Brace for Impact (Horde)

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For the warrior talent, see [Brace for Impact]. For the Azerite trait, see [Brace for Impact].
HordeBrace for Impact
Start Grunt Throg
End Warlord Breka Grimaxe
Level 1-10 (Requires 1)
Category Exile's Reach
Rewards Money, XP
Previous H [1-10] Stand Your Ground
Next H [1-10] Murloc Mania
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [1-10] Brace for Impact.


Find Warlord Breka.


Well fought, <name>. You bring strength and honor to the Horde!

Now we just--wait...

Do you hear that?


You will receive the following, scaled based on your level:


This ship won't make it to the island in one piece.

Hold on to something, and pray that the elements will spare us from a grim death at sea.


On accept
With a clap of thunder, the screen blackens for a moment, then fades back in. The storm has intensified, casting darkness and heavy rain over the ship.
Grunt Throg says: Warlord! This storm will soon overwhelm us!
Warlord Breka Grimaxe runs down the stairs from the helm.
Warlord Breka Grimaxe says: Soldiers, brace yourselves!
The crew, aside from Helmsman Da'vees and Apprentice Kutz, gathers on the deck in front of the center mast.
On completion
A brief cinematic plays: Warlord Breka attempts to steady herself against a doorway and looks on in awe as a gigantic wave looms over the ship. It crashes down, destroying the ship and tossing the crew underwater.
The camera cuts to the Murloc Hideaway on Exile's Reach. You're lying on the beach, surrounded by curious baby murlocs. They run off as you wake up.
Warlord Breka Grimaxe says: <Name>! You survived! We need to regroup at once.
Bo, Grunt Throg, Mithdran Dawntracker, Lana Jordan, and Provisioner Jin'hake are strewn about the beach, injured. Warlord Breka is kneeling over Throg. She offers the next quest.


  1. H [1-10] Warming Up
  2. H [1-10] Stand Your Ground
  3. H [1-10] Brace for Impact
  4. H [1-10] Murloc Mania
  5. H [1-10] Emergency First Aid
  6. H [1-10] Finding the Lost Expedition
  7. H [1-10] Cooking Meat
  8. Classes besides hunter: H [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics or H Monk [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics
  9. H [1-10] Northbound
  10. Hunter: H Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
  11. H [1-10] Down with the Quilboar & H [1-10] Forbidden Quilboar Necromancy
  12. H [1-10] The Choppy Booster Mk. 5
  13. H [1-10] Re-sizing the Situation
  14. H [1-10] The Re-Deather
  15. H [1-10] Stocking Up on Supplies
  16. Complete the following:
  17. H [7-10] To Darkmaul Citadel
  18. H [7-10] Right Beneath Their Eyes
  19. H [7-10] Controlling their Stones & H [7-10] Catapult Destruction & H [7-10] Like Ogres to the Slaughter
  20. H [7-10] Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel
  21. H [7-10] An End to Beginnings

Beta version


You have promise, <name>. Perhaps one day you will bring great glory to the Horde!

Now we just... hold on.

Do you hear that?

Patch changes

External links