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Instantiation CreateFrame("Cooldown")

The Cooldown widget displays "clock-like" sweep and leading-edge effects over abilities and buffs. It self-animates from a start time and duration, and the animated textures may be independently configured.

Cooldowns are usually children of another frame and set to cover the same area. The stock UI uses this widget to display ability cooldowns on action buttons or buff/debuff durations on unit frames.


Cooldown:Clear() - Clears the currently active cooldown of the widget.
Cooldown:GetCooldownDisplayDuration() : duration
Cooldown:GetCooldownDuration() : duration - Returns the duration currently shown by the cooldown frame in milliseconds.
Cooldown:GetCooldownTimes() : start, duration - Returns the starting time and duration of the cooldown frame in milliseconds.
Cooldown:GetDrawBling() : drawBling
Cooldown:GetDrawEdge() : drawEdge - Returns true if a bright line should be drawn on the moving edge of the cooldown animation.
Cooldown:GetDrawSwipe() : drawSwipe
Cooldown:GetEdgeScale() : edgeScale
Cooldown:GetReverse() : reverse - Returns true if the bright and dark portions of the cooldown animation should be inverted.
Cooldown:GetRotation() : rotationRadians - Get the current rotation of the cooldown in radians.
Cooldown:IsPaused() : isPaused - Returns true if the cooldown is currently paused.
Cooldown:Pause() - Pauses the cooldown.
Cooldown:Resume() - Resumes the cooldown after being paused.
Cooldown:SetBlingTexture(texture [, colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA])
Cooldown:SetCooldown(start, duration [, modRate]) - Shows a cooldown animation.
Cooldown:SetCooldownDuration(duration [, modRate])
Cooldown:SetCooldownUNIX(start, duration [, modRate])
Cooldown:SetDrawEdge([drawEdge]) - Sets whether a bright line should be drawn on the moving edge of the cooldown animation.
Cooldown:SetEdgeTexture(texture [, colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA]) - Sets the texture which 'follows' the moving edge of the cooldown.
Cooldown:SetHideCountdownNumbers([hideNumbers]) - Show or hide text cooldown timer.
Cooldown:SetReverse([reverse]) - Controls the direction of the cooldown animation.
Cooldown:SetRotation(rotationRadians) - Rotate the entire cooldown a certain radians clockwise.
Cooldown:SetSwipeColor(colorR, colorG, colorB [, a]) - Sets the color of the swipe
Cooldown:SetSwipeTexture(texture [, colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA]) - Sets the swipe texture used for the cooldown
Cooldown:SetTexCoordRange(low, high)
Cooldown:SetUseCircularEdge([useCircularEdge]) - Sets whether the edge texture should follow a circular pattern instead of square.
Frame:CanChangeAttribute() : canChangeAttributes
Frame:CreateFontString([name, drawLayer, templateName]) : line - Creates a fontstring.
Frame:CreateLine([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel]) : line - Draws a line.
Frame:CreateMaskTexture([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel]) : maskTexture - Creates a mask texture.
Frame:CreateTexture([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel]) : texture - Creates a texture.
Frame:DesaturateHierarchy(desaturation [, excludeRoot])
Frame:DisableDrawLayer(layer) - Prevents display of the frame on the specified draw layer.
Frame:DoesClipChildren() : clipsChildren
Frame:EnableDrawLayer(layer) - Allows display of the frame on the specified draw layer.
Frame:EnableGamePadButton([enable]) - Allows the receipt of gamepad button inputs for this frame.
Frame:EnableGamePadStick([enable]) - Allows the receipt of gamepad stick inputs for this frame.
Frame:EnableKeyboard([enable]) - Allows this frame to receive keyboard input.
Frame:ExecuteAttribute(attributeName, unpackedPrimitiveType, ...) : success, unpackedPrimitiveType, ...
Frame:GetAlpha() : alpha -> Region:GetAlpha
Frame:GetAttribute(attributeName) : value - Returns the value of a secure frame attribute.
Frame:GetBoundsRect() : left, bottom, width, height
Frame:GetChildren() : child1, ... - Returns a list of child frames belonging to the frame.
