Ride of the Scientifically Enhanced Boar

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AllianceRide of the Scientifically Enhanced Boar
Start Captain Garrick [56.3, 59.0]
End Henry Garrick [52.6, 53.4]
Level 1-10 (Requires 1)
Category Exile's Reach
Experience 750
Rewards  [Expeditionary Dagger]
or  [Expeditionary Short Sword]
or  [Expeditionary Cudgel]
or  [Expeditionary Longbow]
or  [Expeditionary Quarterstaff]
or  [Expeditionary Staff]
 [Expeditionary Greatsword]
11s 30c
Previous A [1-10] Re-sizing the Situation
Next A [1-10] Stocking Up on Supplies


Ride the Giant Boar to destroy the undead army.


We don't know how long the re-sizer will last, so let's get moving.

We're going use this giant boar to mow down that army of undead and get my son back.

Those massive zombies are pulsing with dark energy. If we destroy them, I bet it will destroy any minions around them.

Hopefully Henry will know more about what these ogres are planning with this island.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv knife 1h newplayer a 02.png [Expeditionary Dagger] Inv sword 1h newplayer a 03.png [Expeditionary Short Sword]
Inv mace 1h newplayer a 01.png [Expeditionary Cudgel] Inv bow 1h newplayer a 01.png [Expeditionary Longbow]
Inv staff 2h newplayer a 02.png [Expeditionary Quarterstaff] Inv staff 2h newplayer a 01.png [Expeditionary Staff]
Inv sword 2h newplayer a 02.png [Expeditionary Greatsword]

You will also receive:

  • 11s 30c
  • 750 XP


Please... help! I won't last much longer!


Thank you, stranger. I thought I was going to be punished for my failure to save my friends.

I'm relieved that I was mistaken.


Accept the quest and Garrick provides her next set of orders:

Captain Garrick says: We'll deal with the army. The rest of you, push forward and set up camp once we've cleared a path.

Hop on the boar and the vehicle interface appears. Players here have access to one ability:

  1. Ability mount charger.png Trample — Command the giant boar to charge forward, increasing its speed and sending any skeleton in its way flying into the air. Instant (1 sec cooldown)

Bowl over the small Zombie Servants, and use the Trample ability to take out the big Monstrous Cadavers:

Captain Garrick says: Order the boar to trample! It's the only way to take down the larger ones!
Henry Garrick says: Mother! I knew you'd save us!

After defeating the eighth cadaver, the boar starts re-sizing uncontrollably:

Captain Garrick says: Something's happening to the boar! Hang on, <name>!
Captain Garrick says: We've dealt with the undead. Now let's finish off that necromancer and save my son!

Head to the ogre tower to find Torgok inside. Defeat him with Captain Garrick's help:

Torgok says: Me never get... to see... ritual...
Captain Garrick says: Good riddance. Let's go check on Henry.
Henry Garrick says: Mother... I'm sorry. I tried to fight the ogres... but they were too strong.
Captain Garrick says: Henry... always remember that you are more than your mistakes. Now, Private Garrick, I want a full situation report.

Torgok drops  [Torgok's Reagent Pouch], another small 6-slot bag.

Complete the quest and a cutscene plays:

Henry Garrick says: Yes, mother--Captain Garrick! The ogres are using necromancy to raise a dragon from the dead.
Henry Garrick says: They need sacrifices like us to fuel their magic. They're about to start a ritual that--
A green flash off in the distance distracts Garrick.
Henry Garrick says: It's already begun... they're going to use the life force they gathered to reanimate the dragon!
Captain Garrick says: Then we need to move quickly. Recruit, Private Garrick, the Alliance never gives up hope, even in the face of disaster.
Captain Garrick says: We'll put a stop to these rituals before the ogres can complete them. Let's go!


  1. A [1-10] Warming Up
  2. A [1-10] Stand Your Ground
  3. A [1-10] Brace for Impact
  4. A [1-10] Murloc Mania
  5. A [1-10] Emergency First Aid
  6. A [1-10] Finding the Lost Expedition
  7. A [1-10] Cooking Meat
  8. Classes besides hunter: A [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics or A monk [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics
  9. A [1-10] Northbound
  10. Hunter: A Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
  11. A [1-10] Down with the Quilboar & A [1-10] Forbidden Quilboar Necromancy
  12. A [1-10] The Scout-o-Matic 5000
  13. A [1-10] Re-sizing the Situation
  14. A [1-10] Ride of the Scientifically Enhanced Boar
  15. A [1-10] Stocking Up on Supplies
  16. Complete the following:
  17. A [7-10] To Darkmaul Citadel
  18. A [7-10] Right Beneath Their Eyes
  19. A [7-10] Controlling their Stones & A [7-10] Catapult Destruction & A [7-10] Like Ogres to the Slaughter
  20. A [7-10] Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel
  21. A [7-10] An End to Beginnings

Patch changes

External links