Acts of Cruelty

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NeutralActs of Cruelty

A soul-render torturing a victim
Start Sun Tenderheart[56.5, 43.2]
End Sun Tenderheart[56.5, 43.2]
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Daily
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 236,000
Reputation +100 Golden Lotus
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes


Rescue 5 Golden Lotus Guards or Mistfall Villagers.

  • Torture victims rescued (5)


I can hear the screams of the captured soldiers and villagers up on the Golden Stair. They're torturing them!

Please, please, you have to save them!


You will receive:


No one deserved the agony the mogu bring upon us...


My heart rests a little easier knowing what you've done. Thank you, my dear.


Civilians or guards are being tortured by soul-renders. Players can free the pandaren simply by flying down, gain the aggro of the soul-render (which causes the mob to let go of the victim), and fly back out of range.


Patch changes

External links