In Search of Farahlite

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NeutralIn Search of Farahlite
Start Zuben Elgenubi
End Zuben Elgenubi
Level 25-30
Category Netherstorm
Experience 12650 EXP (or 7g 59s at level 70)
Rewards 4g 40s
Next N [25-30] Hitting the Motherlode


Gather 4 pieces of Raw Farahlite and return to Zuben Elgenubi at the Stormspire.


To the northeast is an area called the Netherstone, a landmark not seen when this was a lush, green land. Newly-exposed crystal formations have shown us a mineral we've called farahlite in honor of this land's former identity. The tiny amount of farahlite we've mined has already proven popular with our clients. The highest grade of the mineral comes not from static deposits, but from the giants around the Netherstone. I can offer you a cut of the profits if you'll help supply the higher grade farahlite.


You will receive:4g 40s


I understand the dangers of gathering farahlite are great, but so are the opportunities. A merchant who isn't willing to take the risk may as well close his doors and save himself the trouble.


Ah, yes. This is precisely the grade I was hoping for. We may give up mining the crystal formations altogether if we can secure a supply from the giants.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. N [25-30] In Search of Farahlite
  2. N [25-30] Hitting the Motherlode

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