Frame:GetClampRectInsets() : left, right, top, bottom - Returns the frame's clamp rectangle offsets.
Frame:GetDontSavePosition() : dontSave
Frame:GetEffectiveAlpha() : effectiveAlpha - Returns the effective alpha after propagating from the parent region.
Frame:GetEffectivelyFlattensRenderLayers() : flatten - Returns true if render layer flattening has been implicitly enabled.
Frame:GetEffectiveScale() : effectiveScale - Returns the effective scale after propagating from the parent region.
Frame:GetFlattensRenderLayers() : flatten - Returns true if render layer flattening has been enabled.
Frame:GetFrameLevel() : frameLevel - Returns the frame level of the frame.
Frame:GetFrameStrata() : strata - Returns the layering strata of the frame.
Frame:GetHitRectInsets() : left, right, top, bottom - Returns the insets of the frame's hit rectangle.
Frame:GetHyperlinksEnabled() : enabled - Returns true if mouse interaction with hyperlinks on the frame is enabled.
Frame:GetID() : id - Returns the frame's numeric identifier.
Frame:GetNumChildren() : numChildren - Returns the number of child frames belonging to the frame.
Frame:GetNumRegions() : numRegions - Returns the number of non-Frame child regions belonging to the frame.
Frame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() : propagate - Returns whether the frame propagates keyboard events.
Frame:GetRaisedFrameLevel() : frameLevel
Frame:GetRegions() : region1, ... - Returns a list of non-Frame child regions belonging to the frame.
Frame:GetResizeBounds() : minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight - Returns the minimum and maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
Frame:GetScale() : frameScale -> Region:GetScale
Frame:GetWindow() : window
Frame:HasFixedFrameLevel() : isFixed
Frame:HasFixedFrameStrata() : isFixed
Frame:Hide() -> ScriptRegion:Hide
Frame:IsClampedToScreen() : clampedToScreen - Returns whether a frame is prevented from being moved off-screen.
Frame:IsEventRegistered(eventName) : isRegistered, unit1, ... - Returns whether a frame is registered to an event.
Frame:IsGamePadButtonEnabled() : enabled - Checks if this frame is configured to receive gamepad button inputs.
Frame:IsGamePadStickEnabled() : enabled - Checks if this frame is configured to receive gamepad stick inputs.
Frame:IsIgnoringParentAlpha() : ignore -> Region:IsIgnoringParentAlpha
Frame:IsIgnoringParentScale() : ignore -> Region:IsIgnoringParentScale
Frame:IsKeyboardEnabled() : enabled - Returns true if keyboard interactivity is enabled for the frame.
Frame:IsMovable() : isMovable - Returns true if the frame is movable.
Frame:IsObjectLoaded() : isLoaded -> Region:IsObjectLoaded
Frame:IsResizable() : resizable - Returns true if the frame can be resized by the user.
Frame:IsShown() : isShown -> ScriptRegion:IsShown
Frame:IsToplevel() : isTopLevel - Returns whether this frame should raise its frame level on mouse interaction.
Frame:IsUserPlaced() : isUserPlaced - Returns whether the frame has been moved by the user.
Frame:IsUsingParentLevel() : usingParentLevel
Frame:IsVisible() : isVisible -> ScriptRegion:IsVisible
Frame:LockHighlight() - Sets the frame or button to always be drawn highlighted.
Frame:Lower() - Reduces the frame's frame level below all other frames in its strata.
Frame:Raise() - Increases the frame's frame level above all other frames in its strata.
Frame:RegisterAllEvents() - Flags the frame to receive all events.
Frame:RegisterEvent(eventName) : registered - Registers the frame to an event.
Frame:RegisterForDrag([button1, ...]) - Registers the frame for dragging with a mouse button.
Frame:RegisterUnitEvent(eventName [, unit1, ...]) : registered - Registers the frame for a specific event, triggering only for the specified units.
Frame:RotateTextures(radians [, x, y])
Frame:SetAlpha(alpha) -> Region:SetAlpha
Frame:SetAttribute(attributeName, value) - Sets an attribute on the frame.
