Chamber of Observance

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Chamber of Observance

The Chamber of Observance is found at the end of the Hall of Communion. It is a room with what look like the large, carved heads of titans gazing out from its walls. The heartbeat of Azeroth is so loud here that even entirely nonspiritual, such as Muradin Bronzebeard and his brother Brann, could hear it when they visited the chamber. The Maiden of Vitality is here to watch over Azeroth's well-being.[1]

When she attempted to communicate with her Speaker, Magni Bronzebeard, about the impending arrival of Sargeras, Magni came here where he could hear her "clear as diamond."[2]


  • The chamber's floor lights up in time with Azeroth's heartbeat that can be heard throughout the Hall of Communion.

Patch changes
