Initiate Zorig

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NeutralInitiate Zorig
Image of Initiate Zorig
Gender Male
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Ohn'ir
Former affiliation(s) Clan Shikaar (birth)
Location Eternal Kurgans[39.05, 66.02][33.76, 65.36] and Teerakai,[41, 61.6] Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Alive
Relative(s) Cathan (mother)
Mentor(s) Elder Yuvari

Initiate Zorig is a centaur quest giver of Clan Ohn'ir initially located in a camp east of Eternal Kurgans in the Ohn'ahran Plains. His mentor Elder Yuvari sent him to investigate the Nokhud and Ukhel's efforts in the kurgans. Yuvari asks adventurers to go and help Zorig, stating that he is capable but lacking in confidence.[1] Zorig sends the adventurers to investigate what the Ukhel are up to and discover that they are exhuming the ancestors' weapons and using them to enslave their spirits, including that of Zorig's mother Cathan the Determined, who died after Zorig was unable to heal her from an illness.[2]

With his mother's spear in hand, Zorig relocates to the western side of the Eternal Kurgans and asks the heroes to retrieve the ancestors' weapons[3] and some ritual reagents,[4] as well as kill the Nokhud's overseer Zambul.[5] He then accompanies the heroes in combat and helps them use a Totem of Respite he's crafted to release the spirits of Cathan, Ganmat the Wise, Zaphil the Defiant, and Dihar the Unyielding. After Cathan's spirit is released, she briefly reappears to tell Zorig that she is proud of him.[6] Zorig and the heroes then defeat Tombcaller Arban in Teera and Maruuk's kurgan, only to discover that Arban has already removed the ancestors' weapons.[7]

Zorig asks the heroes to defeat Teera and Maruuk in the Nokhud Offensive and lay their weapons to rest in the Teerakai kurgan. Meanwhile, he returns to Teerakai with his mother's spear to stand next to Elder Yuvari. After the adventurers complete their task, Yuvari states that Zorig is ready to undergo the trials to become a windsage. Zorig then asks the adventurers to accompany him as he places Cathan's spear in the kurgan to lay her to rest as well, in a place close to home where he can watch over her. When he places the spear, Cathan reappears again and he begins to apologize for being unable to save her in life and for never telling her what a good mother she was. Cathan replies that he has nothing to apologize for, expresses her pride in him again, and tells him that he'll do great things for Clan Ohn'ir. She then fades away again, and Zorig returns to his spot next to Yuvari.[8]


  • Ability druid galewinds.png Wind Blast — Launch concentrated winds at an enemy dealing 10 Nature damage.


  1. N [10-70] Up to No-khud Activequest
  2. N [10-70] Return to Mender AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [10-70] Desecrator Annihilator and N [10-70] Reagents of De-Necromancy AvailablequestActivequest
  4. N [10-70] Zambul, Head Vandal AvailablequestActivequest
  5. N [10-70] Definitely Eternal Slumber AvailablequestActivequest
  6. N [10-70] And Stay Dead! AvailablequestActivequest
  7. N [10-70D] The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers AvailablequestActivequest



Main article: Up to No-khud#Notes
Main article: Return to Mender#Notes
Main article: Desecrator Annihilator#Notes
Main article: Zambul, Head Vandal#Notes
Main article: Definitely Eternal Slumber#Notes
Main article: And Stay Dead! (quest)#Notes
Main article: The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers#Notes


Eternal Kurgans
You must stop them from defiling the Eternal Kurgans!
After N [10-70D] The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers
<Name>, when I think of what you did for my mother and our heroes, I am so grateful. You saved us from them, and you saved them. I thank Ohn'ahra that our paths crossed.


Patch changes


External links

Initiate Zorig Generic name