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Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel

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AllianceDungeon: Darkmaul Citadel
Start Captain Kelra
End Captain Garrick
Level 7-10
Category Exile's Reach
Experience 1,000
Rewards  [Expeditionary Cloth Hood]
or  [Expeditionary Leather Helm]
or  [Expeditionary Mail Helm]
or  [Expeditionary Plate Helm]
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [7-10] Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel.


Complete the dungeon, "Darkmaul Citadel".


Gor'groth plans to raise a powerful dragon, Ravnyr, from the dead.

He conducts the dark ritual atop this citadel. You have stymied his efforts by saving me and my crew.

You must storm the citadel and stop him from completing the ritual. His foul dark magic is an affront to the Light.

We will need all the help we can get. Gor'groth's most elite lieutenants await within the citadel.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helm icons cloth warfrontsalliance b 01.png [Expeditionary Cloth Hood] Inv leather warfrontsalliance b 01 helm.png [Expeditionary Leather Helm]
Inv helm mail warfrontsalliance b 01.png [Expeditionary Mail Helm] Inv helm plate warfrontsalliance b 01.png [Expeditionary Plate Helm]

You will also receive:

  • 1s 75c
  • 1,000 XP




It seems things are finally looking up for us. I think it's time we returned to Stormwind.




  1. A [1-10] Warming Up
  2. A [1-10] Stand Your Ground
  3. A [1-10] Brace for Impact
  4. A [1-10] Murloc Mania
  5. A [1-10] Emergency First Aid
  6. A [1-10] Finding the Lost Expedition
  7. A [1-10] Cooking Meat
  8. Classes besides hunter: A [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics or A monk [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics
  9. A [1-10] Northbound
  10. Hunter: A Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
  11. A [1-10] Down with the Quilboar & A [1-10] Forbidden Quilboar Necromancy
  12. A [1-10] The Scout-o-Matic 5000
  13. A [1-10] Re-sizing the Situation
  14. A [1-10] Ride of the Scientifically Enhanced Boar
  15. A [1-10] Stocking Up on Supplies
  16. Complete the following:
  17. A [7-10] To Darkmaul Citadel
  18. A [7-10] Right Beneath Their Eyes
  19. A [7-10] Controlling their Stones & A [7-10] Catapult Destruction & A [7-10] Like Ogres to the Slaughter
  20. A [7-10] Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel
  21. A [7-10] An End to Beginnings

Patch changes

External links