Frame:SetAttributeNoHandler(attributeName, value) - Sets an attribute on the frame without triggering the OnAttributeChanged script handler.
Frame:SetClampedToScreen(clampedToScreen) - Prevents the frame from moving off-screen.
Frame:SetClampRectInsets(left, right, top, bottom) - Controls how much of the frame may be moved off-screen.
Frame:SetDrawLayerEnabled(layer [, isEnabled])
Frame:SetFlattensRenderLayers(flatten) - Controls whether all subregions are composited into a single render layer.
Frame:SetFrameLevel(frameLevel) - Sets the level at which the frame is layered relative to others in its strata.
Frame:SetFrameStrata(strata) - Sets the layering strata of the frame.
Frame:SetHitRectInsets(left, right, top, bottom) #secureframe - Returns the insets of the frame's hit rectangle.
Frame:SetHyperlinksEnabled([enabled]) - Allows mouse interaction with hyperlinks on the frame.
Frame:SetID(id) - Returns the frame's numeric identifier.
Frame:SetIgnoreParentAlpha(ignore) -> Region:SetIgnoreParentAlpha
Frame:SetIgnoreParentScale(ignore) -> Region:SetIgnoreParentScale
Frame:SetIsFrameBuffer(isFrameBuffer) - Controls whether or not a frame is rendered to its own framebuffer prior to being composited atop the UI.
Frame:SetMovable(movable) - Sets whether the frame can be moved.
Frame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput(propagate) #nocombat - Sets whether keyboard input is consumed by this frame or propagates to further frames.
Frame:SetResizable(resizable) - Sets whether the frame can be resized by the user.
Frame:SetResizeBounds(minWidth, minHeight [, maxWidth, maxHeight]) - Sets the minimum and maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
Frame:SetScale(scale) -> Region:SetScale
Frame:SetShown([shown]) -> ScriptRegion:SetShown
Frame:SetToplevel(topLevel) #secureframe - Controls whether or not a frame should raise its frame level on mouse interaction.
Frame:SetUserPlaced(userPlaced) - Sets whether a frame has been moved by the user and will be saved in the layout cache.
Frame:Show() -> ScriptRegion:Show
Frame:StartMoving([alwaysStartFromMouse]) - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement.
Frame:StartSizing([resizePoint, alwaysStartFromMouse]) - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement.
Frame:StopMovingOrSizing() - Stops moving or resizing the frame.
Frame:UnlockHighlight() - Sets the frame or button to not always be drawn highlighted.
Frame:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters all events from the frame.
Frame:UnregisterEvent(eventName) : registered - Unregisters an event from the frame.
Region:GetAlpha() : alpha - Returns the region's opacity.
Region:GetDrawLayer() : layer, sublayer - Returns the layer in which the region is drawn.
Region:GetEffectiveScale() : effectiveScale - Returns the scale of the region after propagating from its parents.
Region:GetScale() : scale - Returns the scale of the region.
Region:GetVertexColor() : colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA - Returns the vertex color shading of the region.
Region:IsIgnoringParentAlpha() : isIgnoring - Returns true if the region is ignoring parent alpha.
Region:IsIgnoringParentScale() : isIgnoring - Returns true if the region is ignoring parent scale.
Region:IsObjectLoaded() : isLoaded - Returns true if the region is fully loaded.
Region:SetAlpha(alpha) - Sets the opacity of the region.
Region:SetDrawLayer(layer [, sublevel]) - Sets the layer in which the region is drawn.
Region:SetIgnoreParentAlpha(ignore) - Sets whether the region should ignore its parent's alpha.
Region:SetIgnoreParentScale(ignore) - Sets whether the region should ignore its parent's scale.
Region:SetScale(scale) - Sets the size scaling of the region.
Region:SetVertexColor(colorR, colorG, colorB [, a]) - Sets the vertex shading color of the region.
ScriptRegion:CanChangeProtectedState() : canChange - Returns true if protected properties of the region can be changed by non-secure scripts.
