Finding the Keymaster

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NeutralFinding the Keymaster
Start Archmage Vargoth
End Archmage Vargoth
Level 25-30
Category Netherstorm
Experience 12300
Rewards 4g 10s
Next N [25-30D] Capturing the Keystone


Locate Apex and obtain Apex's Crystal Focus from him. Return to the Violet Tower and use Apex's Crystal Focus near Archmage Vargoth's Orb to discover who holds the key to breaking the tower's curse.

  • Discover the Keymaster's identity: 0/1


This quest is the 1st step in a quest chain in Netherstorm. You must complete the quest chain that begins with N [25-30] The Archmage's Staff to be able to obtain this quest.


In retrospect, I suppose I should've expected Kael'thas's magic to be this robust. He's always been a talented mage, but I've never seen anything like the power he wielded during the attack on the tower.

The ward keeps me from being able to scry out the force holding it in place, but it doesn't preclude you from scrying.

You'll require a focus, though. A crystal-bearing giant named Apex roams the plains to the west of Manaforge Duro. One of its crystals would make an excellent scrying focus.


On using  [Apex's Crystal Focus] at the orb, you are told:

  • A flickering image of a female blood elf appears. From the surroundings, you can tell she must be inside Tempest Keep.
  • The blood elf doesn't appear to be a magister, but perhaps she holds something that is the key to the tower's curse.


<You describe the results of your scrying.>

Commander Sarannis, you say? Hmm...

She's one of Kael'thas's advisors, but certainly not a mage. I remember her from the attack on Kirin'Var Village. I think your impressions are correct, <name>. She's not maintaining the curse personally, but she holds the key to it.


You will receive: 4g 10s



A follow up of N [25-30] Ar'kelos the Guardian.

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