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Gender Female
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nerub-ar Palace

Rasha'nan is a boss in Nerub-ar Palace.

Adventure Guide

Twisted by Queen Ansurek's experiments, Rasha'nan was transformed from a proud nerubian into a monstrous, winged horror. Trapped within her new form, shattered memories of her former self drive Rasha'nan into an unquenchable rage.


Wounded during the events of The Dawnbreaker Rasha'nan fled to Nerub-ar Palace beginning the encounter at ${$s1/100}.00% health. As the encounter progresses she repositions in the arena pelting players from above with Caustic Rain.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Rolling Acid moves in the indicated direction damaging and pushing away players. Struck Sticky Webs corrode into Acid Pools.
  • Spinneret's Strands-afflicted players create a Spinneret's Websnap when pulling their tether out of Sticky Webs.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Rolling Acid moves in the indicated direction damaging and pushing away players. Struck Sticky Webs corrode into Acid Pools.
  • Spinneret's Strands-afflicted players create a Spinneret's Websnap when pulling their tether out of Sticky Webs.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Rolling Acid moves in the indicated direction damaging and pushing away players. Struck Sticky Webs corrode into Acid Pools.
  • Spinneret's Strands-afflicted players create a Spinneret's Websnap when pulling their tether out of Sticky Webs.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

Ability faultline.png Savage Assault Tank Alert — Rasha'nan destructively smashes her target inflicting $439798s1 Physical damage and $439797s1 Nature damage. Unmitigated damage is inflicted as

  • Sha ability warrior bloodnova nightborne.png Savage Wound — Inflicts the unmitigated damage from Savage Assault as Physical and Nature damage every 1 sec for 18 Sec. This effect stacks, adding to the effects of previous Savage Wounds.

Ability creature poison 06.png Rolling Acid Important — Rasha'nan blasts marked targets with a poisonous concoction splashing across the arena for 15 Sec inflicting 439785 Nature damage every 1 sec and reducing movement speed by 70%. Upon creation players within the corrosive gain Acidic Stupor. Each period players remain inside additionally gain Corrosion. Additionally this incinerates Sticky Webs inflicting 42220-74949 Nature damage to players within 10 yards and creates 1

  • Spell frost stun.png Acidic Stupor — Stunned for 1 Sec.
  • Spell shadow plaguecloud.png Corrosion — Corrodes for 15 Sec, suffering 14073-24983 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Acid Pool — Forms a caustic zone which inflicts 35183-62458 Nature damage every 1 sec.

Inv fishing innards eggs.png Infested Spawn — Rasha'nan seeds new brood within marked targets $?diff15
WarningOn this difficulty, Infested Spawn's initial damage affects players in a radius around the marked target.

  • Ability fixated state green.png Fixate — Fixates upon a target ignoring all others.

Inv misc web 01.png Spinneret's Strands — Rasha'nan blasts webs at targeted players inflicting 42220-74949 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards, tethering the original target and creating Sticky Webs. This tether inflicts 12666-22485 Shadow damage every 1 sec, pulling in the original target.

  • Inv misc questionmark.png Spinneret's Websnap — Spinneret's Strands' snap inflicting 14073-24983 Shadow damage to all players.
  • Inv misc web 02.png Sticky Webs — Spinneret's Strands' tacky threads inflict 2815-4997 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec, reducing movement speed by 15%.

Spell nature web.png Web Reave Deadly — Rasha'nan's strike enwraps a targeted location inflicting 985126-1748813 Nature damage to players within 8 yards. Moments later she leaps pulling affected targets. The magnitude of these effects divide amongst targets. If this spell fails to strike any targets all players suffer the full effect. Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Erosive Spray Healer Alert — Rasha'nan spews acid for 4 Sec inflicting 63330-112424 Nature damage to all players plus an additional 11259-19986 every 1 sec. Each period this applies Lingering Erosion.

  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Lingering Erosion — Erosive Spray jettisons globs of acid at effected players inflicting 1407-2498 Nature damage every 1 sec for 12 Sec. This effect stacks.

Ability creature poison 02.png Caustic Rain — While flying Rasha'nan rains acid from above inflicting 28146-49966 Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact locations.

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