Enemy at the Gates

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NeutralEnemy at the Gates

Enemy at the gates
Start Anji Autumnlight [21.5, 71.6]
End Anji Autumnlight [21.5, 71.6]
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Daily
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 294,000
Reputation +200 Golden Lotus
Rewards 24g 72s 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes


Use a Shado-Pan Sky Serpent to kill 60 Krik'thik attackers, 3 Krik'thik War Wagons, and 3 Krik'thik Catapults.


The mantid forces are pouring against the wall. I've arranged for some flying serpents to cut away at their forces from the air.

Would you be willing to take the reigns on one of them?


You will receive:


The mantid sense our weakness during the mogu attacks. They're hoping to take us off-guard. They underestimate me.


Kun tells me you were amazing out there. You impress my man, you impress me.

Good work.


Requires Revered with Golden Lotus to be offered.

Head west across the survival ring to the War Serpent and hop on. It has two abilities:

  • Delayed Clusterbomb 150 yd range — Drop a cluster of sticky explosives on mantid attackers, dealing 0 Fire damage, knocking them back from the destination, and triggering each of them to explode for 182,000 to 368,000 after 3 seconds. Instant. Initial hit lands for ~58,000-61,000 Fire and knocks away from the target location. Triggers... (1.5 sec cooldown)
    • Shado-Pan Explosive 500 yd range — Drop a cluster of sticky explosives on mantid attackers, dealing 0 Fire damage, knocking them back from the destination, and triggering each of them to explode for 182,000 to 378,000 Fire damage after 3 seconds. Instant. Triggered by the Delayed Clusterbomb. Hits for the tooltip-indicated amount.
  • Return to Setting Sun Garrison — Prompts your war serpent to return you to SEtting Sun Garrison. Instant. Fades to black and teleports back to the garrison.

Hop on, cross the wall, and start dropping cluster bombs. Try to knock mobs into the direction of siege weapons to do some bonus damage.


Patch changes

  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Removed.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-05-22): Fixed an issue where players were unable to ride the War Serpent.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.

External links