Talk:Expansion ideas/Archive02

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Rob Pardo

I found a video where Rob Pardo mentions that the expansion pack after the next will deal with the Naga. Going to try to make a smaller video clip of this and find a place to host it. It was in this series of movies: -- Anybody else see this? --Xmuskrat 09:36, 2 May 2006 (EDT)

Where do I go to watch it? --Toadem

Future Expansions

What do you guys think would be good ideas for future thematic expansions? What areas? What races? What fits best where? --Xmuskrat 11:00, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Portals. like.. once the world is finished.. they said there will be several portals connected to Outland. CJ 11:18, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
As a seperate expansion? There's still a ton of Warcraft to explore. I hope they don't go too far away too fast. I'd rather have them develop out the lore we know before we have portals to new lore. --Xmuskrat 11:23, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
I think the portals in Outland have more potential for being instanced dungeons. Still, each one could lead to a separate world once they were opened. The chief problem with the portals is that when the portals were first opened their combined energies destoryed Draenor. I don't think outland could take another hit like that. Then again, the lore could claim that the cause of Draenor's destruction was not the portals per se, but their proximity to eachother. Thus moving them further apart via the drift of Outland's fragments would solve the problem. --Evil Iggy 15:33, 5 September 2006 (EDT)
1 portal being opened by shadowmages west side of nagrand. 1 or 2 in blade's edge that i could find, and undoubtedly more.. these resemble smaller versions of the dark portal, it's not unexpected if they open up to another world, perhaps an instance.. who knows ? User:CrazyJack/Sig 03:07, 28 February 2007 (EST)
Since the broken portal in Zangar Marsh is involved in a quest, and the Dragonmaw have a daily killquest there plus a one-time quest to make the Elite Eredar flee through the portal, so they'd have to revise those quests, and we all know Blizz is lazy ;) Well, the one in Nagrand could still lead to an instance... just fly in -- Nathanyel 08:34, 27 May 2007 (UTC)

They could also lead to some other parts of Draenor... Deathwing's Lair for instance. Durendal 04:30, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

The other side of Azeroth??? I never really thought of the possibility of additional landmasses on the other side of Azeroth. But are there any references that state such land exists? It may just be more water. (Omega2010 (talk) 06:34, 2 July 2008 (UTC))

What's Next?

My bet is that it won't be Northrend as the next expansion. I think they want to save that for expansion 3 or 4. I think the Great Sea would be the best 2nd expansion. --Xmuskrat 12:26, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

I'm not so sure. I think the next expansion will involve Outland again. There is so much out there to discover. Perhaps the next expansion will involve the last four new worlds accessible through the portals (since the first three will debut with the Burning Crusade). --Anticrash 12:29, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Hey, perhaps the expansion after Outland will be a demon homeworld, like that of the Nathrezim or the Eredar! Sort of like, the Legion comes to our home on Azeroth first... then we meet them on a neutral battlefield, Outland... then we take the fight to them on their homeworlds. End boss being Kil'Jaeden. w00t! --Anticrash 12:53, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Who's more powerful? Queen Azshara, Arthas, or Kil'jaeden? Cause I bet you the expansions go in the order of power. (since you have to work your way up to be able to fight them...) --Xmuskrat 12:55, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Hmm.. I'd say Azshara is the weakest, then Arthas, then Kil'jaeden. However, Arthas should be harder to kill, since he is more renowned and is more of a proper villain than Kil'jaeden is. He will probably gain way more power before the time he is fightable. --Anticrash 12:58, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
So that makes me think you'll visit the Maelstrom before you visit the Eredar homeworld (Twisting Nether?) or Northrend

Outland > Great Sea > Northrend (No Icecrown) > Demon Homeworlds > Icecrown Live Update --Anticrash 13:10, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

But I think you're forgetting some very bad dude : if the apparently harmless hermit warlock Drak'thul living in Sargeras' tomb island (and also the place where Gul'dan was slain) had the weird idea to resurrect Gul'dan or Sargeras or both ? Wouldn't it be freakin' more difficult to beat than Kil'jaeden ?--Kirochi 07:31, 14 Jan 2006 (EST)
Yes, Sargeras would be the baddest of the bad. He'd be like, 500 Arthas and Kil'jaedens put together. I don't think he'd be a prominent villain like Arthas, but more like a high end raid like Onyxia. --Anticrash 10:01, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)

My guess: Great Sea > War of the Ancients > Rise of the Old Gods > Elemental Plane > Northrend ~ Seros

I think they'll made a northrend exp after BC where you fight the lich king, then an Old gods exp where you fight the old god in tirisfal, the one under the maelstrom that controls the naga and the one that's corrupting the emerald dream...i think they wouldn't made different exp for each god, it's more cool fighting them all at once. maybe they'll make that all the old gods rise again in power with the help of the twilight hammer and the naga and also of the nightmare in the emerald dream. in fact the world's development is controlled through the emerald dream...if it's used and corrupted by an old god he could possibly free all of them. maybe even the dead one isn't totally dead. maybe if they put out the knife he has on he will live again. however, at last, i think they'll make an expansion where you can enter the twisting nether(basing on the books there are castles and fortress of the burning legion in it and it's a physical place) where you can finally put an end to the burning legion destroying Sargeras (wich still lives, his physical form has only been destroyed in azeroth and locked his entering in our world). also, i think he'll be the last and strongest enemy of wow, cause he's stronger than each member of the pantheon, wich are the strongest being of the universe...bah discuss

My guess. Great Sea and South Seas > War on The Ancients > Emerald Dream > Rise of the Old Gods > Elemental Plane > Northrend > Dark Below > Argus.

Dark Below and Elemental Plane links here.

Discuss. --Snorkyorky

My thoughts are that Northrend will be the next X-pack, there is some datamined evidence to support this. Arthas being the final boss or not is up for debate:

  • They said that you would need to be lvl 80 to face him, TBC gave us 10 lvls so this can be assumed to be a pattern.
  • The above statement may have just been early speculation by the designers.
  • Even though he is extremely powerful, any statements on his true power could be flavor lore based on fear.
  • Something could weaken him, this is how 'gods' like Ragnaros, Hakkar the Soulflayer, and C'Thun are killable.
  • X-pacs need a pinnacle of raid bosses, he is arguably the most poweful thing on Northrend.
  • The thought of Icecrown being added later is feaseable, with possibly Anub'arak as the final boss guarding the unuseable entrance to the glacier.

Also, I do not beleve they will add any new races to the Alliance or Horde. Blizz has been leaning more and more towards neutral factions lately. If any races have strong reason to join eather side it will most likely be a Kurenai/Mag'har thing where one side can not ally with them. This also ends all technical difficulties *cough Nerubians cough*.--SWM2448 21:46, 22 April 2007 (EDT

I think its great sea > northrend > emerald dream > old allie(old god old 2 old allies becoming playable) > demon homeworld > demon homworld part 2 (end of the legion) > a FINAL expansion > warcraft 4 > warcraft 5 > mabey a wow 2!!! (last few optional)Airiph 00:11, 21 July 2007 (UTC)

Seperate Page

I moved this to Rumored Expansions so I could tag this page as 'rumor' and make sure it doesn't take over the normal expansion page. --Xmuskrat 11:48, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Black and White GhostWorld

What's the official name of the black and white plane that only sprits exist in?

Can ghosts see other ghosts? "Yes. Players may also find ways in the game to see ghosts. Lastly, we would like to eventually add ghostly NPCs that may have quests for ghosts or world lore."

This worthy of an expansion? --Xmuskrat 11:23, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Personally, I don't think that would worth an expansion, but a huge list of patches and lootable plans for a kind of Engineering-craftable pair of ghost glasses, and the addiction of some ghost NPC'S. That would allow some past famous heroes to be seen again, like Sen'Jin, Uther Lightbringer, Doomhammer, Cenarius and even more dead race legends as well as villains. That would be freakin' awesome. And the Undead should have to be the firsts to get that possibility.--Kirochi 12:40, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Given the fact that there is two whole continents of "Ghostworld" to explore, I think there is a ton of opportunity in there to adventure. It might not be good enough whole expansion, though, But I really do hope they fill it all up with interesting stuff and lots of quests. --Xmuskrat 12:44, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
By the way, did you ever try to cross the great sea walking while you were a ghost ? Or evenwent to the far west of Kalimdor or the far east of Azeroth ?--Kirochi 13:33, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
I have, once you get to the normal distance out for Fatigue, your spirit will start to get Fatigued. Your spirit will eventually "die" when you run out of Fatigue. It also says that you take 10% durability damage again, but I'm not sure if this actually applies itself. --Pandaut 22:14, 12 April 2006 (EDT)\
If you go by references in the paper RPG, and a few references in game in certain quests, the black and white ghost realm is referred to as the "Twisting Nether", and vice-versa(that is the twisting nether is referred to as "Ghost Realm"), which may explain the twisting maelstrom in the sky. That being said its just one interpretation of a small part of the twisting nether, and does not reflect twisting nether as a whole (which is said to appear differently to different people, or change shape)Baggins 10:21, 11 October 2006 (EDT)

Necromancer class

This would be a great expansion for a Necromancer class. He should be able to let players pass into "ghostworld" as well be able to raise multiple corpses to fight with him like his Diablo II counterpart. --Xmuskrat 12:46, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Same thing for the Tauren Spiritwalker. In Spirit form, they could see ghosts and interact with teh ghostworld. --Anticrash 12:49, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
And the female necromancers should be banshees or so (useful to effectively "mind control" the foe)--Kirochi 11:26, 17 Jan 2006 (EST)
This would really help my characre, for Quinn' Tonstern, known as Tonstern in the Dark Lady Realm, is an Advanced Necromancer.

Necromancers should be able to have undead minions/pets, resurrect and turn Forsaken into living people, or turning living races into Undead (you'll be attacked by NPC friends, NPC & PC living foes and Undead PC ones as long as the spell is on you, but you could be able to infiltrate NPC Undead places without being attacked).--Kirochi 16:51, 8 Mar 2006 (EST)

I personally find Necromancers a very unlikely class. The reson for this is that they'd simply be a carbon-copy of a warlock exept with undead minons instead of demon.--The cucumber 16:35, 2 May 2006 (EDT)
I think it is possible, but it should be exclusive like a paladin, because

Alliance: Night Elves and human hate it.

Horde: Thrall banned it, but forsaken could probably use it.

And the counter part could be something else for the Alliance. Lichkingofthescourge 18:22, 27 February 2007 (EST)

I think instead of making the necromancers summoning and controling 1 pet they could be able to summon many pets but only having base group control abilities telling all the controled pets pets to be aggresive, defensive or pasive while they run around the player and use their spells at their own will as in diablo 2 Also the pets could be temporary and the necromancer could be able to ressurect killed NPCs in to his bidding for a while --Rafinius

There are some quests you can ONLY pick up while dead. The only one i know of ATM is the one that you run into while running back to Blackrock Depths. You can also turn in the Molten Core atunment quest while dead. Amprebel 13:54, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

I believe there is a quest in Tanaris that you need to "die" and talk to a ghost quest NPC to continue the chain. --Fandyllic (talk · contr) 3:29 PM PDT 14 Aug 2007

World of Warcraft: The Great Sea

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 11:42, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Yes. First of all, I think that the Naga would fit as the Horde race, because they allied Blood Elves who allied the Horde thanks to the Forsaken. And they also fought the Humans in WC3: TFT (in order to free Kael'Thas and the Blood Elves), so that must keep them in the "Not at all debunked for now yet" category ^^ But for the Alliance race, I have NO IDEA ... lmao.--Kirochi 12:18, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Since Goblins will eventually develop a means of sailing close to the furious Maelstrom, players will be able to get through the stormy waters to Najzatar. There, they will fight their way down through the Naga and into the high end raid instance home of Queen Azshara. I'm sure the Kul Tiras Naval forces would somehow be involved here.
I agree that Naga would be best suited for Horde. However, the only issue with making aquatic races playable is the breathing and exhaustion factor. For Alliance the most logical aquatic race would be an intelligence subspecies of Murlocs. Maybe even a pygmied race of Sea Giants... --Anticrash 12:23, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
I like the idea of Goblins too, and Undermine. That whole ocean area could be quite awesome. --Xmuskrat 12:23, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
I think the Horde race should be a seafaring race of big blue Ogres. I think the naga should remain as just a mob race... actually, that just sounds stupid. Nagas ftw! --Vorbis 12:04, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Big blue ogres ? No way ! Lol. Ogres are already big enough, and then they'd have to make an almost 1 million year evolution step forth to become blue and amphibian. (Although a Warlock fuckhead could cast a spell on them and mutate them but ... this would be too much ^-^')--Kirochi 17:23, 19 Jan 2006 (EST)
Well, you've seen the colours they've already been using and the Orc Warlocks never had too much of a problem creating two heads... --Vorbis 22:45, 4 May 2006 (GMT)
So if the goblins and naga are horde races what are going to be the alliance races? - Martin
Furbolg and dryad. -Snorkyorky
Are you kidding? theres a bunch of cool Alliance options. My favorite is the Pandaren.
Goblins and Furbolg sounds most logic, since both nagas and dryads would be hard to give cloths and so...

