Speaker Shadowcrown

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BossSpeaker Shadowcrown
Image of Speaker Shadowcrown
Gender Female
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Order of Night
Location Dawnbreaker

Speaker Shadowcrown is a boss in the Dawnbreaker.

Adventure Guide

The new leader of the Order of Night, Shadowcrown forged an alliance with Azj-Kahet and masterminded an audacious plan to steal the flagship Dawnbreaker. A former ardent from the Priory, she has become consumed by the darkness of Beledar's Shadow.


Angered by the Order of Night's failure to capture the Dawnbreaker, Speaker Shadowcrown joins the fray wielding powerful shadow magic. At 50% and 1% health remaining Shadowcrown unleashes Darkness Comes in an attempt to destroy any players left aboard the Dawnbreaker.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • The size of Collapsing Darkness increases with each explosion.
  • Darkness Comes kills any players left aboard the Dawnbreaker.
  • Radiant Light allows skyriding and mounting in combat.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Obsidian Beam inflict high damage and rotates over its duration.
  • Darkness Comes kills any players left aboard the Dawnbreaker.
  • Radiant Light allows skyriding and mounting in combat.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Obsidian Blast inflicts high damage.
  • Darkness Comes kills any players left aboard the Dawnbreaker.
  • Radiant Light allows skyriding and mounting in combat.


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  • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple.png Darkness Comes Important Deadly — Shadowcrown unleashes a massive explosion of shadow magic in an attempt to destroy any players aboard the Dawnbreaker. While casting Shadowcrown is immune to damage.
    • Inv ability holyfire nova.png Radiant Light — Radiant light bathes the player, protecting them from Encroaching Shadows. Enables skyriding, steady flight, and mounting in combat. Upon exiting the Lamplighter's influence Radiant Light no longer lasts forever and when 10 Sec or less remains, players gain Encroaching Shadows.
      • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Encroaching Shadows Deadly — The Order of Night's ritual on Beledar inflicts 28747673-82339931 Shadow damage to those unprotected by Radiant Light, killing instantly upon expiration.
      • Inv ability holyfire orb.png Light Fragment — While flying during this encounter infused orbs of Light radiate. Collecting these grants 1 Vigor and extends the duration of Radiant Light.
  • Inv elemental primal shadow.png Obsidian Blast Tank Alert — Speaker Shadowgrown ejects dark energy at a target, inflicting 1724860-4940396 Shadow damage and 143738-411700 Shadow damage to all other targets.
  • Inv elemental primal shadow.png Obsidian Beam Mythic Difficulty — Shadowcrown ejects dark energy at her current target inflicting 1724860-4940396 Shadow damage and an additional 143738-411700 Shadow damage to all other players. For 7 Sec shadow magic radiates in targeted directions, inflicting 574953-1646799 Shadow damage and an additional 143738-411700 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 9 Sec upon contact. This effect stacks.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere.png Collapsing Darkness — Shadowcrown rips open portals at targeted locations, inflicting 862430-2470198 Shadow damage to targets within 6 yards, 9 yards, 12 yards, and 15 yards sequentially.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere.png Collapsing Night Mythic Difficulty — Shadowcrown rips open portals at targeted locations for 30 Sec, inflicting 229981-658719 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec to those inside. These zones increase in size over time.
  • Spell shadow painspike.png Burning Shadows Healer Alert — Shadowcrown shears the link between a player's body and soul inflicting 57495-164680 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec and reducing movement speed by 30% (Mythic) forever. Upon removal applies Shadow Shroud to $426736I players.
    • Spell priest mindspike.png Shadow Shroud Healer Alert Mythic Difficulty — A dark shroud clings to players absorbing the next 20 healing (Mythic) and inflicts 28748-82340 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • WarningOn this difficulty Shadow Shroud infllicts damage over time.
  • Inv elemental mote shadow01.png Shadow Bolt Interruptible — Shadowcrown hurls shadow magic at a player, inflicting 143738-411700 Shadow damage.

Related achievements





    • Void Pactstone
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      • M
    • Devout Zealot's Ring
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    • Overflowing Umbral Pail
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      • M
    • Fanatic's Blackened Shoulderwraps
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      • M
    • Shadow Congregant's Belt
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      • M
    • Girdle of Somber Ploys
      • H
      • M

Patch changes

External links