Warn Area 52!

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NeutralWarn Area 52!
Start Mama Wheeler
End Rocket-Chief Fuselage
Level 25-30
Category Netherstorm
Experience 3100
Previous N [25-30] Declawing Doomclaw
Next Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.

Warn Area 52! requires that the player deliver the bad news to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.


Deliver the bad news to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.


<Name>, you have to get word back to Area 52 immediately! Hurry!

Tell the rocket-chief that the Burning Legion is after us now!


You will receive:


Heh, you're kidding, right? The Burning Legion is blaming us for all of that?

But YOU'RE the one that did it!

Oy, I have a headache and it's as big as this rocket. Okay, okay, this calls for a change of plans.

If the Burning Legion thinks that it's going to come here, destroy our town and ruin my dream of cruising through the Twisted Nether, they are sadly mistaken.

And I know just the goblin to help us out.


  1. N [25-30] Help Mama Wheeler
  2. N [25-30] One Demon's Trash...
  3. N [25-30] Declawing Doomclaw
  4. N [25-30] Warn Area 52!
  5. N [25-30] Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.
  6. N [25-30] You, Robot
  7. N [25-30] Back to the Chief!

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