Profession: Sailor

What about a sailing profession? --Xmuskrat 12:29, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Sailing would require personal watercraft. Not so far fetched, since it will have similar mechanics to a mount. However, boats arent exactly something you can summon or keep in your inventory, so you'd most likely have to loot one from a Goblin Shipyard on a shore or something. Definitely a cool idea, and allows access to watery areas, but I doubt it would happen. Instead, I think players will be able to take a goblin boat ride to an outpost somewhere out in the Great Sea, where the waters will be shallow enough to swim in the area. As far as swimming in the deep sea, there will probably be a quest that involves an NPC casting Unending Breath on you so you can swim down to the underwater cavern in which the quest continues in. --Anticrash 12:36, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
SWG had a space expansion. They could do the same sort of thing, except have it be in the water. Before Burning Crusade, having our own flying mounts seemed far-fetched, too. I like Goblin Shipyards, as well as Coral Reefs that'd act like graveyards. --Xmuskrat 12:38, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
There would be ALOT of open space to deal with. It could be its own continent-ish area, separate from the other continents, with a handul of zones under the sea, scattered about. There could be the main Alliance/Horde outposts that you arrive at from the main continents, then from there, you can "sail" on your own personal skiff across the water. You could either not be able to dismount until you hit land, or they could allow you to dismount but then you'd immediately begin to get exhausted since you're in deep water and must remount the skiff. This would allow all kinds of hidden areas, since you'd have to comb the ocean systematically and constantly dismount your skiff in order to NOT miss a hidden shallow area or something. I can also picture something like Skull Rock from Peter Pan.. a giant skull shaped rock protruding from the water that leads to an underwater instance or something. --Anticrash 12:47, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
That's why this is really a worthy expansion pack idea. A TON of content. And it could also include the Maelstrom, Nazjatar, Undermine, Gilneas, and the greater Kul Tiras area of islands. I really think it should take a full party to control a boat. A captian at the wheel (moves craft), a lookout in the Crows Nest (buffs ship), a cannonner (fights), first mate (controls sails, vehicle speed), and deck hand (repairs ship, healing).
They wouldn't put in a battleship type of fighting scenario until after they debut siege weapons. --Anticrash 12:55, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Ever consider the Burning Crusade new battleground could actually BE siege weapons? --Xmuskrat 12:57, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Well of course, thats my point. --Anticrash 13:02, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
I think they really should make a siege weapon battleground in the Burning Crusade expansion. --Xmuskrat 13:08, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Me too. I've wanted siege weapons for a long time. I think they're mainly struggling with the mechanics of it all. --Anticrash 13:12, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

The problem with sailing and a Great Sea expansion in general is that it'd be a whole lotta nothing. Any of you guys play Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? That's what I'm worried the sailing profession would bring us, a shitload of sailing with an island every now and then. Besides, druids with an aquatic form would be very overpowered in that case. Omacron 14:05, 24 April 2006 (EDT)

Epic Aquatic Form! Maybe something cetaceanic instead of the normal seal, or no mammal at all, the concept of a mammal actually breathing underwater is weird enough.

I can see shamans behing able to morph into water elementals for under water breathing Amprebel 13:50, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

New Race: Goblins

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 13:14, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

I wouldn't be surprised if a faction of Goblins teamed up with the highest bidder. --Xmuskrat 13:52, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

If anything, they should team up with the Alliance. Apart from the fact that they probably have the most money, the cultures of the humans and goblins seem to mesh better. The often cruel, self-obsessed humans team up with the often cruel, extremely self-obsessed goblins. The goblins really have a lot to earn from selling their services to the Alliance. Furthermore, they are known to be divided amongst factions (Gazlowe's Lads, The Venture Co., Steemwheedle, Bloodsail Buccaneers), meaning that an additional 'Goblin Mercenary' faction wouldn't suddenly cause all the goblins to appear total Alliance-friendly. We all know that the Trade Princes are backstabbing little buggers anyway. And so what if the gnomes don't like them? Ethnic minorities often don't have much of a choice anyway, especially if everyone hates them in the first place.
Their starting city should be on a nice big island somewhere close to neutral Undermine, complete with all that lovely architecture and the Trade Prince's 'palace'. The fact that they're seafaring hired swords should be emphasized, with the usual mercenary booty (obviously non-goblin stuff with emblems like a Lordaeronian 'L'-shield) from previous mercenary ventures as well as general ill-gotten naval stuff (like a Kul Tiras tabard) worn by NPCs. Also, a ramshackle Alliance embassy would be set up somewhere, with its usual compliment of very edgy guards and a worried ambassador who really doesn't want to be there.
For mounts, something like a type of basilisk which inhabits the island should suffice (goblins can't keep their eyes off those crystals!), with the epic mount having a lot of gold edging and goblin-like bells and whistles.
Generally, I think the goblins would be a great new cultural attache to the already dodgy Alliance. Also, the goblins are one of the most popular races in the Warcraft world. It wouldn't be a proper generic fantasy universe without the goblins... --Vorbis 18:35, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Yeah, I really wanted to make a Goblin from release. Alas. --Xmuskrat 07:48, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
I think the Horde should get Goblins myself. The Allaince already has a small, brilliant race of people, and the Horde should get one too! Plus, many goblins are already allied to the Horde, and I would expect Bliz could add enough to hold up the Player Population. The Undermine would make a wonderful starting area, and there is a good city there too. So screw the Naga, go Goblins and Ogres for Horde ALWAYS WINS! - Seros
Thing is though, adding Goblins to Horde will just give the idea of counterbalancing the Gnomes, which is wrong - they shouldn't be added for any such reason. I think it would be far more entertaining to have two short races battling it out for dominance on one side than against each other - they should compete, not battle. And anyway, Goblins never really fitted in with the Horde - the Horde never really had much in the way of hoards of gold to pay them, and they never really fitted in terms of technology. I agree, however, that the Horde should get an intelligent race. Not naga - Rexxar has had a bit of a problem with them. --Vorbis 22:40, 4 May 2006 (GMT)
You, my friend, must learn that goblins do share cultural similarities with the horde, and since they don't come along with gnomes and night elves (they use shredders to cut down forests) very well, they make an excellent choice for a new horde race. Besides, they were allied to the horde during the first and second wars, and many are still allied to the horde. There is no reason to join the alliance for them, because the horde is better at harvesting recources than the alliance, and goblins are very loyal to the people that has the most recources. The alliance also already has a very tech-based race in it, so why need another one? Besides, they have shamanistic traces, which makes them closer to the horde than the alliance. --Kulsprutejojjo 16:23, 28 July 2006 (EDT)
"Elves were allied to the alliance during the first and second wars, and many are still allied to the alliance." Right? --Rowaasr13 21:27, 16 May 2007 (UTC)
Goblins are neutral so there should be a new faction called neutral (could also contain Pandarian) --


Why not hobgoblin? or coal goblin?cause goblins are neutrel.Airiph 18:30, 1 July 2007 (UTC)
why not just have 2 cartels, one was bought of by the alliance and the other the horde, it makes sense to me, like arn't there 2 or 3 cartels we either havn't heard of or havn't seen,

--Sprott november 2007 (UTC)

While all this banter is cute, Goblins joining the alliance is a pathetic joke of people who know nothing about them. If you do know anything about Goblins, you realize that they absolutely hate and despise gnomes. There would be no "working alongside" one another. To contemplate this is being an idiot. Goblins make no room for gnomes, and gnome make no room for goblins. Add this to the fact Goblins have literally destroyed Ashenvale, the night elves homeland, and continue to take down forests, the night elves also have a seething hatred for their greed and destruction. That's two races already on the alliance that absolutely hate Goblins, and one race that the goblins absolutely hate. For my second point, Goblins have always been allied with the horde until WoW, and the majority of them still are allied with the horde. They offer exclusive services to the horde, like zeppelins and steamboats, and will even lower prices to thrall and his people. On a TECHNICAL standpoint, blizzard would never add another technological race to to the alliance. If anything, Horde is dieing for an engineering race, and Goblins fit it perfetly. If their was a sea expansion, Goblins would definitley fit. In the horde players guide, it talks about with enough persuasian, the Goblins could probably rejoin the Horde. They love the chaos the horde creates, and the alliance has no room for these crazed, chaotic creatures. "You’re more likely to find a team of goblin sappers, who take great pleasure in the chaos the Horde creates, meshed into Horde forces than those of the Alliance." Is a direct quote from the Horde Players Guide. In conclusion, Goblin's share just about everything culturally and historically with The Horde, and they've never once hurt the Horde. You don't see them chopping down any of the Horde's forests, now do you? To top it all off, this could come away with a brand new class, Tinker, that would suit both Goblins on the Horde and Gnomes on the Alliance, while maybe Orcs and Humans could also be Tinker's. Either way, Goblin will NEVER be seen on alliance. It's about the same as saying "I sure hope Orcs join the alliance" ~~LordRayken March 26th, 2008
On the contrary, gnomes and goblins have often been seen working together, both in lore and in World of Warcraft (though the latter are mostly leper gnomes): "whether [their] rivalry is friendly or brutal depends on the individuals involved." [1] Also, "so far the goblin/gnome rivalry has yet to erupt into fighting."[2] True, they are rivals, but their rivalry is far from the "hatred" you describe.
On your next point, goblins are an incredibly divided race. Corruption runs deep, and many goblins aren't averse to stabbing a fellow goblin in the back if it means success in their business venture. You can bet that most loggers are members of the Venture Company, and though they are supposedly the parent company of the Steamwheedle Cartel you could say that many Steamwheedle goblins have "conflicts of interest" with the Venture Company, even at times asking players to sabotage or kill their fellow goblins. There is little doubt that any playable goblin faction would claim they knew nothing about the logging operation in Ashenvale, and would even offer to eliminate said loggers (and take all of their assets).
Nevertheless, I agree that goblins fit best in the Horde. I think that the goblins and ogres should really have been playable Horde races in WoW from the start. You shouldv'e heard people saying "I sure hope ogres join the Alliance" back when The Burning Crusade was announced in 2006. Now that would never happen. --User:Vorbis/Sig 14:20, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
yes but what does the allience get, there isn't any race which rivals the goblins other than gnomes or other goblins, al least not in the way blood elves and Draenei go together, i'm not sure how but they just do --Sprott 18:01 29 march 2008

Why not have them neutral? They start off unfriendly with both Alliance and Horde so they don't get attacked by them but can't interact, and then at level 10 or something they have to choose which one to join? Especially since they don't care about politics but only how much profit they're getting. I can't really see them joining the Alliance because of the gnomes, and after the Second War they swore not to stay in the Horde. Jormungand01 (talk) 15:10, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

New Race: Naga

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 13:14, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

The Naga were formerly Quel'dorei, but might have Troll ancestors, like the Night Elves.--Kirochi 13:30, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Actually they were Kal'dorei. Quel'dorei evolved from Kal'dorei as well. The original Highborne were Night Elves and didnt become modern High Elves until after they migrated to Lordaeron. --Anticrash 13:32, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Naga would be a nice race to explore a lot of underwater content with. --Xmuskrat 10:36, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
This wouldn't make any Freakin scense. The Humans hate the Naga, and more importantly, looking like a worm wouldn't want you to let them join. User:Quinn' Tonstern.
Plus, the lack of balance - Naga would be the only race with natural swimming and the ability to breath underwater - any other races don't have such benefits. And there are already enough Naga that both the Horde and the Alliance had to fight that they would have problems in joining any of these two factions. Plus, most naga are Old Gods' or Illidan's servants, so I assume that they'll stay as a "creatures to kill". --Sul'jin 18:34, 20 January 2007 (EST)
I like, because it could be like: Azshara wants to go conquer land now that Illidan is attacking. Some naga refuse to ally anything with night elves, so she puts them in prison and the rest leave. Later after an under water expendition with the forsken the discover them and the naga want to join, and later Thrall lets them join since the Horde is fighting the Nigh Elves.
What about nagas who are not totally overcreated on those reptiles. This would also solve several technical difficulties. They did something similar to Dreanei. Some were mutated some not.. Well.. just my idea. Problem could be fact, that these half mutated nagas weren't mentioned. --Axel 21.43, 17 April 2007
I acutally have had a couple thoughts on naga, with blizzard having these glitches with moving as descirbed somwhere around here, I came up with an idea. See its base don that a section of the naga remained dorment after illidans summoning, they were mainly situated twoards northrend. When he casted his spell from darlaran to destroy icecrown, he awoke these naga. they traveled twoards the west and swam past the night elves island twoard the opostie side of azeroth they infact reached an ilsand there ((about the size of quel thalas)) this is where they became situated it is sort of hooked shaped with volcanos . You can find many underwater cities aroudn the islands belonging to naga. They allied wiht the horde after relizing that they fought the night elves whom they still loathed against This new area to explore contains a low level area wher ethe naga begin and an extremly high level at the tip of a acient island ((you can find a gigantic creature that somwhat looks like regnorok there)) Also the naga decide to ally with the entire horde after some things have been cleared up ((the attack rexxar had to fight)) this is also becuase these naga hadn;t fought. They posses one thing other naga do not though, feet. They look like long thick fleshly legs wiht fins and webbed feet.

