Ghamoo-ra (Classic)

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For information about the modern encounter, see Ghamoo-Ra.
Image of Ghamoo-ra
Race Turtle (Beast)
Level 23-25 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Pool of Ask'ar, Blackfathom Deeps
Status Killable
Pet family Turtle
Cataclysm model.

Ghamoo-ra is an elite turtle mini-boss found in the Pool of Ask'ar of Blackfathom Deeps.

Adventure Guide

When the Twilight's Hammer cult arrived, its followers roused and imprisoned one of the last peaceful creatures living in Elune's temple. The cult delighted in tormenting the giant turtle for years, flaying its mind and body until it succumbed to madness. Naming the beast Ghamoo-Ra, the cultists trained it to attack outsiders and defend the Old Gods' shrine.

Combat Info

Ghamoo-ra lives on the small island in the second cavern of the instance. He roams around the center of the landmass and is surrounded by several other turtles. The additional turtles are neutral, and Ghamoo-ra can be engaged without disturbing these other beasts.

The fight with Ghamoo-ra is fairly straightforward, although due to Ghamoo-ra's high armor value the encounter can last a fair amount of time if your group is melee heavy or generally low on DPS. He only casts Trample, which is an AoE physical damage spell. It can be blocked.


  • Spell nature natureswrath.png Trample — Inflicts normal damage plus additional damage to nearby enemies.

Objective of

Cataclysm The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Cataclysm Classic.


Hunters will find that it is possible to tame Ghamoo-ra. Prior to patch 3.0.2, he was one of two low level instance turtles who knew the turtle-specific skill [Shell Shield] (Level 1) and the general skill [Bite] (Level 4).


Inv shirt 06.png [Tortoise Armor] Inv belt 24.png [Ghamoo-ra's Bind]


  • Ghamoo-ra is a reference to the turtle monster Gamera.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It is presumably somehow related to Ghamoo-Raja.

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Removed.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Level changed from 23-25 to 24. Model updated. Spelling changed to Ghamoo-Ra.
  • Test-inline.png Patch 0.9 (2004-08-17): Now a constant spawn instead of a rare.

External links