


A foolish contingent attempted to mount an offensive on the Golden Stair through the eastern pass, and were bombarded by cannons. Those that made it back are in bad shape, and there are still wounded out in the field.

Here are some bandages. Use these, or any other healing spells you possess, and help get our wounded defenders back to safety.

Please hurry, there is little time.


You will receive:


There are more injured in need of attention. Please help if you can.


The men you healed made it back safely.

Thank you, kind friend. Truly.


Go to the northwest, beneath the Golden Stair proper on the Emperor's Approach. Wounded defenders are lying in the field, wounded, still getting shelled. Shells are friendly enough to mark on the ground a few seconds before they hit for ~30,000 Fire, so try to avoid them. Get them above 50% health via any means.


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