They also have a couple abilities like : being able to breath underwater a upgrade to water damage and defnce against it. ((only that)) they would also be able to have a : naga warlock, mage warrior and hunter —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Lore god (talk · contr). I don't really like the idea of nagas with feet. I believe that what makes naga is their tails, and when you completely remove the tails and replace them with feet, it completely removes the feeling that they are naga for me. And if they would instead be adding legs in addition to the tail, they would look too much like drakonids in my eyes. Well, at least the males. So if they become playable, I would prefer their tails as they are now('sides, I'm kinda attracted to the females because of that). I believe that it should not be able to create too much difficulies if they still had the tail, because leg and foot armor could cover different parts of the tail. Like legplates working the same way as kilts that wrap the upper part of the tail, and footwear could cover the sides of the lower parts of the tail. See, problem solved! But the mount issue is another problem with the tail, though... --Kulsprutejojjo 14:32, 24 July 2007 (UTC)

New Race: Murloc

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 13:14, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Murlocs have real potential to be real badasses. Once they hit true sentience and become an intelligent race, they will kick ass. I've always had a fondness for murlocs. =) --Anticrash 13:33, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

I think they'd be a great race to add at the same time as Naga. So both factions get a underwater breathing race, and best associated with an expansion pack with lots of underwater content. --Xmuskrat 13:55, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

I think that the murlocs should remain a mob race, although a neutral faction could be implemented. I love murlocs, but they're a little bit of a joke and wouldn't fit well in a Dwarf tavern. At all. Even worse than a Nerubian. Furthermore, 'garglegarglegargle' is always best when it's coming at you rather than the other way round. --Vorbis 16:45, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Murlocs are inline with the Naga, but not all of them. And plus, have W3TFT? The humans were sacrificed along with Sen'Jin, so Murlocs, uh-uh (No) User:Quinn' Tonstern

I think murlocs should be the new Alliance race with the Goblins for the Horde. They could have the underwater city in the Great Sea, with the Goblin's home city on the Undermine, keeping the balance between the continents. Yes, this would embalnce the Underwater-Above water thing, but Goblins (along with every otehr race) could get a device or whatever to breath under water... So Murlocs for the Alliance! -Seros
Nah. Murlocs are stupid -and- an undisputeable mob-type race. Also, it wouldn't be a good business move adding a race of walking/talking frogs to the Alliance --Vorbis 22:40, 4 May 2006 (GMT)

New Races: Ogres and Pandaren

A lot of people are calling for one of these as the new BC Alliance race, but I've always thought they would work a lot better in a expansion involving the Great Sea. Pandaren live on an island, and an expansion adding Azeroth's ocean content (which would include a great many islands) would seem a perfect setting for it's addition. You also have the old Horde's armada, which included OGRE Juggernaughts as their most powerful vessels. So what if a clan of Ogres fled with their ships after the Horde was defeated, and set up shop (as pirates/mercenaries and such) on the islands of the Great Sea? You could have Pandaren, who are worried at the Horde's acceptance of the Forsaken and Blood Elves and their use of demonic magics, join the Alliance. Then the Horde, as they spread out into the Great Sea, could run into the Ogres and eventually invite them to return to the Horde with the promise of the chance to pillage a few Alliance towns.--Caeyn 01:28, 24 Jan 2006 (EST)

I think Ogres and Pandaren should be inplemented in their own expansion, rather than the Great Sea. And of course, we know what race would go where. The ogres would have their home city of Kalimdor of course, but this may imbalance the continents. This is because we have no idea where Pandarina is... But for all we know, it could be near the Eastern Kingdoms. Then again, there are rumors it is just off the west coast of Kalimdor... Dunno... -- Seros
I don't think Pandaren will ever come in WoW... Most of Blizzard profits come from China and China laws do not allow violence over Pandas because they are protected species... Because of Pandaren being similar to Pandas I don't think China government would allow that game shipping in China which means a massive loss of profit there... --Norelim
Oh my god will you ever stop repeating that stupid crap again and again ? This rumor is fake and utterly stupid ! If it was right they'd had otherwise forbidden Warcraft 3 releases in China ! Warcraft III:TFT already let players fight Pandaren Brewmasters ! It sounds like a vandal takes pleasure in repeating the same shit.
CHINA-DOES-NOT-FORBID-PANDA-IMAGE. PERIOD.--K ) (talk) 07:59, 22 December 2006 (EST)
Ogres i don't think so, but panderan can probably join the Alliance and be another druid race(They are animals), and Mok'Nathal(Close to Ogre) can join Horde and be another druid class(Some are beastmasters). Lichkingofthescourge 18:29, 27 February 2007 (EST)
I still dont see why Pandarians would join the Alliance. Alliance already has a drunk race. The Mok'Nathal would be a sweet race. Wouldnt the Pure Alliance not want a beast like race to join them?
Well i think pandaren will never come because there just too silly sounding just like gnomes which i dread Dahoros

New Raid Encounter: Neptulon

It is known that all four elemental lords are at war with eachother. Some players have encountered Neptulon's lieutenant, Duke Hydraxis. After taking out Ragnaros, players could enounter another representative from one of the other elemental factions, such as that of Therazane or Al'Akir, and they could be commissioned to take on the most powerful of the elemental lords: Neptulon, elemental lord of water. Players could delve into the depths of the Maelstrom for this high end max level 40-man raid. --Anticrash 10:02, 17 Jan 2006 (EST)

And wouldn't that be funny if the Maelstrom was the entrance of the two hardest instances of the expansion : one for Neptulon (like a big whirlpool) and the other one for Al'Akir (atrocious winds must blow there) ? But Therazane shouldn't be killable in WoW : she's kind and gentle.--Kirochi 14:07, 21 April 2006 (EDT)
Taking on Neptulon doesn't strike me as something very likely as it would hurt your rep with the Hydraxian Waterlords. Bit of a pain if you're trying to get to revered to get your eternal quintessence. Besides, the Water guys don't seem to be as big a pain as the other elements. More likely he'll be an NPC in dealing with Queen Azshara and whatever entity is with her at the botom of the malestrom. --Evil Iggy 15:47, 5 September 2006 (EDT)
I've seen somewhere that he was the most evil of the elemental lieutenants, so I see a point on why we gotta kill him, and as he's maybe responsible for the creation of the Naga who are currently everyone's foes.--K ) (talk) 12:44, 7 October 2006 (EDT)
dude, what do you have against neptulon and al'akir, if we really have to kill them than save them for an elemental plane Expansion pack, because you know it's coming, it has to.

19:43 11 december 2007 (EDT)

New Race: Gnoll

I think Gnoll should join Horde. Becuase Gnolls are against the alliance. So mabye the Horde join up with a clan of gnolls to fight the alliance.

Suggestion for Gnoll classes: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Hunter and Shaman. Language: Gnoll. Racial Mount: Hyena.

Thoughts? --Snorkyorky 17:07, 23 March 2007. (GMT)

Gnolls are against EVERYONE, including the Horde and each other. Jormungand01 (talk) 15:19, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

I would bet this being a GREAT idea, though this doesnt say in the wowwiki lore i will read from the Warcraft 3 Collectors Edition Manual- "Gnolls are one of the younger races of lordaeron. Indifinous to both the Alterac Mountains and the Redridge far to the south, these hyena-like humanoids are extremely aggressive and are often found quarelling amongst themselves. Though relatvely intelligent compared to most beasts, they are not very bright compard by human standards. They have been known to manipulate eachother into fights over ridiculous things like "whose shadow is larger." It has often been stated that the gnolls would be quite a fearsome race, if they ever stopped tearing eachother to pieces long enough to organize themselves into an army" So reading this really makes me think this race has greaat potential, and since theres little lore with them Blizzard could easily find a good way to put them into the Horde.

Problem: Not many of them. This can be worked around if there is another race in the alliance with the same population (as shown with Trolls and Gnomes). The alliance race cannot be intelligent murlocs because aliiance hate any murlocs. How about the other race being Furbongs (pardon my spelling). The expansion being... War of the other Races. Furbolgs start practising the art of sailing and discover a forgotten Gnoll city and ask the alliance to help them take it. The Gnolls then ask Thrall's Horde to help and there you go. Problem: Where the hell would the capitals be? How about an island east of the Eastern Kingdoms for the Gnoll Capital. The Furbolg capital, possibly somewhere in Kalimdor. EmperorJackal 09:17, 16 April 2007 (EDT)

Goblins will be neutral not with the Horde. Naga will be Horde. Pandarians will be with the alliance. Amprebel 13:52, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

Says who? --User:Vorbis/Sig


Hobgoblin should be the new horde race instead of goblins because most goblins are neutralAiriph 17:59, 4 July 2007 (UTC)

But that was just an idea...=/User:Airiph/sig 00:08, 23 September 2007 (UTC)

Hobgoblins are also too stupid and don't live for long enough. Jormungand01 (talk) 17:46, 23 July 2008 (UTC)

World of Warcraft: The Emerald Dream

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 11:42, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

The Nightmare

The Emerald Dream has been invaded by the Nightmare... Ysera has called upon all entities to enter the Dream to help clear away the Nightmare. Thus, the Alliance and the Horde both throw in their efforts to help out and prevent the Nightmare from entering Azeroth. The Dream itself, being an ethereal realm, cannot be accessed physically by the races, so they must perform their deeds in the Emerald Paradise to reflect their actions in the Dream. The Emerald Paradise, being an exact copy of the physical realm of Azeroth as it would appear with no technology or civilization and only pure nature, is the staging grounds for purifying the Dream. Agents of the Nightmare have spread across all corners of the Paradise, corrupting the environments and wildlife. The Druids of the Night Elves and Taurens have allowed access to their respective Alliance and Horde into the Emerald realm. --Anticrash 12:13, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
The whole The Nightmare thing reminds me of The Nothing from the neverending story. :) --Xmuskrat 12:23, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
I don't think there's enough in the Emerald Dream to make it into an expansion - it's just one big green forest with a few dragons. I think it would be better suited as an instance, as detailed here: [1] --Vorbis 11:58, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)
No way, dude.. the Emerald Paradise is a copy of the entire world! The whole of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.. it would be an entirely different world, not just an instance. That is totally worthy of an expansion. --Anticrash 10:07, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
Yeah, it's way big. And it's a lot of space to fill a lot of green content. --Xmuskrat 10:41, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
When I say 'I don't think there's enough', I don't mean space wise - I mean content wise. Without any of the races touching it at all there would just be a single great supercontinent - the original Kalimdor. The original green This Kalimdor would be devoid of any civilisation, the only permenant inhabitants being Ysera and her Dragons. No roads, no houses, no crazy axe weilding Orcs running around banging my head in. Just total piece and quiet... and of course the Nightmare. Maybe the Emerald Dream could be made up of one or two zones - one unaffected by the Nightmare, the other blighted by it. But anything else would just be overkill using the word 'green'. --Vorbis 17:31, 16 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Thats where the creativity of the development team comes in. It doesnt all have to be Green. There could be purple, orange, red... all colors of foliage. Imagine each sector of the original Kalimdor being different colors, just like how Ashenvale has a purplish tint and Quel'thalas that yellow/orange look. They can make each area unique.. so environmental content isn't an issue. Even I could design each area to be unique. --Anticrash 13:12, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
Why wouldn't it be all green? After all, it is called the Emerald Dream, and it is inhabited by green dragons. Also, how many trees can you have in one expansion? Where would the open space be? What instances could you put in? How could large-scale war (for example, Battlegrounds) even exist within the Emerald Dream without creating an enormous amount of trouble for all sleeping creatures? If the Green Dragons need help, they wouldn't invite the entirety of the two factions to have a noisy party in their quiet emerald garden. Even if they did, access would be limited - it wouldn't be a full-scale expansion worth of war and questing like the Outlands. I forsee it as 'additional content' if anything. --Vorbis 21:23, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Posted a pic of the Emerald Paradise -- not all green. --Xmuskrat 10:35, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
I have an idea. Maybe the Nightmare area would be the centre (Azeroth's equivelent to the Maelstrom... you know where I'm getting here). Archimonde's ghost is trying to reenter the world, and he is in a seperate part of the Emerald Dream (he is weakened, so would be killable), while the Nightmare (Old Gods) is in the centre, with an Old God as the main enemy of the expansion. Satyrs and Furbolgs could be the playable races (Forsaken-esque 'redeemed' Satyrs for Alliance and NE-hating Furbolgs [they blame them for their corruption for some reason] Furbolgs for the Horde). Starting zone would be the Barrow Deeps and Hyjal (since Hyjal is already an instance in Caverns of Time). Ursol, Aviana, Malorne and Cenarius could be quest-givers. They would be heads of factions within the Emerald Dream. Now THAT would be enough for an expansion. Ursoc,

Saimdusan 07:27, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

I disagree with your placement of the two races (furbolgs should be Alliance; satyr should be Horde) but otherwise this idea would make a great expansion. ;) --User:Vorbis/Sig
And I disagree with Satyrs as a playable race altogether, they are either affiliated with the Legion, other "evil" (=anti-player) forces, or are pursuing their own goals, which should collide with both Horde and Alliance beliefs, plus they stem from Highborne, hence should be very prideful, unlike the Forsaken, whose motives to be independent from the Legion and later allied with the horde have a certain lore background. No, I'm not forgetting the Forsaken's plans to create a new plague, as hinted in several quests, but I'd say the once-humans are way more shifty and able to hide their motives than a Satyr would be. Plus, enough lore arguments, another elven-based playable race? "Dark Elves", if you want? Just the thought of even more names like LXgXlXs (insert generic apostrophed vocal for any occurance of X) makes me shiver... -- Nathanyel 16:45, 23 June 2007 (UTC)
Well, as we know, anything (well - almost anything) could happen regards playable races; and satyr could yet still be on the cards. Whilst I concede that *another* elven race may be stretching it a bit far, I suppose they've reached that stage where they can simply no longer be described as "elf" (are elves considered to be trolls; or naga, elves?). Furthermore, motives for joining the Horde - as always - can be made up; never mind these "Horde and Alliance beliefs" (which are somewhat of a fallacy considering the sheer number of unscrupulous and self-serving people within both factions). The rest of your argument seems to be based more on opinion and assumption than reasoned debate and factual analysis, so I'll move on.
Despite the possibility of satyrs being an Emerald Dream Horde race, they wouldn't be my prime choice. I'd prefer to see where the Eastern Kingdoms centaur take us... ^^--User:Vorbis/Sig
Ok, I never said Blizzard couldn't just make up some reasons to make Satyrs a playable race, it's just my opinion it wouldn't fit very well ;) I wouldn't mind friendly Satyr NPCs, though, even a whole faction of e.g. Satyrs struggling against their corruption (here, there's the first excuse for a Satyr PC race, hehe)
Self-serving people within the factions... of course we must see Azeroth as a pre-Enlightenment world, many decisions are based on racial relationships, not on actual world views (plus it'd be too confusing for many people to not be able to conclude: "ah, there's an orc, he is horde" ;) but that's a different topic) so it is understandable that even outcasts still are "friendly" to their faction.

