A Weighty Task

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NeutralA Weighty Task
Start Ren Firetongue [42.3, 46.0]
End Ren Firetongue [42.3, 46.0]
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Daily
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 236000
Reputation +100 Golden Lotus
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [90 Daily] Whitepetal Lake
Next N [90 Daily] Setting Sun Garrison


Recover 8 Mogu Artifacts.


For the life of me, I can't figure out why the mogu would have built all their statues and such down in that lake. I'm sure there wasn't always water down there, but it still seems wickedly inconvenient should it ever have rained.

Ah well, who's to fathom the strange intentions of the mogu...

Would you be so kind to swim down there and bring back any artifacts that seem even vaguely carry-able? I'd certainly appreciate it.


You will receive:


Have you found a pretty stone thing or two for me? I have a hug waiting for you should you have been so kind!


Well look at you! Not only can you swim in all that ornate and heavy-looking gear, you can carry half-a-dozen awkwardly large gilded weapons while you do it! Of all your feats, this is surely one of the most impressive, no?

Thank you, you marvelously adept swimmer you.


Pick up the other dailies before heading out. Jump in, swim down, start looting. Ren has not granted Waterbreathing, so don't spend too long underwater!


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