ScriptRegion:CollapsesLayout() : collapsesLayout
ScriptRegion:EnableMouse([enable]) - Sets whether the region should receive mouse input.
ScriptRegion:EnableMouseMotion([enable]) - Sets whether the region should receive mouse hover events.
ScriptRegion:EnableMouseWheel([enable]) - Sets whether the region should receive mouse wheel input.
ScriptRegion:GetBottom() : bottom #restrictedframe - Returns the offset to the bottom edge of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetCenter() : x, y #restrictedframe - Returns the offset to the center of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetHeight([ignoreRect]) : height - Returns the height of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetLeft() : left #restrictedframe - Returns the offset to the left edge of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetRect() : left, bottom, width, height #restrictedframe - Returns the coords and size of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetRight() : right #restrictedframe - Returns the offset to the right edge of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetScaledRect() : left, bottom, width, height - Returns the scaled coords and size of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetSize([ignoreRect]) : width, height - Returns the width and height of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetSourceLocation() : location - Returns the script name and line number where the region was created.
ScriptRegion:GetTop() : top #restrictedframe - Returns the offset to the top edge of the region.
ScriptRegion:GetWidth([ignoreRect]) : width - Returns the width of the region.
ScriptRegion:Hide() #secureframe - Hides the region.
ScriptRegion:IsCollapsed() : isCollapsed
ScriptRegion:IsAnchoringRestricted() : isRestricted - Returns true if the region has cross-region anchoring restrictions applied.
ScriptRegion:IsDragging() : isDragging - Returns true if the region is being dragged.
ScriptRegion:IsMouseClickEnabled() : enabled - Returns true if the region can receive mouse clicks.
ScriptRegion:IsMouseEnabled() : enabled - Returns true if the region can receive mouse input.
ScriptRegion:IsMouseMotionEnabled() : enabled - Returns true if the region can receive mouse hover events.
ScriptRegion:IsMouseMotionFocus() : isMouseMotionFocus - Returns true if the mouse cursor is hovering over the region.
ScriptRegion:IsMouseOver([offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight]) : isMouseOver - Returns true if the mouse cursor is hovering over the region.
ScriptRegion:IsMouseWheelEnabled() : enabled - Returns true if the region can receive mouse wheel input.
ScriptRegion:IsProtected() : isProtected, isProtectedExplicitly - Returns whether the region is currently protected.
ScriptRegion:IsRectValid() : isValid - Returns true if the region can be positioned on the screen.
ScriptRegion:IsShown() : isShown - Returns true if the region should be shown; it depends on the parents if it's visible.
ScriptRegion:IsVisible() : isVisible - Returns true if the region and its parents are shown.
ScriptRegion:SetMouseClickEnabled([enabled]) - Sets whether the region should receive mouse clicks.
ScriptRegion:SetMouseMotionEnabled([enabled]) - Sets whether the region should receive mouse hover events.
ScriptRegion:SetParent([parent]) - Sets the parent of the region.
ScriptRegion:SetPassThroughButtons([button1, ...]) #nocombat - Allows the region to propagate mouse clicks to underlying regions or the world frame.
ScriptRegion:SetShown([show]) #secureframe - Shows or hides the region.
ScriptRegion:Show() #secureframe - Shows the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:AdjustPointsOffset(x, y) #secureframe - Adjusts the x and y offset of the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:ClearAllPoints() - Removes all anchor points from the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:ClearPoint(point) - Removes an anchor point from the region by name.
ScriptRegionResizing:ClearPointsOffset() #secureframe - Resets the x and y offset on the region to zero.
ScriptRegionResizing:GetNumPoints() : numPoints - Returns the number of anchor points for the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:GetPoint([anchorIndex]) : point, relativeTo, relativePoint, offsetX, offsetY #restrictedframe - Returns an anchor point for the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:GetPointByName(point) : point, relativeTo, relativePoint, offsetX, offsetY - Returns an anchor point by name for the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:SetAllPoints(relativeTo [, doResize]) - Positions the region the same as another region.