New Race: Furbolg

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 13:13, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

Just how exactly are these guys connected to the Emerald Dream? Wouldn't that make them druidic instead of shamanistic? --Anticrash 13:46, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

I guess Children of Cenerius would have been a better choice, no? :) --Xmuskrat 13:49, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)
Actually, Anticrash, they are both. I believe that some furbolg shamans may have gone further than just being nature magic users and have decided to goin the Cenarion Circle. However, the lore indicates that the furbolgs can enter the Emerald Dream anyway...
'All creatures that sleep at night roam the Emerald Dream in dream form as visitors, including beasts like wolves, tigers, Furborlgs, bears, plainstriders and other creatures. Some of them are Dryads, Keepers of the Grove, Pixies, sprites, Ancients, gryphons, Ogres, Owlbeasts, Trolls, and any intelligent being that can dream in their sleep.' --Vorbis 11:55, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Well in that case, they don't really have any special connection to the emerald dream like it says, since any old animal can enter the dream as visitors in the same way. We should probably take off the line about them having a connection to the emerald dream unless there is something else. --Anticrash 10:16, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
It says so in the lore that they have a special connection - like the Night Elves. Whether this entitles them to any wierd Emerald Dream thingies, I dunno. --Vorbis 17:31, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
Well, it makes the most scense to me. I would like to be a Bear man. And plus, one of my custom campaigns involve the Furbolgs and there leader, Uja. User:Quinn' Tonstern

i'm with the Furbolgs on this one, they are just as intune with the emerald dream as the night elves or the Tauren. but they have been corrupted by the burning legion. that doesn't have to mean diaster (they could just also be warlocks) but they could be searching the emerald dream for a cure, maybe?-- bixie

If Furbolgs are a new playable race, I think their starting zones should be the caverns of the Barrow Deeps and the current Hyjal. They could start off in a secuded catacomb where they would gain the first few levels, them move on to the main tunnels to quest (and see lore areas like Illidan's prison). They would later move above ground to the ravaged but healing Hyjal where they would quest some more. I think they would Un-instance Hyjal and create a Bulwark-like thing to defend against Darkwhisper Gorge. The Ony style raid instance (what ever it is) could stay and be used by high level players later on. Their capital would have tunnels connecting to Ashenvale(for their third zone), the Timbermaw Hold in Azshara, and the path that ends at the bottom of the regular Timbermaw Hold. That is just what I think.--SWM2448 19:01, 29 April 2007 (EDT)
i think we could a thing were the panderen and the furbolgs got together and made a "Druidic Pact" faction and then the night elves and the tauran come and join (but NE cant fight the Alliance, ViceVersa and likewise for tauran and horde), it would kick ass and the druids could pick which side they wan't to go with in battlegrounds.

I was thinking of a second model for each race because I cant stand the super slim troll warriors being as strong as an orc warrior etc.So since I want furbolgs,and practicaly EVERYBODY else loves panderen,pandas can be the second model for furbolgs.Like half orc for orc,half elf for high elf,forsaken elf for etc etc.Ideas?User:Airiph/sig 15:54, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

New Race: Children of Cenarius

Thoughts? --Xmuskrat 13:13, 13 Jan 2006 (EST)

They're not a race. They're mere forest spirits. --Vorbis 17:31, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)

they are mere forest spirits (if mere can mean children of Cenarius). a possible race is, of course, the green dragonflight, with some kind of dragon creatures. but the metion of the Plainstriders has got me thinking? hmm?-- bixie

The Green Dragonflight and Cenarians are too powerfull... Saimdusan 07:28, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

New Faction(?): Sentinels

Hows this:

the night elves reform the disbanded sentinels with the taurens........ these sentinels are neutral to alliance/horde & now horde & alliance strike a peace treaty for the sake of the emerald dream........... the tauren & night elves get to choose their allegiance............ etc. etc. etc.


This could have been an original-WoW thing, but Blizzard has decided to add NE to the alliance. Saimdusan 07:30, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

Malfurion Stormrage Faction

Thoughts on Malfurion Stormrage as a faction reputation.


He could be the head of the 'Cenarion Dreamers' faction, who are fighting the Nightmare. Saimdusan 07:29, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

High Elves

the high elves regrouped and wanted trust with the night elves so the went in the emerald dream too rescue Malfurion Stormrage but they found him dead,so the took his bodie too darnassus,the ruler told them they have gained there trust and said bring it too moonglade,the druids of moonglade tried a ritual too bring him back too life but he was dead for too long.

later the high elves reported themselves too stormwind city and took refuge there,also few reported too ironforge hoping they would gain trust with them,king bronzbeard told them too send a party too find brann bronzbeard,the party has never returned,the high elves share a home with the humans of stormwind,untill they found out the party has bean killed by a group of gnolls,those gnalls have made a city and joind the horde! is it?Airiph 17:10, 31 July 2007 (UTC)

Ok... except for the total improbability of high elves and the offscreen death of Malfurion. That, and I don't think high elves would just take orders like that (or Magni give them). Note that high elves are still very good friends with elements of the Alliance. --User:Vorbis/Sig

well it was an idea, becaue an old allie pack would be boring...though the can go in a northrend expansion because of the scourge

im probuly notgivvin up hope for high elvesAiriph 02:30, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

You should do before you're disappointed. --User:Vorbis/Sig

jee that helps =( Airiph 15:22, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

it's called the burning crusade. it has BLOOD ELVES which are HIGH ELVES. -- User:Sprott

WHich are GAYUser:Airiph/sig 09:05, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

No need for that kind of language, Airiph. --User:Vorbis/Sig 11:58, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

Oh,Im sorry,it was 5 in the morning.And the BE are HE thing gets anoying,whenever anybody posts something about High Elves that is the first post.User:Airiph/sig 19:00, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

really? i'm telling the truth, i have never seen one before --Sprott

Plus it's not the fact that we just want to play that race, it's the fact we want to roll as people like Alleria Windrunner or Anastan Sunstrider. Which fought with the alliance!Hated Orcs and trolls.User:Airiph/sig 02:16, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

If you die in the Emerald Dream you don't leave a body. You're a spirit and so the body would still be in the physical plane. If Malfurion had died in the Dream and someone went in to find out what had happened, they would find no trace of him whatsoever. Jormungand01 (talk)


The Gnolls try to invade the Emerald Dream!The Night Elves are already caught in a war so the Furbolgs try to stop them!Then the Gnolls flee back to Azeroth and build a city on those two islands by Westfall and Stranglethorn Vale.Then they build a portol to the Dream.There "noob" area will be the two islands,10 to 20 will be Westfall,20 to 30 will be Duskwood and Stranglethorn Vale will be 30 to 40!Ideas?-User:Airiph/sig 17:24, 16 September 2007 (UTC)

Also they will join the Horde!-User:Airiph/sig 17:25, 16 September 2007 (UTC)

Are gnolls intelligent enough to build a city, let alone invade the Emerald Dream? Jormungand01 (talk) 12:18, 23 July 2008 (UTC)

World of Warcraft: The Twisting Nether

Why stop at just Outland? Why not take the battle to the demons themselves, exploring parts of deep space, the nightmare planet of the Nathrezim and maybe even encounter the Titans once more... think of what happened with the Protoss in Starcraft - leaving their home planet of Aiur and searching for evidence of the Xel'Naga amongst the stars... of course, in Warcraft, this would have to be done in a far more magical way seeing as not even the gnomes have spaceships.

This expansion could open up an entire new exciting plane of the Warcraft universe - new races, creatures and landscapes... who says that a Dwarf cannot journey across space and time?

One of the other advantages of having this would be the fact that it would feel so much more epic and original - not many fantasy worlds have people travelling between planets. Of course, Blizzard may not think of opening up the entire galaxy as their first expansion, rather this would likely come after everyone's had a bash at Azeroth.

As it would be stupid to even attempt to make several entire new planets and areas in a single new expansion, I'd suggest merely having a few large areas representing parts of the planets of possibly the two most popular demonic races that exist - the Nathrezim and the Eredar. Maybe even a bit of Pit Lord could be thrown in...

As for the races and mounts... well, who knows? Who would be the best suited for such intergalactic travel? --Vorbis, 19:07, 15 January 2005 (GMT)

As a matter of fact, they ARE introducing new worlds in their first expansion. Out of the seven alternate Dark Portals in Outland, three of them will be active when the expansion launches, allowing players access to three totally alien worlds. The rest will either be opened through live updates or later expansions, and could possibly allow access to the Nathrezim and Eredar worlds. --Anticrash 10:22, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)
Could you imagine playing a Nathrezim? --Xmuskrat 10:40, 16 Jan 2006 (EST)

It is my understanding that the Twisting Nether is actually a form of Limbo, a dimensional gap from which there is no escaping, except through a portal or teleportation. I think it is a sort of rip in Space-Time, like a secluded cesspool in the Great Dark Beyond that breeds all sorts of nasty beasts, like bacteria in an infected wound. I have read that Sargeras is trapped in the Twisting Nether, and since he has ceased to be in the physical sense, he cannot escape. (Perhaps we'll encounter his spirit in Outland?) I believe that the only reason that Draenor even still exists is because it is in the Twisting Nether, which is holding the fragments of the world together. --Anticrash 10:07, 17 Jan 2006 (EST)

Maybe something with traveling across the space in dimmensional ships? So u could have to defeat kael in tempest keep... Or a thing like the Scarab wall, with the naarus building dimmensional ships, and so everyone had to help with giving recources?

World of Warcraft: War of the Ancients

The Bronze Dragons have tasked the heroes of Horde and Alliance to travel back in time to the war that started it all, the War of the Ancients. The dragons open a new portal within Cavern's of Time, that leads back into ancient Kalimdor. Will you attempt to change history, or fix the mistakes caused by previous adventurers that traveled to that era? Meet the likes of Krasus, Rhonin, and Broxigar. Attempt to stop them, or join forces with them.

  • Related Areas: Ancient Kalimdor before the Sundering.
  • Related Opposing Forces: Highborne, Satyrs, Burning Legion.
  • Related Playable Races: Satyrs? Earthen?Baggins 10:56, 21 April 2006 (EDT)

I would really like the idea of travellling back in time to the -real- old days and fighting with the ancient Night Elves and Night Elves etc. As for races I seriously doubt it will be Earthen, which are no more than primitive silicon-based Dwarves. I expect the new race to be a race from 'today' in WoW, wishing to travel back in time and take part in their history: possibly Quilboars (Agamaggan), Furbolgs/Pandaren (Ursoc and Ursol) or a demonic race (as always, a surprising and contrary decision made by Metzen to make evryone go 'huh?!'). If Satyrs, then they would probably ally with the Horde, seeing as the Night Elves loathe them etc. If otherwise, then who knows? --Vorbis 22:40, 4 May 2006 (GMT)

Maybe not just the War of the Ancients. What if it was a three-part Caverns of thime xpac? Part 1:The First War Part 2:The Second War(bet you didn't see that comming) Part 3:War of the Ancients The Infinite Dragonflight isn't going to just give up after three tries. THey could be the main focus of this expansion

I like that idea about about those 3 wars and about war of the ancients too, but i would rather see it like a part of a patch because i think this wont make enough arguments for expansion. I'm sure this can be a perfect fun, fighting in one fo the biggest battles in warcraft history. PAtch yes but i cant imagine it like expansion :) Axel
The reason why I would love to see it as its own expansion "continent" is because the world was really different back then. There were zones we have never seen, zones that sunk beneath the sea.Baggins 13:01, 26 April 2007 (EDT)

I don't think the Bronze Dragonflight would just let millions of adventurers mess up crucial events in Azerothian history and wreck the timeline. Not even if the Infinite Dragonflight gets involved. Sure, they'll probably let a few people in to sort out the Infinites, but they're not going to let them stay and do even more damage. Jormungand01 (talk)

World of Warcraft: Lost Civilizations

"If the Furbolg are playable in Burning Crusade..." doesn't belong anymore, but I don't know what text should replace it. Schmidt 00:02, 8 June 2006 (EDT)

Here's an idea that surprisingly seems that no one considered: An expansion featuring Titan vaults and secred ruins or not, somewhat like uldaman, maybe featuring Uldum in tanaris and Uldar in northrend (after northrend's expansion ofc). As an idea, using Anticrash's timeline you could insert this expansion somewhere between northrend and icecrown so players would have the chance to get pwoerful titan weapons to use against arthas. Well teh bone is thrown ^^ --WHZeratul 1:04, 5 Jan 2007 (GMT)

World of Warcraft: The New Age

Adarin wrote the following:

"Over the last few years, the world of Azeroth has seen much turmoil. New allegiances have been made, and both the Alliance and the Horde have grown in number by the masses. The Draenei who settled in the Azuremyst Isles, and the Blood Elves who reclaimed their capital, Silvermoon City, we're forced to choose sides, yet the demon-hunter Illidan Stormrage posed a threat to them all.

2 years have passed since the Dark Portal has been reopened, and though many demonic encantations hide behind the portal in Outland, much bloodshed will soon be witnessed on Azeroth's landmasses. An old threat has reemerged from the frozen wastelands of the north and an equally powerful being has arose from the depths of the Maelstrom. The heroes of the Horde and Alliance have begun to fight back, each on their own fronts but they may soon prove that their armies are not vast enough. Will these heroes find the allies they seek in time or die protecting their lands? What dangers and rewards lie scattered around the Great Sea? And what will they do when they discover that a war is about to begin between two immensely powerful beings, and they are forced to be brought into the middle of it?

  • An increase in the level cap to 80
  • Two new playable races: the Pandarean (Alliance) and the Tuskarr (Horde)
  • The entire new continent of Northrend, reachable via boat.
  • An entire new region explored to the south, called The Great Isles.
  • New starting zones, for both Tuskarr and Pandaren, in The Great Isles.
  • Many new high-level dungeons to explore, including Nazjatar and Azjol-Nerub
  • New method of transportation; Gnomish/Goblin Submarine
  • Hundreds of new quests
  • Hundreds of new items
  • A new profession: Woodworking

Disclaimer: This is kinda a mix between The Great Seas and the Northrend Expansion. I just figured that some of the content that would be added into either, could support the latter, so i just mashed the two of them together."

