Old Serra'kis

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BossOld Serra'kis
Image of Old Serra'kis
Race Threshadon (Beast)
Level 26 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde (Classic Era)
Alliance Horde (SoD)
Location Forgotten Pool, Blackfathom Deeps
Status Killable (Classic);
Deceased (Season of Discovery)
Old Serra'kis in Classic: Season of Discovery.

Old Serra'kis is a huge threshadon hidden mini-boss found in the Forgotten Pool in Blackfathom Deeps.

After the Cataclysm, it was driven out by the Guardian of the Deep so that the monstrous crab could lay eggs in its territory.[1]

It appears as a half-devoured skeleton entitled <The Devoured> in the Season of Discovery version of the instance.

Adventure Guide

Many of the creatures swimming beneath the Moonshrine Ruins were killed for food after the Twilight's Hammer cult took up residence, but the largest thresher in the water proved to be uncatchable, and those who persisted in hunting it inevitably died in the attempt.


Finding Serra'kis is harder than the actual fight. To reach him, you must dive into the water around Moonshrine Sanctum and swim under the left side of the ruins. Thankfully the fight isn't tough and as long as you're careful not to run out of breath you shouldn't have any problems. Having a Warlock or Shaman to cast Water Breathing is helpful here. If you are unable to do this, it will be difficult to kill him quickly enough because the cave he is located in does not have an opening to the surface for air. Kiting him out of the cave may be a better option than fighting him inside it in this case.

Also note that Serra'kis regularly heals himself for a small portion of his health using a melee ability. With decent dps, this will not be a problem. Those groups with unusually low dps may not be able to overcome his healing, as can be the case when a weak group of 3 or 4 attempt Serra'kis.


  • Spell holy sealofsacrifice.png Leech Pulse — Steals health from all nearby enemies.
    • Serra'kis leeches health from all nearby players, inflicting Shadow damage and healing himself every 4 seconds.

Notable loot

Inv misc monsterfang 01.png [Bite of Serra'kis] Inv misc monsterscales 03.png [Glowing Thresher Cape]
Inv bracer 08.png [Bands of Serra'kis]

Patch changes


External links

Classic Era Season of Discovery