Makers' Overlook

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For the Halls of Origination subzone, see Maker's Overlook.
Makers' Overlook.

Makers' Overlook is a titan facility located far above the ground in the eastern area of the Sholazar Basin. It is a titan-made building that seems to simply sprout from the sheer heights of the mountains on Sholazar's northeast side. The grand entrance leads to halls cut deep into the mountains, from which you can see rune-inscribed gears the size of a keep turning slowly in a massive machine. There's no knowing what the machine itself does. The Overlook, which can only be reached by flying, serves as a good vantage for observing the basin below.[1] The titans constructed this vantage point where they oversaw their creations.[2]

Inside, particularly in the presence of the deep clockwork gears, it seems similar to Loken's Bargain, Uldis, and the Engine of the Makers. A hidden teleporter in Makers' Overlook takes you to the Hall of Communion, long and ornate and echoingly empty.[3]

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By the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the overlook is watched over by Monitor Constructs and Titan Sentries. Magni Bronzebeard, the Speaker for Azeroth's world-soul, reveals that the overlook is also the entryway to the Hall of Communion.[4]

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Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard visited the facility, with Magni Bronzebeard taking the lead, since he's been here before and got his link with the titans as the Herald of Azeroth. He is also the one who opened the way to one of the Overlook's secrets.[1]


  • The Activation Switch Theta can be found deep within.
  • It is only accessible with a flying mount, or by dropping down from the snowbanks south of Fleshwerks in Icecrown.


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