This is not in my opinion necessary information as it is a rehash of already included info, it does not follow the format on the page, and reads like an ad or a personal note. Please note this is NOT a judgement call on his content i think as an ad it reads very well :) I just don't feel it belongs here, feel free to revert if you so choose, i won't engage in a revert war but please do consider its incongruity with the rest of the page and its minimal content, thanks. --Andrewicus 15.03 UTC-5, Jan. 18 2007

Why would Pandaren be in the Northrend expansion? Saimdusan 07:39, 23 June 2007 (UTC)
Why would pandaren be in the game at all, is there any traces of them currently, besides Warcraft 3, and they're just too silly we already got the animal humanoid race: Tauren,and tuskarr although i want to play one a lot they are probabley not ever coming Dahoros

Main Villains

Ok, the Burning Crusade was named so because of the crusade (ironical name for such an unholy quest) the Burning Legion has started. And then ? All the expansions you've talked about are centered on one kind of super-villain : the Old Gods. Even on Northrend, which is supposed to be the Lich King's home there's a whole section about the Forgotten One. The only expansion you've talked about that does not contain the word "Old God" is the one taking place in the Elemental Layers of the world (funny, isn't it ?). Is Blizzard subtly hinting that World of Warcraft might be renamed World of Old Gods ? I think we can do better than that. Sargeras+his Undead spin-off Ner'zhul and the Old Gods are the only evident bad guys, but what about that mysterious force that drives the Fel Orcs ? What about Hakkar and the Loa ?--K ) (talk) 18:54, 13 November 2006 (EST)

Hakkar may have Old God Connections, but I agree, there are other enemies to face. The Lich King is one of them, but we also have Sargeras, Kil'Jaeden, Kael is still out there, Azshara, Rogue Dragons. Blizzard is evidently getting creative and pitting us against the blues. An idea of my invention is a being of Angelic Vengeance, who wishes to use the light to cleanse Azeroth by destroying an entirely overzealous quest to eradicate undeath and demons and everything else it views as unclean. This could also get the Scarlet Crusaders back into the game. We still have Deathwing out there (no he's not dead, and if you want to fight with me about it bring it on). Meneldir

No,not Kael,you can kill him,-Airiph 13:32, 14 August 2007 (UTC)

What We Know So Far

So far we've got the original game, WoW. This basically deals with threats on Azeroth. Burning Crusade is now out. This is introducing those not familar with the lore (damn them, bastards) and reintroducing us to the Burning Legion. We go a little bit further outside Azeroth to Outland. Now, the big villain of Outland is the beloved-by-all Illidan. Still, despite Illidan's presence, the most prominent lore-factor behind TBC is that the Burning Legion is not as dead as Azeroth though they would be.

So, WoW is based on the most immediate threats of Azeroth. TBC is broadening the scope a little bit and reminding us of the secret war between Azeroth, a few select worlds who have survived the demon's initial onslaught, and the Burning Legion itself. Chris Metzen has told us the those on Azeroth aware of the secret war realise that Outland is an invaluable piece of land that they need to combat the legion. How? They're going to use the other Dark Portals Ner'zhul erected to escape Draenor and take the fight to the Legion's doorstep.

So, that maps out the very last expansion pack. The Burning Legion are the chaos of the unvierse and once they're taken out, peace should reign everywhere. It only makes sense that this would happen during the last expansion. Perhaps Argus would be visitable. Since this was Kil'Jaeden's former home, it would make sense that if a titanic battle happened, it would happen there. But what about everything in between?

I'm assuming that WoW will reach a level cap of 100. A lot of people argue that Blizzard will hang on to WoW as long as they can but all things come to an end. I'm sure blizzard will end it, rather then stretch it as far as they can to see the subsriptions slowly dwindle. So, TBC is level 70, and the last expansion is level 100. That leave two more, 80 and 90.

When asked about Arthas' appearance in WoW, blizzard claimed that he would not be killable until at least level 90. So, the third and second-to-last expansion will introduce Northrend. The second expansion is a little harder to predict. There are plenty of villains left out there, and they do not neccissarily need to be cramped into the one expansion. No doubt area's such as modern Hyjal and Grim Batol could be released during TBC or during the Northrend expansion. Still, there is plenty of story for level 80, but its hard to find one to focus on. I'm sure that Nazjatar and The Emerald Dream will be included in this one.

To summarise:

1) World of Warcraft (Threats on Azeroth) 1-60
2) The Burning Crusade (Return of the Legion) 60-70
3) Expansion #2 (Returning to immediate threats on Azeroth) 70-80 (possible name: ??)
4) Expansion #3 (Northrend: Ensuring Azeroth's permanent safety) 80-90 (possible name: Northrend, The Lich King, etc.)
5) Final Expansion (The "Burning Crusade" comes to a catacylsmic climax... boo yah!) 90-100 (possible name: ??)

Each expansion will likely expand on the previous ones. For example, as of yet unexplorable areas in Azeroth, and new world through portals in Outland. These new worlds might be either under legion control or they may belong to the few other worlds out there that have been able to fend of the demons as Azeroth had. Also, I apologise if Azeroth has been the only world to fight them off so far... but I remember reading that there are others out there too, just can't remember where I read it.

Of course, all of this is speculation. All those people afraid to see Warcraft end with WoW, don't get angry or worried, just speculation. --Maarz

Illidan won't be defeatable in TBC completely, apparently. i think it was Pardo that said something along the lines of "you won't actually kill Illidan so much as you will just get in his way." something tells me, that will be the same for all the larger character, all the main baddies...illidan, kil'jaedan is in the phylactery, ner'zhul/arthas, maybe theyll bring back gul'dan in some way, any of the remaining 3 old gods (that is how many there were originally in the lore, they just added the other two shortly thereafter). even kael and vashj i have a hard time believing will simply be killed off, i think there will either be a big story thing to it, or they will be revived in some way later on.
all of this leads me to speculate that while wow will run for prolly 3 or 4 more years to come, a warcraft 4 will be made...i don't think metzen is quite willing to let all his lore, all his hardwork over 12 years be destroyed by a bunch of grunts like we are (think about it overall, even the best lv 70 in WoW isnt even as good as thrall...or even close. and thrall doesn't even hold a candle to people like neltharion, illidan, kil'jaedan and arthas.). if they do not make a warcraft 4, i would be so incredibly pissed, because i love warcraft lore so much. starcraft and diablo both have fine storylines, but neither sucked me in like warcraft has. here is to hoping for a warcraft 4...but not before they make a starcraft 2 (or hell, maybe even an expansion pack to starcraft with new campaigns...that i would be happy with)--Haddon 03:05, 28 February 2007 (EST)

I agree, man. In my opinion, Metzen has created a greater and more detailed world than Tolkien. But I feel a lot different than other lore fans seem to. When I see Illidan dying at the end of a raid, or any other character for that matter, I see it that we sort of get to become part of the story. A lot of people would like to see Thrall or Jaina Proudmoore, etc, take down Illidan and I think that'd be cool but at the same time I don't have any problem with us doing it. Maybe we won't ever kill Sargeras, maybe that'll be left to another game, a more story-driven one, but I'd much rather see "US" kill off Illidan, Arthas, etc. than witness WoW get turned into a Soap-Operah where everyone keeps coming back. Maybe WoW could end with us killing ... sure, a lot of characters have been wiped out but the big bad guy is still there (Sargeras) and he alone is enough for another Warcraft RTS game =D. What I'm trying to get at is that WoW is more emmersive than the other Warcraft games. Who else screamed like a little girl when they first walked into the upper Undercity and saw the throneroom where Arthas killed his father? Sure, we've seen that place before in the CG sequence but how much cooler did it feel to almost be there ourselves? --Maarz

yes, it was awesome, and i love seeing lore things in game, but there is something people often don't get...we are not heros. we are grunts(fully upgraded, maybe). we are not level 10 heros who are awesome, we are not lore-driven, we are single warriors in a massive army, and we are not special. thrall, jaina, illidant etc are. 20 mangy dogs can kill a lion, so 25 of us can kill certain people (like kel'thuzad), but to kill off the lord of outland, the third most powerful being that was on azeroth, is a bit...over the top (first being the aspects, second being lich king in either order, we dont really know, and we dont know how powerful the old gods are, seals away. they seem pretty weak, but influential)--Haddon 18:26, 4 March 2007 (EST)

I don't know about that, Blizzard seems to consider us heroes. Actually, I think that Metzen might have originally planned to see Illidan killed by us, but because of the uproar of disagreements from fans he reconsidered. You said that 25 of us can kill certain people, (like kel'thuzad) but that was before Outland. We're stronger now. Now we can handle Illidan. And soon someone else. Blizzard are the people with all the statistics. They know exactly if we're enough to take on Illidan or not. But, due to negativity from the fans we may never know. Still, whether Illidan dies or not, I can't wait to see his raid encounter. Blizzard know that they'll really have to work hard to satisfy everyone with his encounter and I'm squirming in my chair just thinking about it. Even if I never get there myself, watching it on Youtube will be enough =D --Maarz 07 March 2007

Maybe Illidan is weakened by his crazyness or something wich makes us able to defeat him (without even needing to kill him) and also as we grunts can ressurect without dificulties why should the enemy bosses not do so. --Rafinius

New Races: Needed?

Everyone seems to put so much importance on adding new races in each of these expansions listed. i have seen murlocs and satyrs and tuskarr and even worgen, but are these really necessary? with 5 races per side, would adding more help in any way? the only difference, as it stands now, are 4 racial abilities, and perhaps later (probably much) class racials as the priests have. but even without these, at level 70, the starting stats almost don't matter and only a few of the racial skills are truly worth it...the races are far more about aesthetics. I, personally, would much rather blizzard focus on making more new classes, new talents, hero classes, or tons and tons of new content. new races might be fun and interesting, but do they matter as much as new classes, new skills, new zones and dungeons and even new WORLDS? i don't think so.--Haddon 01:39, 24 February 2007 (EST)

i think its pretty doubtful they'll add new races... most of all no murlocs, worgs,, or other bullshit (excuse my french), you have to be realistic about things.. these are just fan fiction, more than anything User:CrazyJack/Sig 03:09, 28 February 2007 (EST)
I agree with you. But you see it too. Everytime when someone mentions expansion, you usually listen after it "I cant wait to see new races". Blizzard annonced that they want to do about 5-6 expansions.. well . can ya people imagine 10 races for every faction? And 20 races in chracter creating screen? Even my monitor is not so big lol. We have to face the fact that there wont be new race in every expansion. I would like to see .. maybe 7 races for each side. I think blizz should concetrate now on new classes, stuff, items and of course new zones Axel
"or other bullshit (excuse my french)" <= What was that ?--K ) (talk) 18:39, 17 April 2007 (EDT)
1 more per each side seems best in my opinion, since it would allow each continent to have an equal number of alliance and horde races, and there don't seem enough for more. (Personally, I'd like to see furbolgs for alliance, since they are already very associated with alliance, and could easily add another shaman race to the alliance. horde have less obvious choices, my preference would be for some reformed Naga who would settle near the blood elf/forsaken area who through some lore twisting would get paladins. Others do proably disagree though.)Minionman 13:58, 7 May 2007 (EDT)
I agree I think each side could only handle one or two more races at the most. It seems likely though that some kind of neutral faction would be needed to accommodate the goblins. They could simply make them pick a side at creation but they would loose a lot of that goblin, "will work for the highest bidder," flavor. I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that they will eventually create at least a neutral third playable faction and possibly more factions in time. If they actually went to a 3 or more faction system they could also allow some races to start in a choice of factions and also allow for later migration between factions, much like switching from Aldor to Scryers. There could still be battlegrounds but they would likely be limited to horde/alliance only (Cenarian vs Fel?) and would really push your opposing faction down making later migration to the other side unrealistic. I also think that languages would have to be implemented to make it all work with each faction having a faction language as well as each race having their own. Now given all the discussion on races, I am going to throw out my pie in the sky, just this side of stupid, idea for what races could start in what factions. Of course this would take many, many expansions to get to:

Alliance: Human, Gnome, Dwarf, Draenei, Night Elf, High elf, Goblin
Horde: Orc, Troll, Undead, Blood Elf, Tauren, Ogre, Goblin
Cenarian: Cenarians, Night Elf, Tauren, Furbolg, Pandaren, Tuskarr
Trade: Goblin, Orc, Human, Ogre, Gnoll (Naga?)
Fel: Naga, Satyr, Blood Elf, Eredar, Nathrezim, Human, Fel Orc, Scourge Undead, Worgen
Unaligned: Centaur, Gnoll, Ogre, Murloc

I would say that the Alliance and the Horde remain opposed, earning rep in one means loosing it in the other. Cenarian would be neutral with respect to the conflict between Horde and Alliance but all three would be opposed to Fel, perhaps Cenarian even more so. Trade? well they might be willing to get in bed with anyone but perhaps they are at least uneasy with the Fel. Death, destruction and chaos being bad for business and all. Unaligned is just that, no affiliation, at least to start with. They start either neutral or unfriendly to any given faction but they are not a faction in and of themselves.
The most significant problem is the relative lack of balance with the Fel faction. Would they actually be allied with the demons of the Burning Legion? What would that mean for questing? What would it mean for BGs and world PvP? Unlike the Horde really only being the bad guys in the eyes of the Alliance, the Fel races are genuinely evil, not just misunderstood. I suppose they could be their own kind of evil, as in, they hold no real loyalty to the Legion but rather ally with them only for the power they gain. Another possibility is to make the Fel side two or three factions such as those loyal to the Legion, those serving the Old Gods and, perhaps, the Scourge. It would, however, be interesting to see players try to play these races and realign them with one of the "good" factions. lofstrr 14:07, 14 Aug 2007 (CDT)
That's not a bad idea. Though there are a few things I don't understand with your Fel faction
1: Human?? Warlock are technically evil yet, tthey remain in alliance. So, I don't see human in that faction.
2: Worgen.... Those are not really "Fel" in any way. I'd more see them in your Unaligned faction. - FireFangs 22:37, 16 Oct 2007

To Argus

I think an expansion should be in Argus the orginial homeworld of dreanei, know owned by the legion. I dont know who it will be accessed. Mabye through a rocket in Area 52.

New Races: Broken (Alliance). Broken meet up with there brethern to fight the Legion. Abomonation (Horde). Abomonations join up with there forskane allies to finally crush the scourge.

Possilbe bosses could be legion commanders e.g Kil'Jaedan and some Pit Lords.

