Down with the Quilboar (Horde)

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HordeDown with the Quilboar
Start Mithdran Dawntracker
End Cork Fizzlepop
Level 1-10 (Requires 1)
Category Exile's Reach
Rewards Money, XP
Previous H [1-10] Northbound;
Hunter H Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
Next H [1-10] The Choppy Booster Mk. 5
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [1-10] Down with the Quilboar.


Geolord Grek'og
The quilboar performing a ritual on one of the expedition members.

Slay Geolord Grek'og.


I have discovered that the quilboar are performing a necromantic ritual on a survivor from the missing expedition.

The ritual is being performed by the tribe's leader, Geolord Grek'og.

Slay Grek'og and save the survivor.

Show this brute that the Horde is not to be trifled with.


You will receive:


You sure got some guts! I respect that. I joined this expedition thinkin' it'd be a quick and easy way to make a little profit.

But now with all this necromancy and crazy ogres... maybe I can make a LOT of profit!


Both quests accepted
Warlord Breka and Mithdran stand up.
Warlord Breka Grimaxe says: We move, now. Those monsters have my daughter.
Mithdran Dawntracker says: Shuja? I saw no sign of her. Perhaps she evaded capture.
Warlord Breka Grimaxe says: One can hope. She rarely acts with such caution.
Warlord Breka runs into the Quilboar Briarpatch and Mithdran follows.
Geolord Grek'og
Geolord Grek'og is holding Cork Fizzlepop in the air with dark magic. On aggro:
Geolord Grek'og says: Intruders! You will be our next sacrifice!
Cork Fizzlepop says: Oh you're in for it now, pal!
With Grek'og's death, Cork drops to the ground and lands on his feet.
Cork Fizzlepop says: And that's why I always bet on the Horde! Let's scram!
Cork runs north toward the Darkmaul Plains.
Approaching the turn-in point
Cork Fizzlepop says: You must be Warlord Breka! Shuja's mother! She always said you'd save our hides.
Warlord Breka Grimaxe says: We're not safe just yet. Where are the others?
Cork Fizzlepop says: No idea... but I've got a way to find out!


  1. H [1-10] Warming Up
  2. H [1-10] Stand Your Ground
  3. H [1-10] Brace for Impact
  4. H [1-10] Murloc Mania
  5. H [1-10] Emergency First Aid
  6. H [1-10] Finding the Lost Expedition
  7. H [1-10] Cooking Meat
  8. Classes besides hunter: H [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics or H Monk [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics
  9. H [1-10] Northbound
  10. Hunter: H Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
  11. H [1-10] Down with the Quilboar & H [1-10] Forbidden Quilboar Necromancy
  12. H [1-10] The Choppy Booster Mk. 5
  13. H [1-10] Re-sizing the Situation
  14. H [1-10] The Re-Deather
  15. H [1-10] Stocking Up on Supplies
  16. Complete the following:
  17. H [7-10] To Darkmaul Citadel
  18. H [7-10] Right Beneath Their Eyes
  19. H [7-10] Controlling their Stones & H [7-10] Catapult Destruction & H [7-10] Like Ogres to the Slaughter
  20. H [7-10] Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel
  21. H [7-10] An End to Beginnings

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


I've discovered the quilboar are performing a necrotic ritual on a survivor from the first expedition.

The ritual is being performed by the leader of these monsters, Geolord Grek'og.

Slay Grek'og to save the surviving member of the expedition.

Show this brute the Horde is not to be trifled with.

Patch changes

External links