Checks if this frame is configured to receive gamepad button inputs.
enabled = Frame:IsGamePadButtonEnabled()
- enabled
- boolean -
if this frame is configured to receive gamepad button inputs, false
if not.
Patch changes
C_GamePad |
Global API |
| | |
| Devices | |
| Configs | |
| Bindings | |
| Cursor |
- CanAutoSetGamePadCursorControl
- CanGamePadControlCursor
- IsGamePadCursorControlEnabled
- SetGamePadCursorControl
| Free look |
- IsGamePadFreelookEnabled
- SetGamePadFreeLook
| Vibration | |
| Led | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
CVars |
| |
- GamePadEnableCVar: GamePadEnable
Default: 0 Whether GamePad input should be enabled
- GamePadAbbreviatedBindingReverseCVar: GamePadAbbreviatedBindingReverse
Default: 1 Display main binding button first so it's visible even if truncated on action bar
- GamePadSingleActiveIDCVar: GamePadSingleActiveID
Default: 0 ID of single GamePad device to use. 0 = Use all devices' combined input
- GamePadVibrationStrengthCVar: GamePadVibrationStrength
Default: 1 GamePad vibration effect strength
- GamePadFactionColorCVar: GamePadFactionColor
Default: 1 Enable setting GamePad's led color to match current faction
| Camera |
- GamePadCameraLookMaxPitchCVar: GamePadCameraLookMaxPitch
Default: 0 Max pitch 'Look' stick can adjust camera angle
- GamePadCameraLookMaxYawCVar: GamePadCameraLookMaxYaw
Default: 0 Max yaw 'Look' stick can adjust camera angle
- GamePadCameraPitchSpeedCVar: GamePadCameraPitchSpeed
Default: 1 Pitch speed of GamePad camera moving up/down
- GamePadCameraYawSpeedCVar: GamePadCameraYawSpeed
Default: 1 Yaw speed of GamePad camera turning left/right
- GamePadTurnWithCameraCVar: GamePadTurnWithCamera
Default: 1 Turn character to match when camera facing is changed (1=in-combat, 2=always)
- CameraFollowGamepadAdjustDelayCVar: CameraFollowGamepadAdjustDelay
Default: 1.0 , Scope: Account Delay before follow resuming after manually adjusting the camera with Gamepad input
- CameraFollowGamepadAdjustEaseInCVar: CameraFollowGamepadAdjustEaseIn
Default: 1.0 , Scope: Account Ease-in time for follow resuming after manually adjusting the camera with Gamepad input
| Cursor |
- GamePadCursorAutoDisableJumpCVar: GamePadCursorAutoDisableJump
Default: 1 GamePad cursor control will auto-disable when you jump
- GamePadCursorAutoDisableSticksCVar: GamePadCursorAutoDisableSticks
Default: 2 GamePad cursor control will auto-disable on stick input (0=none, 1=movement, 2=movement+cursor)
- GamePadCursorAutoEnableCVar: GamePadCursorAutoEnable
Default: 1 Auto enable GamePad cursor control when opening UIs that may need it
- GamePadCursorCenteredEmulationCVar: GamePadCursorCenteredEmulation
Default: 1 When cursor is centered for GamePad movement, also emulate mouse clicks
- GamePadCursorCenteringCVar: GamePadCursorCentering
Default: 0 When using GamePad, center the cursor
- GamePadCursorForTargetingCVar: GamePadCursorForTargeting
Default: 1 Enable GamePad controlled cursor for spell targeting (1=enable, 2=start-at-target)
- GamePadCursorLeftClickCVar: GamePadCursorLeftClick
Default: PADRTRIGGER GamePad button that should emulate mouse Left Click while controlling the mouse cursor
- GamePadCursorOnLoginCVar: GamePadCursorOnLogin
Default: 1 Enable GamePad cursor control on login and character screens
- GamePadCursorPushCameraCVar: GamePadCursorPushCamera
Default: 1 Rate for GamePad controlled cursor to push/turn camera when at edge of window
- GamePadCursorRightClickCVar: GamePadCursorRightClick
Default: PADRSHOULDER GamePad button that should emulate mouse Right Click while controlling the mouse cursor
- GamePadCursorSpeedAccelCVar: GamePadCursorSpeedAccel
Default: 2 Acceleration of GamePad cursor per second as it continues to move
- GamePadCursorSpeedMaxCVar: GamePadCursorSpeedMax
Default: 1 Top speed of GamePad cursor movement
- GamePadCursorSpeedStartCVar: GamePadCursorSpeedStart
Default: 0.1 Speed of GamePad cursor when it starts moving
- GamePadTouchCursorEnableCVar: GamePadTouchCursorEnable
Default: 1 Enable cursor control with GamePad's touch pad
| Emulate |
- GamePadEmulateCtrlCVar: GamePadEmulateCtrl
Default: PADLSHOULDER GamePad button that should emulate the Ctrl key
- GamePadEmulateShiftCVar: GamePadEmulateShift
Default: PADLTRIGGER GamePad button that should emulate the Shift key
- GamePadEmulateAltCVar: GamePadEmulateAlt
Default: none GamePad button that should emulate the Alt key
- GamePadEmulateEscCVar: GamePadEmulateEsc
Default: PADBACK GamePad button that should emulate the Esc key
| Movement |
- GamePadAnalogMovementCVar: GamePadAnalogMovement
Default: 1 Enable analog movement in any direction, rather than just the 8 cardinal directions
- GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngleCVar: GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngle
Default: 0 Max movement to camera angle to face movement direction instead of camera direction. 0 = always, 180 = never (115 allows using strafe with quick turn around)
- GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngleCombatCVar: GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngleCombat
Default: 180 Max movement to camera angle to face movement direction instead of camera direction, in combat. 0 = always, 180 = never (115 allows using strafe with quick turn around)
- GamePadStickAxisButtonsCVar: GamePadStickAxisButtons
Default: 0 Enables virtual buttons for the GamePad stick cardinal directions
- GamePadTankTurnSpeedCVar: GamePadTankTurnSpeed
Default: 0 If non-zero, character turns like a tank from GamePad movement