Here is my idea of what the opening could be.

With legion under control in outland, the Naaru are launching an invasion of Argus their homeworld. All races are answering the call to war. The Naaru have already taken a small portion of Argus, know you must get the rest. Some are doing it for money,others for honour and to be a legend. But only the strong service. Answer the call, destory the legion and force them to eave this planet. Snorkyorky.


Kil'Jaeden will undoubtedly be the final boss of the final expansion. It would make for a very cool fight, if the leaders of all playable factions were present there for a kill, with the raid carrying out supporting functions -- healing, offtanking, debuffing, kiting and of course dps. They've done something like that in the Eranikus fight of AQ opening chain, and I think it was fun. Also it would justify pitting only 25 players against the ultimate evil, because in fact they'll have the help of: Thrall(Shammy), Vol'Jin(Hunter), Lor'Themar(Hunter), Sylvanas(Hunter), Cairne(Warrior), Tyrande(Priest), Mekkatorque(Noam!), Magni(Warrior), Bolvar(Warrior), Velen (Priest). They could all tumble out of summoning portal, or appear each at different phaze (with players having to keep them all alive to complete the encounter). Could also be cross-faction. I think such a fight would be a fitting conclusion for the game.

Oh, and the encounter should have zombies in it. As proven by Rodriguez in "Planet Terror," anything is good when it has zombies in it.

Im sure that if KilJaden appears in WoW, it will be a sign for us that WoW is ending. I would rather see ending world of warcraft with something another and ensure fans that there will be a new threat and the evil will hold on. Burning legion is an universal enemy and blizzard can create with legion tons of new stuff. Even after WoW. So i think Burning legion along with their master SHOULD survive. Possibly.. KilJaden finds Sargeras in the twisting nether and brings him back to live.. Heros of azeroth learn this and try to find Sargeras and destroy him until he gets his old powers back.. In the end sargeras is finished.. burning legion survived.. can continue in their work.. and blizzard continue to earn money with next games :) .. simple :) --Axell 18:37, 18 April 2007 (EDT)

I somewhat agree. However, the only issue with making KilJaeden the final boss is that he isn't a very wellknown character in World of Warcraft. Arthas is widely known, but not a ton of players have any idea who KilJaden is. It's the issue of who is the most powerful being in all of World of Warcraft. Assuming Sargeras is dead, it is a hot debate between Kil Jaeden and Arthas. Though I am willing to guess that Kil Jaden will be the final boss in the game. Continuing, I don't think that the Burning Legion will ever be truly finished. All good story writers understand that evil will never be truly vanquished. There must be a balance between good and evil. I think the game will end with KilJaden dying (assuming Arthas is already dead), Azeroth will be saved, but the Burning Legion will still exist. Meltroes 23:58, 23 April 2007 (EDT) Meltroes

I will be very bummed if Blizzard doesn't create an RTS because only the top and most hardcore people in the world will probably be able to "beat" this game (on a MMORPG), and I've wanted to see the game to the end. But I agree, Kil Jaden will PROBABLY be the last boss of the game (either that or Arthas or Sargeras) unless they decide to save him later for a WoW 2 or something. Meltroes 23:58, 23 April 2007 (EDT)Meltroes

I'd rather they made a Warcraft RPG - something like Knights of the Old Republic (an awesome game). --Vorbis
I think what would be intersting is the last WoW expansion has Kil'Jaeden as the main boss, then the BL is scattered and leaderless, without a capital (once Argus), so a new leader comes and tries to reorganize the BL (a campaign storyline), so the BL is a playable race (since they are so weakened). Other playable factions could be: Horde, Forsaken (includes BE), Alliance (possibly with NE included), Old Gods, Scourge. Maybe. But that might be too many races. Saimdusan 07:44, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

I agree. However, yer judgments of the leaders are somewhat wrong. And you have forgotten some. Magni is almost definitly a hunter due to his duel wield. Bolvar is a paladin, he uses a bubble sheild. Don't forget Staghelm which is a druid, and Benedictus which is a priest. Jaina which is a mage, and Mekkatorque is a warrior. Oh, and Varimathias or w/e his name is spelled. AM I forgeting someone? Acjpb 00:37, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Nope, Magni is most certainly closer to a Warrior. Hunters would never wear plate (too heavy for such scouts/trackers), and I don't see Magni ever getting his hands on a ranged weapon. Varimathras is probably most similar to a Warlock (despite his armor).--User:Vorbis/Sig

Well, you somewhat contradict yerself there. First you said Magni is not hunter cause he wears plate, then you say Varimathras is warlock despite his armor. And saying that Magni never uses ranged weapons doesn't prove anything. Warriors use ranged weapons, and if he doesn't, than he leans more to being a paladin. I never knew that warriors could duel-wield though. Just thought it was hunters and rogues. Also, we have no proof that what he is wearing is plate, even if he looks like he is, there is some mail that looks like plate. Acjpb 05:49, 12 July 2007 (UTC)

Actually, he just described the Dreadlord/Nathrezim class/race as a kind of warlock in heavy armor, because they use various warlock spells (or actually, warlocks use spells of demonic origin) ~ Nathanyel 11:52, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Acjpb, let's not get tangled up in simple game mechanics. Though the uniqueness of both of these characters puts them both in a class of their own, if we are to stick to game lore terms I believe my interpretation of what they are most similar to is more accurate.
  • Magni is very obviously wearing plate armour (the telltale sign is the articulated layers of beaten metal plates without any sign of rings or scales - most certainly not chainmail by any definition), something which would be entirely impractical for any scout. Furthermore, his combat techniques and his lifestyle are dissimilar to anything Hunter lore would have us believe. Magni comes from a line of warrior kings. He's like a fantasy dwarf warrior poster boy.
  • Varimathras is a powerful magic user from a race which is second only to the Eredar in their use of the demonic arts. Yes, magic users vary across different fantasy universes, and I agree that most mortal magic users in them would wear very light armour due to their lack of war training, for ceremonial purposes or simply because heavy armour inhibits their powers. Nevertheless, an immortal demon of Varimathras's girth, age and magical knowledge would not find it difficult to wear 'heavy' (in the purely technical term) armour and use magic at the same time. The fact that he uses demonic magic would place him instantly into the Warlock class.--User:Vorbis/Sig

Fine, you win. But I still stand to my other definiations. Acjpb 05:41, 30 July 2007 (UTC)

"I win"? What, do you feel you're losing ground to nothing but airy speculation? I'm not trying to beat you down buddy. --User:Vorbis/Sig

Actually Dreadlords cannot be Warlocks!User:Airiph/sig 02:20, 22 April 2008 (UTC)


I think a cool expansion would be one where a character could actually join the criminal or rogue organizations such as the Scarlet Crusade, or the Syndicate or the Bloodsail Buccaneers and more. Players could do quests against their established faction (Alliance or Horde) which would elevate them to positions of great power within these organizations. Getting caught on said quests however would make the player an outlaw with their faction. Criminal players would also have access to NPC's who are only avilable to members of their organization. A possible new class could be a warden/jailor of sorts who could sniff out criminal players and brand them as outlaws with their faction. Just a thought. --Julzwinfield

Any sort of third faction would destroy WoW's game mechanics, especially one made up from crimanals of the races of the other two. Also, you can ally your self with the Syndicate and Bloodsail Buccaneers, they just don't do anything for you.--SWM2448 21:13, 22 April 2007 (EDT)

Actually the Bloodsail Bucaneers give you a hat that you can summon a parrot. So they do give you SOME kind of thing, even a useless trinkit

Troll capital city and gnome capital city

i think the trolls and gnome should get their own capital cities for trolls a island near stranglethorn reachable by zepplin for gnome they build a new capital city maybe of the coast of the dwarven lands? toadem

I was thinking the same,gnomes will go on that land part west of burning steppes and trolls an go on some tropical islands near echo isles.-User:Airiph/sig 00:14, 23 September 2007 (UTC)

They're both exiles, so maybe they could retake their homes? Trolls could be in the Echo Isles or even the Darkspears and gnomes in Gnomeregan. Of course that would remove an entire instance and also quite a few quests, so perhaps it's not such a good idea. Jormungand01 (talk) 15:32, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

IIRC the answer for the Burning Crusade was "no, capital cities are for new races only". Who knows, they may change their minds later on.--K ) (talk) 17:11, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

Into Darkness

This section has been moved to User:Toadem/Into Darkness yes! there should DEFINETELY be troll and gnome capital my opinion troll and gnome sre two of the coolest races in the game! and...just sometimes blizz can be so racist!!! lol jk but not really really...having troll and gnome capital cities would be the best...

New battle ground

i think that blizzard should put a battle ground in between alterac valley and arathi highland like a battleground that you can enter at lvl 30 or lvl 40 toadem

Good idea, but it should be somewhere in Kalimdor to keep the balance. Jormungand01 (talk) 12:35, 23 July 2008 (UTC)

Druid Pet

See Tojanida. I think druids should get a pet liek shadow priests got shadowfiend. Discuss



We need reasons why each expansion idea could be chosen by Blizzard, otherwise we could just have random ideas popping up willy-nilly. In fact, why don't we include some (not all of course) ideas from the future race ideas page? --User:Vorbis/Sig

More traditional Warcraft battles in WoW

Here's an idea I've been begging WoW to come up with:

Traditional Warcraft battles: I think a new type of battlefield should be introduced which allows the construction of buildings to provide benefits for participating players (blacksmith upgrades) and possibly even summon NPCs (barracks) and defend (towers). This would require resource gathering (think peasants/peons), which would then introduce a new set of professions: lumberjacking and carpentry. Buildings could be built by adding gathered materials to a pre-set building plot that either gradually built itself, or required crafters to gradually build it. Gameplay such as this could bring lower level and higher level characters together; the lower level characters would focus more on resources and crafting, while the higher level characters could focus more on the combat (as a very casual player, this would allow me to play along side my much higher level friends). I'd also like to see some sort of XP reward for participating players.

Each building would have its uses, just like in the older Warcraft games: farms would increase the maximum number of players allowed to join the battlefield. Barracks and other class-summoning buildings could provide sets of temporary equipment for players, summon simple NPCs if feasible, or just be a spawn point for the associated classes perhaps. The Blacksmith upgrades could provide a benefit for all participating players within the faction. Gold mines could provide all types of ore, and each type of ore could affect the rate at which buildings, items and upgrades are created. Lumberjacking could be used on smaller, individual trees (much like mining ore and gathering herbs is now) so the scenery trees could remain, thus making it a more feasible profession. I'm sure every building would be of benefit in their own way.

This addition to WoW would open up a whole new method of gameplay. It would bring all levels of characters together, and give each player a real sense of accomplishment and contribution. The concept of player housing might seem unfeasible to the devs, but this might be a great substitute. Personally, I'm a support character who's always played a crafter in other MMOs, so this kind of gameplay would have me coming back for more constantly!

Any feedback or additional ideas?—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Disrupture (talk · contr).

How about this: we have Warcraft for after the last WoW expansion (in, say, 4-6 years)? Then after WcIV there is WoW II Saimdusan 07:47, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

Seems neat, though might be hard to pull off. It would be cool, though, to actually have large army type battles somwhere in the game (against, say, the scourge) where instead of fighting, say 3 enemies at a time, you have a big group that has to fight a large group of enemies all at once that work together (so sort of like an RTS battle with humans playing as the individual units.)Minionman 16:53, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

Did not they try that with Alterac Valley and its forgotten sister, Azshara Crater?--SWM2448 16:57, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

User-created ideas

Come again? All the ideas in the article are user created... Blizzard has not announced any expansion ideas other than discussing that Northrend will probably be one someday. They haven't even gone into playable races, new classes or any other material. Any ideas as to what that content is purely "user-created". I'm going to remove that heading because its rather silly, and seems to make some people's ideas "more important" than others.Baggins 00:33, 25 June 2007 (UTC)

I agree that it was a rather bad and hastily-applied name; it was referring to the concepts rather than the ideas themselves. I wanted some degree of seperation between what must happen in, say, Northrend (which sapient species we would certainly encounter, who would be the main adversary (Arthas!) etc.) and expansion ideas made up entirely in the authors mind. Maybe we just need a bit of tweaking...--User:Vorbis/Sig

Rise of the Half-Bloods

2 new races half-orc (horde) or half-elf (Alliance). Play two of the unique races mentioned in early warcraft lore (manuals and/or novels) and are major playable races in the RPG.

Half-elves have their own city in previously unseen area of the Eastern Kingdoms .

Half-orcs have a city in a previously unopened area in Kalimdor.

Arator would get a new model. Garona could finally make an appearance, and a new half-orc model and act as a leader of the half-orcs. Baggins 00:33, 25 June 2007 (UTC)

I play D&D, and half-elves are my favorite race (drive of humans, elegance of elves). I'd love to see them in the game! Not so sure with half-orcs though... But, who knows! Konrad13 (talk) 09:18, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Next Expansons...

The 2nd expansion: The Frozen Path New areas: Northrend, and Pandaria (which will be the new Shattrath :) )

New Races: Arrakoa and Mok' Nathal

Plot: As heroes venture deep into the shattered land of outland, the races of the horde and alliance are caught unaware as the scourge attacks when they learn of Illidan's defeat. Thus besieged on all sides, the mortal races have to forget old hatreds and work together to secure a foothold in Northrend (and then continue ganking each other). As the races fight deeper and deeper into Northrend they learn the secrets of the forgtten ones as well as the legendary Titans, who are not exactly what we believe them to be. And so the mortal races of azeroth set down on the Frozen Path, leading the story to...

