Definitely Eternal Slumber

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NeutralDefinitely Eternal Slumber
Start Initiate Zorig[33.76, 65.36]
End Initiate Zorig
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Reputation +300 Maruuk Centaur
Previous N [62-65] Zambul, Head Vandal
Next N [62-65] And Stay Dead!


Defeat each renowned centaur spirit, then use Zorig's Totem of Respite to release them.


The ancestors are gripped by this dark magic. They will fight before they follow. The Ukhel raised our fiercest warriors and hunters. Stopping them will be no easy task.

I'm going to come along and help. It's time I put my mother's spear back to use.

Once they are defeated, use this totem I've crafted to help the subdued spirits find their way back to the kurgans.


You will receive:


Hurry. We must free these spirits.


I'm so relieved that my mother is at peace again. Thank you, <name>!


On accept, Zorig starts following the player.

Initiate Zorig says: I could not do this without your help, outsider.
Initiate Zorig says: Let us hope the totem works as I expect.

The player needs to kill the spirits of Cathan the Determined, Zaphil the Defiant, Ganmat the Wise, and Dihar the Unyielding, then interact with them to cast "Restored Respite" and release their spirits with the totem. All four roam around the main kurgan in the southwestern corner of the subzone. Zorig has unique dialogue after releasing each spirit.

Upon engaging Zaphil:

Zaphil the Defiant says: I welcome a challenge! I hope you can provide one.

Upon defeat

{{Text|say|Zaphil the Defiant|But... I've never been defeated.}
Initiate Zorig says: Centaur children tell stories around campfires of all the battles that Zaphil won.

Upon engaging Ganmat:

Ganmat the Wise says: A strong opponent is a great teacher! Are you prepared to learn?

Upon defeat

Ganmat the Wise says: You have taught me... a great deal.

Upon using the totem

Initiate Zorig says: Every initiate learns the Six Insights of Ganmat. What an honor to lend him aid!

Upon engaging Dihar:

Dihar the Unyielding says: You cannot outrun my bow.

Upon defeat

Dihar the Unyielding says: But... no one can withstand so many arrows!
Initiate Zorig says: According to our legends, no centaur ever fired as many arrows as Dihar.

Cathan (who normally does not have an aggro line) has unique aggro dialogue during this quest:

Cathan the Determined says: No! I cannot... I will not fight my son!
Initiate Zorig says: You always did the right thing, no matter how difficult. So will I, Mother.

Upon defeating Cathan

Cathan the Determined says: I have never before been relieved to lose.

Unlike the other three, who simply disappear in a burst of wind when the player casts Restored Respite on them, Cathan's spirit briefly reappears after being freed:

Cathan the Determined says: You have given me yet another reason to be proud of you, Zorig.


  1. N [62-65] Up to No-khud (optional)
  2. N [62-65] Return to Mender
  3. N [62-65] Desecrator Annihilator & N [62-65] Reagents of De-Necromancy
  4. N [62-65] Zambul, Head Vandal
  5. N [62-65] Definitely Eternal Slumber
  6. N [62-65] And Stay Dead!
  7. N [62-70D] The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers

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