Flora of the Eco-Domes

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NeutralFlora of the Eco-Domes
Start Aurine Moonblaze
End Aurine Moonblaze
Level 25-30
Category Netherstorm
Experience 12300
Reputation +250 Cenarion Expedition
Rewards 4g 10s
Next N [25-30] Creatures of the Eco-Domes


Use the Energy Field Modulator on Farahlon Lashers. Observe the results and report back to Aurine Moonblaze at the Stormspire when you have conducted 10 tests.


Just look around you, <class>! Isn't it amazing? Of course, this incredible resurgence of life is a byproduct of the ethereal domes, but imagine what it could do in the hands of the expedition.

I'm preparing to negotiate with the ethereals for access to their technology, but I'd like to get a better idea of its effects on plant-based life.

I've built a device to concentrate the dome's energies on the lashers in this area. Would you be so kind as to test it for me and share the results?


You will receive: 4g 10s


Did you try focusing the dome's energy?


Oh my! Focusing the dome's energy seems to continue accelerating growth to the point where it breeds extreme aggression. If we do get the ability to use this technology, we have to be sure to calibrate it correctly.


  1. N [25-30] Flora of the Eco-Domes
  2. N [25-30] Creatures of the Eco-Domes
  3. N [25-30] When Nature Goes Too Far

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