The last (c'mon you can count, can't you?) expasion, Redemption New areas: The Twisting Nether, and the Nathreizm homeworld for freakin' epic showdown, the Elemental Plane

Plot: The races reveal the true past of the "great" Titans and thus are brought to a point where they are being helped by the Old Gods and the Qiraji/Nerubians/Forgotten ones and are faced against the Titans, who are being corrupted by a lust for power, which is also afflicting the Blood Elves. Thus the Buring crusade is being crushed out by the increasingly-powerful titans, where the races of the horde and alliance begin to learn the resolutionm the mulitple things: First, the Blood Elves solving the problem; Second, being the "End" of the burning crusade, but not the death of Kil' Jaeden and the Legion. What more with the fall of Arthas (YEAH you heard me... err read me.) the undead begin to commit the remains of the Scourge to the cause of the mortal races, and perhaps find rest (that it , if they want rest).Also the Naaru's origin will be revealed and will play a key role to the final conclusion, that being the fall of the Titan's incredibly powerful reign and the final truth behind magic and it's great/destructive power! (lol)

Insanely, (Mrscribbles 06:21, 26 June 2007 (UTC))

Pandarian isn't in Northrend, ;). Its also not a city, its an island.Baggins 06:22, 26 June 2007 (UTC)

Well Pandaria would be located south-west of Stonetalon and west of Desolace. Also the area would be like a lvl 40-55 place and dungeon called "The House of Flying Bones" (or something of the like, cause you need parodies :)) for lvs 58-65, wihch would be full of undead Pandaren Samurai, which was created when the the demons began their invasion from Desolace. Insanely, (Mrscribbles 17:59, 26 June 2007 (UTC))

Mrscrribles, Malygos leader of Blue Dragonflight is in Northrend. Will he fight the titans, become a frost wyrm or be an evil dragon gone corrupt and be a raid boss.

My idea for WoW.

I think the next expansion would be great see with a sailor proffession and hobgoblin and panderan as races...then northrend with necromancers as a class and narubian for the horde and furbolg for the alliance...than its old allies with forest troll and ogre for horde and high elf and wildhammer for alliance and player houses,guild halls etc. ...then it ends off with emerld dream with gnolls for horde and an alliance race.than a few warcraft 4 and 5! ideas?Airiph 00:26, 13 July 2007 (UTC)

Hobgoblins for Alliance? Could be interesting; seeing as they're thicker than a two short plank ogre sandwich and only live for about three years. Nevertheless, another 'goblin lore race' like coal or "spider-eye" goblins could be just about plausible. Pandarens will forever be a strongly contested subject, so I'll just skip over them.
Next, Northrend. Well, Necromancers... with some work, maybe. They are, after all, a staple of swords and sorcery fantasy and many people have been yearning after them for several years. As long as they show enough variation from warlocks, then sure. Nerubians for Horde doesn't sound too bad (as long as they can get past the Forsaken and that 6-legged problem); and furbolgs for Alliance fits just fine (but of course I'd say that, wouldn't I?).
Now, the next one I wouldn't agree on. I've said it before: we already have a race called "troll" which would cover every subspecies if we didn't have playable skin tones restricted to blue and turquoise. In addition, the very name of the race - "troll" - means there is absolutely no niche for anyone to slip "forest" in. To put the final nail in the coffin; an upcoming patch means that we engage in combat with the forest troll leader: Zul'jin. So... sorry, but it will never happen. I'd wager my computer on it.
Likewise with Wildhammer dwarves - they're already under "dwarf", and Falstad seems fine sitting in his outpost-slash-Wildhammer capital of Aerie Peak for the time being. And it's not like we don't have enough short beardy bastards in the Alliance as it is. Wager as above. Blizzard would never do it. You'll know what I'm going to say about high elves by now, on account on them being nigh on identical to blood elves. I'd triple my wager for this one. Blizzard wouldn't have the gall to pull the same elf stunt twice.
The ogres, however, are a thumbs up. Totally. Why they ever left the Horde I don't know. Gnolls? Ahhh, sensible enough choice - if they manage to get their act together and recieve a good boot up the backside they might prove to be a reasonable fighting force (if not a little bit stupid).
Um... nevertheless, you won't ever get all these races - the factions seem like they can only cope with so many. I'd keep it to a maximum of two more to each faction to be frank. --User:Vorbis/Sig

in futer race ideas i put i big think for high elves (most positive ideas)if i had too only have 2 or 3 for each fqaction i`d have gnalls (mabey during the sundering a clan of gnalls were passed on onto an island or somthing) and pandaren in great sea, and narubians and furbolgs in northrend,then ogres and high elves in a old allie,and in the sea expansion i`d have another proffesion,merchenting!Airiph 23:09, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

Now gnalls, that'd be an interesting idea... ~ Nathanyel 06:48, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

I say High Elves and goblins should be come races in one expansion and Pandaren and ogres. And more hero classes. The High Elf Goblin expansion would have tinker and elven ranger hero class. Tinker would be able use machines to snare, stun their prey and have tons of machine themed AoEs. Elven Ranger would be a combo of druid, warrior, and hunter with some rogue. It would depend on what spec they went into. It would be nature mastery-(druidic and hunter-like, have a pet and natures allies) Marksmanship (pretty much the same as the hunter's) and Scouting (rogue-like).

High Elves

Faction: Alliance Classes: Hunter, mage, druid, priest, paladin, warrior, Capital: Theramore with a portal to Stormwind


Faction:Horde Classes:Rogue, warlock, warrior, and mage Capital:Undermine (obviously)


Faction: Can go both ways Classes:Hunter, druid, warrior, shaman, priest, paladin, warrior, and brewmaster hero class. and beastmaster hero class. Capital:City in Pandaria


Faction:Can go both ways Classes:Warrior, hunter, mage, warlock, shaman, possibly druid, brewmaster, beastmaster Capital:Somewhere in the Stonetalon Mountains

Their would be two new classes for this expansion also. Brewmaster and Beastmaster. Bremaster would have tons of AoEs and be a meeler. Coul any wear cloth. Beastmaster would just be a meeling hunter with 3 pets. They could only use cloth and leather.

Gods and Heroes

You'd go against all the Old Gods and in the end, Sargeras himself. Level cap raised to 100 and tons of hero classes.

  • Number one-Demon Hunter, cross between a warlock, warrior, and rogue. Tank, DPSer, and whatever locks do. Could stealth, not use chest armor, wear cloth armor, and have tons of DoTs, and have mana burn and the ultimate spell at 100... Metamorphasis.
  • Number two-Potion doc, uses potions to sap his prey, uses poisons, and basically just uses potions to everything, from kill, to speed up.
  • Number three-Sorcerer, combines all fire and arcane spells from every class. Mostly ranges and AoEs.
  • Number 5-Savagekin,Stays in animal form all the time except when switching to a new form. It's forms would be
  • tiger (like druid cat from, some tanking abilities)
  • wolf imilar to tiger, but with different spells
  • Bears (or bull), all tank.
  • serpent, DoTs with some DPS abilities
  • Eagle (travel from)
  • Hamster, when in hamster form, it gets rid of all aggro and can easily run away. Faster then an epic mount. Can randomly get squished by mobs= one hit death.
  • Number 6-Conjuror, basically just cnjurs up a mob and watches the show. Can summon a
  • Shower of scorpions (kinda like the junter snake trap, they stay until the mob or group of mobs is dead or the conjuror dies.
  • Imp, regular orange fire, not green, same purpose though, more powerful.
  • Fighter- Summons a fighter of the same race as he/she. Tanks and protects.
  • Drake- Rnadomly summons either a black, red, blue, bronze dragon. Can get a recipe to summon a proto dragon off powerful Nothrend mobs.
  • Golem- Most powerful tank, after 10 minutes, it goes berserk and kill anything.
  • Carbon Copy, all aggro directed to it, allows conjuror to run away

Number 7, techno mage, combines powers of all casters (mages locks, sorcerors etc.) with tinker

Finally Number 8- Dark Knight- Combo of Shadow Priest, Paladin, and rogue.

Then when you reach 100 you can go into a portal to Argus and face him. First you get a quest to get the Titan sword, the other half of Sargeras' sword. Then you can have a Titan NPC forge it for you and bam, the most powerful sword ingame.

Well that's pretty much it. I know none of it will ever happen, feel free to offer some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Mr.X8 22:37, 6 October 2007 (UTC)

How bout steam warrior instead of dark knight? Dark knights like a living death knight.User:Airiph/sig 20:22, 14 September 2008 (UTC)


There are lots of ideas for Undermine here are a few.

1. In South Seas it shall be the goblin version of Shattrath. 2. It is a destroyed area and place to quest. A bit like. 3. Its a bubble like Dalaran 4. Its a dungeon. 5. Its deathwings new hideout and its a raid instance.

Discuss. Snorkyorky

Undermine will more likely be a neutral city, with Deathwing's Lair a seperate instance (possible under a different island).--User:Vorbis/Sig
Sanctuary? I think not. I feel if you cause trouble you will just get swarmed by Hobgoblin brusers.--SWM2448 22:15, 31 July 2007 (UTC)

or a Coal goblin robin ya!Airiph 02:12, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

or wait!way underneath the undermine are mines (probuly the richest mines in all of azeroth)...beneath that aand in it the coal and hobgoblins dwell!Airiph 02:12, 1 August 2007 (UTC)

... enough content for 5 or 6 expansions ...

... but not enough players!

Every server has a finite amount of memory, network bandwidth and processing power. The servers Blizzard is using for hosting their game World of Warcraft are capable of storing several tens of thousands of player characters in their databases, but cannot handle more than about one thousand players actually playing the game.

If Blizzard adds new zones to the map, this will lead to players spreading out over both, the new zones and the ones that already existed before a specific expansion, WotLK for example. This results in a lower average player density every time new content is added. I'm quite sure the game will "survive" the WotLK expansion, but I hope that it will be the last big chunk of additional content Blizzard is releasing. Blizzard has stated that "they already have content for 5 or 6 expansions". I really hope they think twice before expanding another time. I don't think it's the point of a MMORPG to have players exploring the world on their own and occasionally meeting another player every now and then. Privatekey 14:04, 8 August 2007 (UTC)

...You have a point... but maybe blizzard will find a way to add many more players in servers -User:16thDay
Aye, servers can be merged. User:Kirkburn/Sig3 22:01, 8 August 2007 (UTC)
Why? I personally like the idea of not meeting another player for some time while exploring the world, especially when questing. If you want to meet/group with other players, there's the guild or the trade channel, a.k.a. "the new LFG". Plus, the majority of the players will always fill up the latest zones/realm servers, so I don't think those would be under-worked. ~ Nathanyel 09:55, 9 August 2007 (UTC)

Taking what we know into account

Ok, here's a few things I've noticed. We've had 2 expansions announced so far, and one of them has been released. Content wise they have 2 things in common: A new continent (BC-Outland, WotLC-Northrend) and a new profession (BC-Jewelcrafting, WotLC-Inscription). Some content is also invariably there to help characeters progress such as 10 levels added to the level cap (eventually we may hit 120), new monsters, new items (especially armor sets) etc. The main difference between the 2 is one featured new races and the other featured a hero class. Now based off the FAQ, I think we're only going to get 1 for this expansion, and that would probably set the pattern for the future. "Will there be additional hero classes in the future?Yes, we do intend to add more hero classes in the future, but right now our focus is on the current expansion." (taken from the FAQ for WotLC, Emphasis added) Honestly, I would rather see more hero classes than more races. One just isn't going to cut it, and we only have 4-5 expansion left including WotLC if Blizzard sticks to their plans. So based off the information above, here's my take on where they could go with exansions.

They will need 3-4 continents, or at least large enough areas that could count (such as archipelagos of islands or mystic realms). Good ones include the great sea, the emerald dream, and an ancient azeroth from the caverns of time. I really don't know where to go with a 4th one, but since it's not mandatory I won't worry for now (and I hate the idea of Argus, no offense, mostly because we know nothing about it).

I choose to focus on Hero Classes (for the sake of getting enough of them). Now imho these need to be significantly different from base classes rather than glorified versions thereof (thus I'm opposed to Rangers or Archdruids as they seem to be hunters and druids with fancy titles). If they are done anything like they seem to be doing the Death Knight, it seems you are ending one life to start another, making your previous class irrelevant. A Demon Hunter is a perfect example of a viable Hero Class as it has a place in lore, is different enough from everything else, it's a new life for whoever takes it, and just like the death knight we've seen them in game b4. Finding more like this is difficult however. They may put in the Glorfied Druids and Hunters and Rogues. I personally hope not. Spirit walkers (a Druid/Shammy Hybrid), Shadow Hunters (a Pries/Hunter with a dash of Shammy combo)seem passable, but beyond that it's a bit more difficult.

Professions are also difficult to brainstorm. There's always sailing for the great sea, but the Emerald Dream and Ancient Azeroth are harder. It's occured to me that perhaps, instead of getting new proffesions, find a way to take the ones we have in a new dirrection. Have them be able to upgrade into a sort of secondary class once you've maxed it out and mastered it. An inscriber can become the much talked about Runemaster, or an engineer can become a Tinker (this would make Gnomes so much cooler, walking around in their much bigger mechanical armor suits). I don't really know how to do that with all of the tradeskills, but it's a thought.

There are my ideas. Please feel free to tear them apart. Meneldir

Hardly anything is known about the death knights at this point, but if it's a success, there's no reason why they can't add 2 or 3 new ones in the next xpac. Demon Hunter would be great, but it seems like they wanna conclude the legion storyline in the upcoming 25-man raid before WotLK. Kind of hard to introduce Demon Hunters when the demons are no longer an immediate threat. They went to a heck of a lot of effort to fit Draenei and Blood elves into the game lore-wise, and they're doing it now for death knights.
I'm thinking the next xpac is the Emerald Dream, the Maelstrom, or both. Whatever they do is probably related to it. Other than that I can't begin to guess what they'll do, could be something totally new. --Raze 07:35, 12 August 2007 (UTC)
I'm not so sure they're done with the legion. Honestly, unless Kil'Jaeden himself is taken down, The Legion is still a threat. I could see us facing demons around the Tomb of Sargeras or in an Azeroth of the past during the war of the ancients, both of which seem to be fine opportunities to train Demon Hunters. That's just me though. Meneldir

Rescheduled for Visitation?

