Ganmat the Wise

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MobGanmat the Wise
Image of Ganmat the Wise
Gender Male
Race Centaur (Undead)
Level 62-65
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Ukhel
Former affiliation(s) Clan Ohn'ir (in life)
Location Eternal Kurgans, Ohn'ahran Plains[32.6, 70.6]
Status Killable

Ganmat the Wise was a famous centaur windsage of Clan Ohn'ir who lived centuries ago. He healed countless allies and defeated even more enemies. His weapon was a staff named Karha, the Serene Wind.[1] Every Ohn'ir initiate learns a set of teachings called the "Six Insights of Ganmat".[2]

Clan Ukhel exhumed Ganmat's staff in order to raise and enslave his spirit, and he now roams the northeastern side of the main kurgan in the Eternal Kurgans. Initiate Zorig asks adventurers to help him defeat Ganmat and use the Totem of Respite to release his soul and help him find his way back to his own kurgan.[2]


  • Spell frost windwalkon.png Tailwind — Winds empower the caster, increasing Haste and movement speed by 30% for 20 sec.
  • Ability druid galewinds.png Whirling Winds — Launch concentrated winds at an enemy dealing Nature damage.



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