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Image of Anub'ikkaj
Gender Male
Race Nerubian sage (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dawnbreaker

Anub'ikkaj is a boss in the Dawnbreaker.

Adventure Guide

Anub'ikkaj is one of Queen Ansurek's most brilliant tacticians. A meticulous planner known for creative use of indigenous resources. His soldiers are fanatically loyal.


Anub'ikkaj patrols the streets of Mereldar, strengthened through Empowered Might from his nerubian lieutenants. Each of his allies grants formidable power while alive.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Dark Orb's final explosion inflicts less damage the farther it travels.
  • Terrifying Slam inflicts substantial damage and fears other players caught near the primary target.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Dark Orb's final explosion inflicts less damage the farther it travels.
  • Shadowy Decay inflicts substantial damage to all players.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Dark Orb's final explosion inflicts less damage the farther it travels.
  • Terrifying Slam inflicts substantial damage and knocks back, fearing other players caught near the primary target.


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Empowered Nerubians

    • Inv ore eternium.png Empowered Might — Anub'ikkaj's allies share formidable power with him increasing their damage by 30% and maximum health by 50%. This effect stacks. Defeating them removes this power.


    • Spell shadow soulgem.png Dark Orb Important — Anub'ikkaj conjures a sphere of pure darkness which travels until it impacts an object exploding for 1437384-4116997 Shadow damage to all players. This damage is decreased the farther the orb travels. Upon contact this darkness applies Dark Scars.
      • Ability creature cursed 03.png Dark Scars — Inflicts 143738-411700 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 15 Sec. This effect stacks.
    • Inv misc nightsaberclaw mana.png Terrifying Slam Tank Alert — Anub'ikkaj blasts his current target for 1926094-5516775 Physical damage and 574953-1646799 Shadow damage, knocking them back. Additionally inflicts 574953-1646799 Shadow damage to other targets within 15 yards and fears them for 3 Sec.
    • Ability priest surgeofdarkness.png Shadowy Decay Healer Alert — Anub'ikkaj pours forth dark magic inflicting 143738-411700 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 Sec (Mythic) , increasing in damage by 10% each period. This effect stacks.
    • Inv misc food legion gooamberpurple pool.png Animate Shadows Mythic Difficulty — Anub'ikkaj reaches into the darkness and summons living shadows to his aid.
      • Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows.png Congealed Darkness Interruptible — The Animated Shadow flings shadowy sludge at a target inflicting 287477-823399 Shadow damage.

Related achievements





    • Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
      • H
      • M
    • High Nerubian Signet
      • H
      • M
    • Scheming Assailer's Bands
      • H
      • M
    • Shadowblight Mantle
      • H
      • M
    • Black Shepherd's Guisarme
      • H
      • M
    • Dark Priest's Carapace
      • H
      • M
    • Parson's Ornamented Blade
      • H
      • M
    • Defiance Crusher's Sabatons
      • H
      • M

Patch changes

External links