This is a hilarious idea. You make it sound like a Terminator movie. --User:Vorbis/Sig

Moons of Draenor

Is this some kind of joke? Zerg? Protoss? My friend, Warcraft and Starcraft lore does not have any connection at all. Remember, Starcraft is NOT Warcraft in space. Seriously, Starcraft takes place in our own galaxy, and Warcraft clearly does not! I would quit WoW and flush it down the toilet, never to speak about it again, if it would happen! I can still not stop laughing at the zerg and protoss suggestion! You can't be serious about that. I guess you just meant some alien race that we have yet to see in WoW, cuz zerg and protoss is impossible. Although I don't believe Blizzard will do the same mistake as in TBC again, to make it almost seem like Sci-fi. --Kulsprutejojjo 08:15, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

Indeed, bad crossovers like, in this case, fantasy and SF are 'le suck'. References like the Zergling pet, the fel stalker's similarity to zerglings are ok and cool for fans of the other franchise, but please, nothing more. ~ User:Nathanyelŋɑϑ

09:00, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

Why a new Planet would be good

A place we have never heard about would be a great place to let Blizzards minds run riot. We won't know about the bad guys there so we could invent something new.

~ User:Snorkyorky 19:01 12th September 2007. (GMT)

Well it would definitely give Blizz the opportunity to create new lore, instead of having to re-use/retcon the old one, and cause players to whine about it :P Btw you might want to look at that "sig" of yours. ~ User:Nathanyelŋɑϑ 18:57, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
Nah, there's already more than enough sci-fi. Don't want to see it degenerate into World of Starcraft with spaceships and pew pew lasers. -_-' DacianWarlord (talk) 01:09, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

Great Sea Expansion Ideas Section?

There is an emerald dream expansion ideas section. Why cant somebody make a great sea expansion ideas section so you dont need to search on everything... And teh Great Sea is going to be the third WoW expansion... or atleast that would make sense. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by RobWar (talk · contr).

You mean like Expansion ideas#World of Warcraft: The Great Sea or Talk:Expansion ideas#World of Warcraft: The Great Sea? Also, don't just remove recent talk, please. ~ User:Nathanyelŋɑϑ 21:51, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
I helped make this one: Great Sea expansion ideas. Like that?--SWM2448 21:56, 16 September 2007 (UTC)

Faction ideas

The way WoW is going (and i never played it or will i just look at the guides XD) it will always be the allience and the Horde with a main enamy and a neutral faction for quests. Why not have it that main enamy (say the Ilidari or the scourge or evan the Burning Legion.) playable?? Ofcoarse you will have to think of races for the factions. (For example the Ilidari get blood elves, Naga,Fel orcs and Dreanie. (FFS dont say the Dreanie are already on the allience THOSE ARNT DREANIE THOSE ARE ERADAR.) Or the Legion with the Eradar, Nathraziem and what ever the pit lords are called.). --—The preceding unsigned comment was added by the last Alterac (talk · contr).

No. Too much work, too little gain. And yes, these "eredar" are draenei I'm afraid - because Blizzard says so. --User:Vorbis/Sig

Ah so thats why Blizzard dost make new factions.--The last Alterac 13:00, 6 October 2007 (UTC)

Conquorable towns

Yes I know I misspelt the 1st word in that heading but hear is the idea. I remember reading today on the expation idea's page. Called the Fouth War. Make all towns conquerable!! In some servers and have soldiers to hire when you and a your raiding party(ies) attack enamy settlements. If that expantion and the ideas I mentioned were to be taken. THEN BLIZZARD WONT TO BE LIEING TO THE POPULATION that play the game. What I mean is. Why do they call it World of Warcraft when there isnt a war going on? (And this is something thats rediculous WHY ARE THE ROUGE CLASSES ON THE SAME FACTION THAT THERE AGAINST? (Wouldnt you find it strange to have a cup of tea with a theif? In my opinion they should all be hanged!!!. no yet better give them there own faction XD!) Now for my idea of the most original. Powerful. Most useful class that hasnt been mentioned. I GIVE YOU THE PEASENT (Any one like that idea?) --—The preceding unsigned comment was added by The last Alterac (talk · contr).

Alterac, it's a nice idea to be able to attack every settlement but at the moment it's a better idea to stick to the current ones we have in Outland. --User:Vorbis/Sig

The Idea was to have it like a variant to PvP. So of coarse they will be forced to make a couple of servers for that variant And after a faction wins the Server resets its self .--The last Alterac 13:02, 6 October 2007 (UTC)

» Yes I know I misspelt the 1st word in that heading
So... why not correct that?
» Why do they call it World of Warcraft when there isnt a war going on?
The term 'Warcraft' stems from the first three games, where the two major factions mostly were at war with each other. As of now, say during World of Warcraft, the new Horde and the Alliance are in a state of instable truce/cold war, though there are battlegrounds and "world pvp" areas using open warfare, and the occasional attacks on opposing NPCs and even whole areas (Silverwing Outpost and Warsong Labor Camp in Ashenvale, Dabyrie's Farmstead and Go'Shek Farm in Arathi, Quel'Danil Lodge (Hinterlands) and Quel'Lithien Lodge (EP) and probably some more I'm forgetting right now, basically every player-faction-aligned area that doesn't have important NPCs - just to show you there is indeed a lot of war going on.
Additionally, there are other forces that the players fight: The Burning Crusade, Hakkar's trolls, the Qiraji and more...
That, and a game called 'World of Peacecraft' wouldn't really sell.
So much for WoW not being about war.
Now to conquerable content: it exists in the battlegrounds, several world pvp areas in EP, Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest, Nagrand and, coming in WotLK, a whole zone dedicated to world pvp, Lake Wintergrasp. User:Nathanyelŋɑϑ 15:27, 6 October 2007 (UTC)

Yeah but... Anyone like my idea of a peasant class to get back on topic?

More (useful) Halaas could be fun. A peasant class would be too specific a role.--SWM2448 00:19, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

To be frank, I think that anyone labelled "Peasant" over level 1 is an affront to God. --User:Vorbis/Sig

HOW DO YOU KNOW THE NAME OF MY OLDER BROTHER?. and there is such thing as a high ranking peasent

I dont like the peasant...

Have you ever one a game on battle net with out using peasants?--The last Alterac 03:36, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

The Conquered Worlds

  • Related areas: Argus, other zones of Draenor and other worlds conquered by the Burning Legion.
  • Related opposing forces: Burning Legion and native races.
  • Related intelligent/playable races: Ogre or Half-ogre(Horde); Arakkoa or Worgen(Alliance).
  • Possible new hero classes: Demon Hunter

You liked this idea? --FireMaster 01:55, 8 October 2007 (UTC)

My ideas

The article itself is a mess now, so I don't wanted to post my ideas in it. But please look to my ideas in my user page User:Shargas_the_Naga. What do you think about it? --Shargas the Naga 17:41, 24 November 2007 (UTC)

Derailed topic

I'm not sure when this topic degrailed but it started out as a speculation page, but somehow fanfic cropped into it at some point. Fanfic and speculation are incompatible, and do not belong in the same sections. This page needs to be cleaned up to fit speculation policies, and the fanfic needs to be moved to another page altogether.Baggins 20:41, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

Is not this page for vague ideas? Like a list of completely related things? All possibilities, with 'see also' links to user ideas?--SWM2448 20:54, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
It really should have only material that be derived from official lore, rather than containing completely made up background stories, creatures, places, etc. The same policy we have been using on similar types of pages. Essentially places Blizzard has specifically confirmed in lore would be ripe for an expansion idea. However, going beyond that information to invent specific sub-zone names would be going to far.Baggins 06:04, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Also the expansion titles that are in the article should be removed, and given generic descriptions instead, I.E. "Great Sea expansion". A specific title like "Darkend Dreams", or "Broken Legacy" are fanfic, having been pulled out of nowhere with no source backing. Again speculation needs to fit within known information, and avoid material pulled out of one's mind. Essentially it needs to contain only info that Blizzard would use. Unless the authors were are psychic, it is unlikely Blizzard lore contains the same info as the fanfic that has cropped into this page, and its more likely that fanfic content won't appear in an expansion (this is essentially the reason why policy limits fanfic to its own page, and not inserted into speculation pages).Baggins 06:09, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
I'm with you. Whole this page is a total mess. It needs major cleanup from the fanfic. I also have several ideas for expansions, but I prefered not to insert it here and leave it on my own user-page. --Shargas the Naga 12:53, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
The first few are fine. The first two are the best but still need work. Should I remove all complete fanfic and just add see also links to the bottom of the few better sections?--SWM2448 18:38, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Well one example is the idea I created on the page, isn't fanfic and is supported only by lore, "War of the Ancients", the potential exists based on other sources of lore, as we have cavern's of time and War of the Ancients novels establishing time travel. The trilogy even establishes time travel to that era. Of course it could use a bit more citation pointing out that it is based on that lore. Its also based on information about the era established in the RPG, for example Lands of Conflict and Shadows & Light, such as the Azotha.Baggins 18:41, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Is that a yes or no?--SWM2448 18:42, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
I'm just saying for now move out the pure fanfic ones (preferably on their own fanfic pages), but be careful not to remove anything that is based only on official lore.Baggins 18:44, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Heavy sigh. I'll go through the histories...--SWM2448 18:46, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

My three point plan (No touching until it is done please):

  • Move fanfic to user subpages.
  • Group user ideas geographically under info about areas that have enough lore content.
  • Condense existing idea lists.

--SWM2448 19:24, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

Sounds good.Baggins 19:28, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

The Great Sea page is messing stuff up again! I want to make something like Emerald Dream Expansion Ideas after all of them, but it may get confooseing.--SWM2448 19:57, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

The great sea page needs to be cleaned up to remove fanfic as well, as you might have noticed. It was derailed from its original intent as well.Baggins 19:58, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Should I make a disambig called Great Sea Expansion Ideas?--SWM2448 20:02, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Well actually all you really need to do is add all the various fanfic versions of a Great Sea expansion ideas into its own section at the bottom of that article. We really don't need too many similar sounding articles.Baggins 20:04, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
List them randomly or by topic (may be hard this way)?--SWM2448 20:06, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
I mean in an article like Great Sea expansion ideas you would have a section at the bottom that links to each fan's idea. Those ideas would preferrably be on their user page. Basically anything related to that topic would be under that page.Baggins 20:07, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
It looks like you are almost done. Looks like the Black Dragonflight one is the only one that needs to be moved to a user page.Baggins 20:27, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Oh, I missed it. Sorry.--SWM2448 20:29, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

Important factor of expansions.

So far every expansion has had one thing in common: a new profession. I'd love to discuss these possiblilities. We can discuss these either here or here. Meneldir 02:53, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

Possible leaks

The "Possible leaks" section was deleted in this edit:

06:40, 2 July 2008 Baggins (Talk | contribs) (7,729 bytes) (removing kesmana/m1330 edits) (undo)

I've restored the section because that edit summary refers to the two (large and multi-edit) contributions before mine, and not the section that I've restored. Thus, I believe this was just caught up in the reversion of a big change. I'm open to discussion of this, and would love to hear from anyone. I do think this is a pivotal piece of rumor. If true, it's a rather shocking preview. If false... well, at the very least it employs almost all of the lore that one would expect to see in future expansions, and as such is a well researched bit of speculation. I have no personal stake other than the desire to archive where this first popped up (of course, there are dozens of partial re-posts of this to the WoW forums and elsewhere that are non credited to the original source, and thus have no date information on which to assess them). -Deepone (talk) 12:53, 6 August 2008 (UTC)

Update: the section was almost immediately deleted with a rather rude and (later edit summary clarified) arm-waving (quoting an "inside source") edit summary. I'm not sure that I disagree that it's likely false, but I'm also not sure why that means that WoWWiki shouldn't be noting the existence of speculation outside of its own speculation page. If you search for key zone names from this list, you will see that it's been widely re-posted and discussed, often without context. I'd like to see some history of where this started preserved so that we can properly discuss its veracity (or lack thereof) when the time comes. -Deepone (talk) 13:04, 6 August 2008 (UTC)

Leaked List

A few years ago, a list of upcoming areas got leaked. Ever since, it has proven to be very close to right. So I assume they will just follow this path. That means we could expect Gilneas to be added via patch (3.x), and the next expansion to be the much debated 'Maelstrom' one.

I believe it will be useful to have this list included in this conversation.

Note: Commentary blanked due to possible NDA issues Dragola (talk) 18:23, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

Sorry, we can't allow info from that to be deciminated.

  1. Its of a dubious of source. Its not verifiable. It could be a well crafted hoax. We don't have Blizzard's confirmation of it.
  2. If it is real, as a leaked document, it was not meant for the public. it breaks our NDA policies.Baggins (talk) 19:16, 17 September 2008 (UTC)


I noticed on the blizzard list of future zones that pandaria had a level implementation of 1-10. could this mean the pandaren are a new playable race and start here in the future? -Vazgul

What list? CogHammer.gif Ose talk/3721 21:20, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Above. I do not know where it came from.--SWM2448 22:45, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
I really hope that's not true because the Pandaren were meant to be a joke. --User:Airiph/sig 23:17, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
No they are not! Pandaren Brewmaster is a hero class in Warcraft III and there are hireable Pandarians in-game in custom maps. Long live Pandaria! --User:ShandrisForever 08:18, 16 September 2008 (UTC)
They WERE meant to be a joke. Not really any more, because so many players thought they were a cool idea, but I still don't think they should be implemented. It would be like taking the Bard joke and actually adding it in WotLK - a ridiculous idea. Jormungand01 (talk) 15:09, 16 September 2008 (UTC)
Where did the list come from?--SWM2448 21:21, 16 September 2008 (UTC)

Pandarens are still mentioned in WoW though, via a quest, and a few npc conversationsBaggins (talk) 18:57, 17 September 2008 (UTC)

If they add panda's I want two headed ogres!


I think we should merge Great Dark and Argus, i mean, theres only headline in Great Dark...Noobi666 (talk) 14:20, 1 October 2008 (UTC)

or maybe all space related expansions, theres like 4 of them.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jormungand01 (talk · contr).