Lifeblood Pillar

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The Lifeblood Pillar

The Lifeblood Pillar is located in the east of the Sholazar Basin and was once used to protect the region from the undead Scourge. Its heart is made of glowing red crystal, called the The Sundered Shard. According to Muradin Bronzebeard, the broken pillar reminds him of the stump of Vordrassil.[1]

During the war against the Lich King, the Cult of the Damned attacked and destroyed it, thus granting the undead access to the Basin. When the Lifeblood Pillar was sabotaged and fell, that allowed snows from Icecrown to collapse into the basin, creating the Avalanche, and giving the Scourge a pathway in the region.[2]

The Avatar of Freya kept them at bay, though much of the land has been lost — now being called the Lost Lands, an area blighted and dying, the air fouled with a yellow haze, and the ground thick with Scourge. Half of the broken Lifeblood Pillar lies on its side here, the titan machine that was once at its apex wreckage on the ground. The Scourge cut a mine into that broken portion of the pillar to take the red crystal heart from it.[2]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the pillar is still broken,[1] however, the Avatar of Freya told them that the situation about the Lost Lands was better than they were during the Scourgewar, and healing slowly.[3] The undead sent by the Lich King to take the red crystal are now wandering aimlessly.[2]

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