The Horrors of Pollution

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NeutralThe Horrors of Pollution
Start  [Vial of Void Horror Ooze]
End Researcher Navuud
Level 25-30
Category Netherstorm
Experience 15800 EXP (or 9g 48s at level 70)

 [Diviner's Cloak]  [Protectorate Assassin's Ring]

 [Starkiller's Bauble]
8g 80s


Take the  [Vial of Void Horror Ooze] to Researcher Navuud at the Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm.


You carefully fill a vial with the fallen void horror's ooze.

Researcher Navuud at the Protectorate Watch Post would be quite interested in such a find! Take it to him at once!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc cape 08.png [Diviner's Cloak] Inv jewelry ring 03.png [Protectorate Assassin's Ring]
Spell arcane arcaneresilience.png [Starkiller's Bauble]

You will also receive:8g 80s


Hrm, you look a bit dirty... What have you gotten yourself into?


WHAT!? You faced off against a void horror? And lived?! Incredible!

This sample is worth its weight in gold. A find like this deserves a reward.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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