Thundering Skies

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NeutralThundering Skies

Subjugated Serpent
Start Anji Autumnlight
End Anji Autumnlight
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Daily
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 236,000
Reputation +100 Golden Lotus
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes


Kill 3 Subjugated Serpents.


The mogu have bent the will of sky serpents and turned them against us.

The defenders won't fare well against them, but you would. Head northwest towards the Golden Stair and remove them from the sky.


You will receive:


We train our recruits in methods to fight off flying mantid, so they shouldn't be entirely unprepared for sky serpents.


Quite the battle! I think your feat has boosted morale among the troops a bit.


The cloud serpents are flying much closer to the ground than usual today. The serpents are level 90 elites with 1.2 million health and the following abilities:

  • Basic melee — ~20,000 on cloth
  • Lightning Breath — Breathes lightning on enemies, inflicting Nature damage. 1.5 sec cast (15 sec cooldown)
  • Lightning Whirl 20 yd range — Charges with lightning, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies within 15 yards, knocking them back. 1.5 sec cast (5 sec cooldown)

The tap is shared, so don't be too alarmed if the area is swarmed with players — just get in a hit to receive credit.


Patch changes

External links