ScriptRegionResizing:SetHeight(height) - Sets the height of the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:SetPoint(point, relativeTo, relativePoint, offsetX, offsetY) #anchorfamily - Sets an anchor point for the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:SetSize(x, y) - Sets the width and height of the region.
ScriptRegionResizing:SetWidth(width) - Sets the width of the region.
AnimatableObject:CreateAnimationGroup([name, templateName]) : group - Creates an animation group.
AnimatableObject:GetAnimationGroups() : scriptObject, ... - Returns the animation groups of this region.
AnimatableObject:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations on this region.
ScriptObject:GetScript(scriptTypeName [, bindingType]) : script - Returns the widget script handler.
ScriptObject:HasScript(scriptName) : hasScript - Returns true if the region supports the given script type.
ScriptObject:HookScript(scriptTypeName, script [, bindingType]) - Securely post-hooks a widget script handler.
ScriptObject:SetScript(scriptTypeName [, script]) - Sets the widget script handler.
Object:ClearParentKey() - Clears the parent key.
Object:GetDebugName([preferParentKey]) : debugName - Returns the object's debug name.
Object:GetParent() : parent - Returns the parent object.
Object:GetParentKey() : parentKey - Returns the key on the parent that references this object.
Object:SetParentKey(parentKey [, clearOtherKeys]) - Sets a key on the parent to the child object.
FrameScriptObject:GetName() : name - Returns the object's global name.
FrameScriptObject:GetObjectType() : objectType - Returns the object's widget type.
FrameScriptObject:IsForbidden() : isForbidden - Returns true if insecure interaction with the object is forbidden.
FrameScriptObject:IsObjectType(objectType) : isType - Returns true if the object belongs to a given widget type or its subtypes.
FrameScriptObject:SetForbidden() #protected - Sets the object to be forbidden from an insecure execution path.

Script Types

OnCooldownDone(self) - Invoked when the cooldown has finished.
OnAttributeChanged(self, key, value) - Invoked when a secure frame attribute is changed.
OnChar(self, text) - Invoked for each text character typed in the frame.
OnDisable(self) - Invoked when the frame is disabled.
OnDragStart(self, button) - Invoked when the mouse is dragged starting in the frame
OnDragStop(self) - Invoked when the mouse button is released after a drag started in the frame,
OnEnable(self) - Invoked when the frame is enabled.
OnEvent(self, event, ...) - Invoked whenever an event fires for which the frame is registered.
OnGamePadButtonDown(self, button) - Invoked when a gamepad button is pressed.
OnGamePadButtonUp(self, button) - Invoked when a gamepad button is released.
OnGamePadStick(self, stick, x, y, len) - Invoked when a gamepad stick is moved.
OnHyperlinkClick(self, link, text, button, region, left, bottom, width, height) - Invoked when the mouse clicks a hyperlink on the FontInstance object.
OnHyperlinkEnter(self, link, text, region, left, bottom, width, height) - Invoked when the mouse moves over a hyperlink on the FontInstance object.
OnHyperlinkLeave(self) - Invoked when the mouse moves away from a hyperlink on the FontInstance object.
OnKeyDown(self, key) - Invoked when a keyboard key is pressed if the frame is keyboard enabled.
OnKeyUp(self, key) - Invoked when a keyboard key is released if the frame is keyboard enabled.
OnReceiveDrag(self) - Invoked when the mouse button is released after dragging into the frame.
OnSizeChanged(self, width, height) - Invoked when a frame's size changes.
OnUpdate(self, elapsed) - Invoked on every frame.
OnShow(self) - Invoked when the widget is shown.
OnHide(self) - Invoked when the widget is hidden.
OnEnter(self, motion) - Invoked when the cursor enters the widget's interactive area.
OnLeave(self, motion) - Invoked when the mouse cursor leaves the widget's interactive area.
OnMouseDown(self, button) - Invoked when a mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over the widget.
OnMouseUp(self, button, upInside) - Invoked when the mouse button is released following a mouse down action in the widget.
OnMouseWheel(self, delta) - Invoked when the widget receives a mouse wheel scrolling action.
OnLoad(self) - Invoked when the widget is created.
