Warden Moi'bff Jill

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AllianceWarden Moi'bff Jill
Image of Warden Moi'bff Jill
Gender Male
Race Broken (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kurenai
Location Telaar, Nagrand

Warden Moi'bff Jill is a Broken quest giver located at Telaar in Nagrand.




I used to be known as Lolol, until a secret vote was passed around town that resulted in me having to change my name. It was either change it or go the way of Corki. You would have done the same. What do you think of my new name? Huge improvement, right?

By the way, check the bulletin board if you're looking for work.


The name "Moi'bff Jill" comes from a Cingular commercial where a character talks in SMS shorthand about "My Best Friend Forever, Jill." The joke was popularized on forums message boards with people responding to posts with "idkmybffjill?". The sign which yields bounty quests still featured his old name until patch 2.4.0.

Patch changes

See also

External links