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Burning Blade Ruins

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For the location from an alternate universe, see Hallvalor.
NeutralBurning Blade Ruins
Burning Blade Ruins.jpg
Type Ruins, village
Leader(s)  Lantresor of the Blade
Race(s) OgreOgre Ogre
Ogre mage Ogre mage
IconSmall OrcGray Male.gif Half-orc
  Formerly Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har orc
Language(s) Orcish, Ogre
Affiliation(s) Boulderfist, Burning Blade clan
Location Southeastern Nagrand
Status Active

The Burning Blade Ruins are the ruins of the Burning Blade's ancestral village of Hallvalor,[1] located in the southeastern corner of Nagrand, northeast of Kil'sorrow Fortress. Currently, the Ruins are inhabited by the Boulderfist clan of ogres, led by Lantresor of the Blade. Above the ruins, the ogres built an ogre mound.

Burning Blade Digsite

Burning Blade Digsite map.jpg

The Burning Blade Ruins are an orc archaeology dig site.


The back of the Ruins.
  • The ogre mound might be the present-day version of Hallvalor's Masters' Cavern.

Patch changes


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera 2014-08-05. Warlords of Draenor Zone Preview: Nagrand. Retrieved on 2017-06-08.​ “Hallvalor—which became the ogre-inhabited Burning Blade Ruins in Outland—is super cool; we get to see more of the backstory of the Burning Blade clan, which we haven’t gotten to show before.

External links